I have been a wife and mother for over twenty years. Now I am becoming my husband's lover, too.
We owe it all to my fellow bloggers who gave me the courage to come out to my husband as a spanko.
I do feel like this is a New Beginning for us.

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Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Art Festival

*see note

I made it to the Arts Festival in town this weekend and I really enjoyed it! It wasn’t huge but I saw a lot of people from town that I rarely see. I didn’t make a fortune, but I enjoyed it enough and sold just enough to make me want to try it again. They have another one near Christmas and I might try our spring festival again. I was very surprised to sell a few book there this past spring. 

The little old lady from church came by and bought the next two. She does interest me. Close to eighty, never married… I wonder what she thinks of Tom. Does she enjoy the spanking scenes, or does she skip them and just go for the story? That’s what I do when I’ve read too many sex scenes in a book.

After a somewhat bumpy beginning, the new book is a go. It should be out by September 20. I’ll tell you a lot more about it as we get closer. Still not sure what direction I’m going next, but I’m anxious for this one to be available. For anyone missing Cassie and the gang, I think you’ll like this next book in the Cal’s Law series.

*Blogger is no longer sending me email of the comments left here. If anyone can tell me how to correct this please do. Meanwhile, I sometimes forget to go back and check for a couple of days. I got two lovely comments on my 'It shouldn't be this complicated' post, but I didn't seem them until this morning. I've responded now, but I felt rude seeming to ignore them for so long. So please keep checking back. I answer my comment!


  1. Anonymous12:20 AM

    Yay for you enjoying the arts festival and selling some books. I'm glad your lady friend wants to keep reading your stories! And it's good you worked out the path to getting your next book published. Happy writing! Hugs, Windy

    1. She made no comment about TTWD, but she did say she enjoyed Cassie's stories. Works for me!

  2. Hi PK, oh this is awesome news all round, so happy for you! Glad you enjoyed the festival and sold some books. I think it's so great your friend from church bought more books.

    Yay on the new book. Looking forward to hearing more :)


    1. I'll be telling you all about the new book soon. I did enjoy writing it.

  3. Oh, PK, I have been praying that the problems with publishing the new book would work out. Yes, please tell us what happened. And, of course, I am ecstatic that the book will be out soon!!!

    Your little church lady sounds lovely. I hope you continue your friendship with her. I am curious too. I give you a lot of credit for putting yourself out there in the community. And I am just damn proud of you, my friend.

    Love and Hugs,

    1. I'm happy that the new book will be out soon. It's the one after that that I'm concerned about. I'll be curious to see if this little lady gets any more of the books.

  4. I was wondering how the book sales went at the fair. You know you talk about your little ole lady at 80 - don't forget I'm not far behind her no matter what you say I am.

    1. 'Old' is ten years older than your parents. So old for me is really around 110. But she's been an adult since I was a very little girl.

  5. I love that you participated in your local arts festival, good for you! Keep going with it, exposure as a writer is a good thing.
    Glad to hear the new book is coming. :)

    1. I enjoyed the festival very much. And I'm happy with the feeling of not being afraid to put my books our there in the hands of people I actually know.

  6. Deena4:54 PM

    I am glad the arts festival was a nice experience. I've been wondering if that older lady was in a relationship, even if she wasn't married. Either way, you have obviously hit on an emotional button for her. How cool is that!

    FYI, I am sending my hubby weekly emails and what a difference it makes in our little world :)

    1. I've never seen any evidence of her being in a relationship - but who knows?

      I'm sending emails weekly, but unfortunately, I'm not saying anything.

  7. Anonymous7:36 PM

    I was cheering for your book outing. Hooray!

    1. Thanks, Meredith! It really was fun!

  8. Happy you enjoyed the art festival and hooray at selling some books. I wish you could find out more about that little old lady as I bet she has a story or to to tell.

    Happy the new book will be out.


    1. I don't think I'll ever know more about her - but I hope my books make her happy.

  9. Glad you enjoyed the art festival and sold some books. Good news too that the new Cal book will be out soon. You mentioned the Earth’s Children series in a recent comment. I really loved it but there were times I just wanted Jean M Auel to forget the research and get on with it! When I finally retire, I’m going to read it all again without the long breaks in between.
    Rosie xx

    1. I really enjoyed her stories, but I could do without her thirty page description of the view. I'm listening to them on Audible right now.

  10. That lady is brave! I don't know if I would have the gumption to purchase a "sexy" book if it wasn't in a "sexy" setting - such as a kink convention, etc.
