Welcome to Saturday Spankings. In today’s snippet from Family on the River, much has happened. Lottie, Cal’s sister has been working with Vince and is fully aware he's trafficking girls. But when he brings in little girls, ten and twelve she goes ballistic. After a severe beating she escapes to Cassie shelter and tells Cal everything. Vince is arrested but skips out on bail. As the months go by, most feel Vince is a long way from Washington and Lottie tries to resume her life. Sadly Vince is still looking for her and carjacks Cassie and Sue as they pick Lottie up from work.
“Pull in there,” Vince demanded. Cassie drove into a clear spot on the right that looked like it was used to turn around and back boats into the water. When Cassie pulled to a stop Vince demanded the keys. With a shaking hand, Cassie handed him the fob and he flung it into the brush. Grabbing Lottie by the arm he dragged her from the car. Turning back to Cassie and Sue, he snarled at them. “Don’t either of you move for a full thirty minutes. After that you can walk back to town. It’s only about ten miles or so,” he laughed at the two frightened women, certain that they were too intimidated to disobey him. “If I see either of you move before then, I’ll kill you both.”
Dragging a terrified Lottie in his wake, he headed toward the dock. The moment he was hidden by the thickening bushes, Cassie hissed, “Call 911.” As she grabbed her speed loader from the glove box.
“I called about five minutes ago. Hopefully they’re already on their way.”
Cassie slammed the bullets into her gun and moved silently from the car. Keeping to the woods she headed toward the water as quietly as she could. Picking a spot several feet on beyond the pair, closer to the boat, Cassie fired a shot into the wooded planks of the dock.
“What the hell!” Vince nearly screamed. Turning back, he scanned the woods.
“The police are on the way, Vince.” Cassie called from her hiding place. “By land and water, most likely. I’m not letting you put Lottie on that boat. Your only chance is to get on that boat yourself and try to beat them. Let Lottie go.”
“Who are you?” he cried, staying well hidden behind Lottie.
“I’m one of the little old ladies you kidnapped back there.”
“You’ve got a gun?” Vince seemed dumbfounded.
“Well, yes,” Cassie called to him. “You only asked for my phone, not my gun. Let her go, Vince. The police will be here soon.”
“The hell they will. How did you contact them? Smoke signals?”
“Vince, honey, Sue is an accomplished liar. She’s had her phone all the time and 911 was listening to us in the car.”
Suddenly Vince raised his gun and fired toward Cassie’s voice. She felt something pierce the side of her neck and she slapped her hand over the spot. Diving deeper into the brush, she felt a stab from a tree branch tear into her forehead. Bleeding now in two places, Cassie shouted, “You’re starting to make me mad!”
She crouched behind the bushes staying silent but moving to her left for a better angle. She tried to keep the blood from running into her eye as she waited for a decent shot. Was it her imagination or was she beginning to hear sirens in the distance? Looking to her far left, Cassie saw Sue, firmly hidden behind a large tree. Sue called loudly from her hiding place, “You little pissant, you couldn’t hit the water if you were standing in the boat.”
Vince turned and fired in Sue’s direction. Cassie was ready. With his arm outstretched she had a perfect shoulder shot and she took it. The gun fell from his hand as he screamed out and fell back onto the dock.
“Lottie, run!” Cassie cried.
Lottie took off, pausing only long enough to kick Vince’s gun into the water. Cassie stood, her gun still trained on Vince, ready to shoot again if he tried to make it to the boat. But the fight seemed to have gone from him. He lay on the dock moaning and shouting, “You bitches!”
The sirens were loud now as several vehicles pulled in behind Cassie’s car. Sue was running toward them. “You’re going to need paramedics for Vince. He’s on the dock. Cassie shot him, but I’m thinking he’ll live. Where is Cassie?”
“Miss Cassie!” Lottie screamed as she saw Cassie coming from the woods. Blood covered half her face and was spilling down from her neck.
“I’m okay,” Cassie called as Sue rushed toward her. “I think he just nicked...”
Sue and Lottie watched in horror as Cassie slumped to her knees and pitched forward.
Cassie is busier than ever with her growing number of grandchildren. And she’s delighted to learn another is on the way, though the news comes from a very unexpected source. Spending time with the grands and working at the shelter home she created takes up much of her time. Even with all this, she manages to sneak in time for a girls’ trip. Both the location of the trip and a chance encounter with an old friend cause Tom’s spanking hand to itch.
When a severely beaten woman shows up at the Shelter, she inadvertently brings Cassie and Sue into a dangerous situation. Will Cassie be around to welcome this new grandchild?
Family on the River continues the heartwarming and often humorous story of Cassie’s life.
Cassie’s Space series
These ten books introduce Cassie. She is my friend and has been since she wandered into my imagination fifty-four years ago. She is married to Tom, the man who loves her in a way that makes my heart nearly burst with happiness for the two of them. He loves her, guides her, protects her and when necessary, spanks the fool out of her. I’ve been told that their adventures are exciting, funny and realistic. Their love-life is passionate and fulfilling – but you’ll hear no graphic details, Cassie is a lady and giving too much detail would not be proper.
Cal’s Law series
Cal and Jenny are one of my younger couple. The spanking in their relationship began mere minutes after they met, and Cal hasn’t let up much since. There relationship has it’s struggles, but these two are meant to be together. They live in the same town as Cassie and Tom and there is a lot of interactions among the character of both series. Jenny is not as reluctant as Cassie to openly discuss her sex life, so you’ll find a little more spice in this series.
On the River series
In this, my latest series, everyone is around – all the characters I’ve grown to love over the years are living on the area of the river that they call The Landing. Their lives, their adventures, even their spankings sometimes intertwine. By this time in the series, I’m just typing as my characters tell me what’s happening. And I love it!
I’ll close today with a review on the latest book. This is one of the finest reviews I’ve ever had.
Starting with the first Cassie book until now, I have never been disappointed or failed to wait expectantly for the next one.
And, of course, the links -
Undercurrents on the River (book four)
Family on the River (book five)