I have been a wife and mother for over twenty years. Now I am becoming my husband's lover, too.
We owe it all to my fellow bloggers who gave me the courage to come out to my husband as a spanko.
I do feel like this is a New Beginning for us.

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Monday, November 20, 2023

Children can be so difficult!

Sadly, Mollie has grown tired of my questions. Since she didn’t get my writing gene, I really think it’s that she doesn’t want to write out her answers. But she did throw me a bone. I had asked what he looked like. When she pretty much told me she wasn’t going to respond to my questions, I asked for a picture. Her reply was, “I don’t have a good one.” To which I answered, “That’s fine, I’ll take a bad one.”


A few minutes later I got the picture. The picture of the Viking I put up in my last post was pretty accurate. We had the following text conversation.


Me: Two weeks ago I told Daddy that I thought he looked like. I said I’m guessing red hair and a full beard. I’m impressed with me! Nice looking fella.


Mollie: How in the world would you guess that?


Me: You always said you thought the minister’s son was good looking and that that was your ‘type’ so that was what I was going by.


Mollie: Ah gotcha. Although red hair is not my first choice.


Me: At least he has hair.


She sent me back a thumbs up and laughing/crying emoji.


Then the other night I thought of something else and sent her the following text.


Me: Hey girl. I had a thought. I’m thinking you’ll say no, but a yes might be fun. If you are at all ready for us to meet D would you think of inviting him to the family Christmas party? Don’t have a heart attack yet, just think.


There are lots of people so no one is going to corner him for long, and meeting in a crown might be better than one on one, these aren’t people you see all the time, you can come and leave when you want to, you know #1 cousin is the nicest person around and she will make him feel comfortable AND best of all, Sister won’t be there.


It’s just a thought. If it’s not something you would be interested in now that’s fine too.


Mollie: Probably not…


Me: That’s fine. It was just a thought.


I was thrilled that she didn’t say absolutely not!


I really don’t expect her to invite him, but who knows. We have a few weeks, and the idea might grow on her.


For those of you young parents out there who may be experiencing the terrible two’s – just wait until they hit their 30’s then they get really difficult to deal with.


  1. Anonymous2:06 AM

    Hi PK,

    Well done on getting the pic, and being so accurate with your guess.

    I hope Mollie continues to answer your questions. Good news she didn't say no outright to inviting him to Christmas.


    1. I think she'll answer some verbally as long as I don't ask too many. But he's a cute fellow. I hope they continue to go out.

  2. She could surprise you and pop in to the party with him.

    1. Anonymous10:37 AM

      That would definitely be a surprise! And one I would love!
