Thursday, November 27, 2014

Early Fantasy Friday and Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving to all in the US today! I hope everyone can relax and enjoy the holiday. I'm luckier than most, I don't cook a thing. My sweet little MIL is still doing Thanksgiving for the family - she'll be ninety next month and the beans, corn and potatoes at dinner will be from the garden that she and my FIL - ninety-three, put in last summer - talk about the greatest generation!

I'm putting up Fantasy Friday early this busy week so that it will be here whenever you get the chance to come by. This story is from a really good friend of mine - Sunny! Leigh Smith herself. I think this is the first story she sent me, I know it was one of the first. Now Leigh is an established author, I love her books. Go by either of her sites Aimless Rambling or Leigh Smith to find all her books.

But for this holiday weekend, sit back and enjoy one of her first stories...

A Thanksgiving Tale

Margo and Jim were going to his sister Pat’s for Thanksgiving. With his sister it is never so much an invitation but rather an edict. It was always a hassle because of the drive and the kids never liked going to Aunt Pat’s because “there was nothing to do” there. Margo really didn’t want to go. She had asked Jim to consider asking his sister and her husband Jack to join them at their house so their boys, Brian and Bret, would be more comfortable. Pat was ten years older than Jim and her children were adults. It would be even worse this year because their son, Jack Jr. was in the Coast Guard and would be out at sea and their daughter Emily was going to her husband’s family. So it would just be Pat and Jack and Margo, Jim and the boys Jim thought it was a good idea if Margo could get Pat to agree to it. He had his doubts. He was right – there was no way Pat wanted to leave her home for Thanksgiving. She had been doing Thanksgiving Dinner for twenty years and wasn’t going to stop now.

So off they went to Pat and Jack’s. It was a long ride and the boys were getting antsy in the back seat. Even with their games they were doing what siblings do – arguing. Margo was starting to get a headache and they weren’t even halfway there. She started complaining to Jim that this wasn’t going to be a good day. Jim was getting tired of dealing with Margo’s complaints, listening to the kids bicker and putting up with heavy traffic. He was losing his patience. By the time they got to his sisters in Silver Lake, everybody was on edge.

Dinner was to be at 3:00 which meant they had two hours to wait before dinner. The TV was on to the football game and the guys were engrossed. Brian and Bret were outside playing with the dog and beginning to get hungry. They kept asking when dinner was going to be ready. Margo had finally had it and scolded the boys. Jim overheard and guided the boys out of the room. He reminded Margo that she was the adult and the boys were just hungry. She snapped that they wouldn’t be in this situation if they had just stayed home. Pat overheard their argument and started to cry. Now Jim was really upset. He tried to cajole Pat and appease his wife. Margo was in no mood to be appeased and continued to state her displeasure. Jim whispered in her ear that if she didn’t stop right then she would be sorry when they got home. Margo got the sobering message loud and clear and her hand absent mindedly went to her rear.

They had just sat down to dinner when the boys started arguing about whose turn it was to say grace. Margo had had it. All she could think of was that she had to get out of there. She jumped up from the table upsetting her glass. Cranberry juice was everywhere. Sue and Jack started to mop up the juice and the boys just shrugged their shoulders happy that they weren’t the ones to spill the juice. Meanwhile, Margo grabbed her purse and headed for the front door. After offering to help with the clean up, Jim followed right behind her. He grabbed her by the elbow and asked her to return to the dining room. She refused. By this time Jim was really upset – he was in his sister’s house and this was not the time to argue with his wife. He took her behind their car and gave her three hard swats to the seat of her pants and told her to stay out there until she could apologize and behave herself. They would continue this discussion later when they got home.

Jim came in and explained that Margo would be in shortly and they should begin to eat dinner. Eventually, a subdued Margo joined them and apologized for causing the mishap. The rest of the dinner went smoothly. After coffee and dessert, Margo and Sue started putting away the leftovers and getting the dishes done. After a while, Jim suggested they get on the road. Now Margo was the one that was trying to prolong their departure - she knew what was awaiting her once she got home.

The drive home was much quieter than the drive to Silver Lake. The boys fell asleep in the back and Margo tried chattering away to ease some of the tension between her and Jim. When they arrived home, Margo tucked the boys into bed. Jim told her he would be up to kiss them goodnight and she should just go into their bedroom to wait for him. Jim took his time entering the bedroom. He knew Margo would be nervous and the longer he waited the more time she would have to think over her behavior and dread what was coming. When he entered the room he sat down at the end of the bed and asked Margo to join him. He started lecturing her about her misbehavior. He placed her over his knee, pulled down her panties and proceeded to spank her bottom hard, no warm-up tonight. Margo started to whimper and wiggle around. Jim was having none of it and anchored her legs and began spanking her in earnest - left cheek, right cheek, middle, then concentrated on her sit spots. She was now sobbing loudly. She kept repeating how sorry she was and to please stop spanking her. After five more swats to each thigh he stopped and brought her up on his lap. He held her and told her how much he loved her and that he was sorry that she didn’t have a very good Thanksgiving. She apologized for ruining their Thanksgiving and said that next year she was going to make sure the turkey was the only thing that was going to be roasted.


I told you it was a good one! Thanks Sunny, you're a fantastic writer and a great friend. I sure hope you keep writing. There are two brand new Fantasy Friday coming this next couple of weeks from one brand new write and another old friend. I hope even more of you are out there writing, if you're willing to share send your stories to

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Shopping and my naked butt

I wanted to pop in here before the holidays and say hey. We’ve been busy here. Getting a little new furniture has suddenly become a must! My beloved recliner has come to the end of it’s life – the seat was worn through and stuffing coming out. Nick has a matching one, which was nearly as bad. We broke down and got two new recliners and a bonus one to go in my writing room. I like them, they sit fine – but it’s not my recliner. It’s just going to take some getting used to and getting them broken in. The one for the writing room will come sometime after Christmas.

Mollie and I are heading out shopping today and then we’re meeting up with Nick later to go see Mockingjay – we don’t go to the movies often, but I really liked these books. I love having Mollie home for the most part. But there is a serious problem – the girl has turned into a wonderful cook. Not only is she a good cook, she wants to cook all the time. I often eat very little for dinner, this is going to be hard!

And now a little something to help everyone curb his or her appetite, Nick took pictures of my most recent spanking. He has a motion sensor camera that he uses to catch the wild life in our back yard. This time he used it to catch the wild life in our bedroom. I’d never see a spanking from the spankers angle before. So how about it, do you want to see PK butt? Fine, scroll down…

Okay so this is how it looks in my fantasies. You don’t want to see the real thing. Oh it wasn’t horrible or anything, but it was really strange seeing it. We looked at them together then Nick deleted them – at least I hope he got them deleted and not sent to the cloud or something. I know he shows the pictures of the deer in our yard to his dad and his brothers. It would be just our luck…

I don’t want to think about it.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Monday, November 24, 2014

TBT - If you've EVER thought about Spanking, read this (part 2)

Great, you're back! If you missed the first post last Thursday you need to go back here and read it first.

Now if you did assignment two from last week, then hopefully you did assignment one also.  Now that I hope you are realizing you belong here, your next assignments:

Assignment three: Talk to us.

You need to do some commenting.  If you never have before, it’s time to start.

I said yesterday that part of why I didn’t comment was that I felt that I had nothing to add; I’ll get back to this.  But another reason was fear. Were these bloggers real people, were they safe, were they going to try to lure me into some dark lifestyle I didn’t want?  The answers are simple: yes, yes, no. Could I really comment anonymously? Yes, but I think the best thing to do is to create second email account, password protected (from the kids) for your alter ego.  I began as Elis Corey (not my name) eventually I was renamed PK by some warped friends here.  I felt more comfortable with this email I used exclusively for commenting and eventually blogging. My suggestion is to come up with a name or something to go by rather than just being anonymous so we’ll know you’re the same person each time you come by.

Now about not feeling like you have anything to add – you do! When you just say ‘Hey, I like reading here.’ You have added your support. If you ask a question, you allow us to think and maybe eventually understand ourselves better.  If you tell us we’re lucky to have someone in our lives with whom we can share the spanking lifestyle, you help us remember how fortunate we are.  You probably read several blogs already. Pick a few that answer their comments and leave one of your own. Start slowly if you want to, but start. 

Assignment four: Think seriously about starting a blog of your own.

Now close your mouth and stop panicking.  You don’t have to start today, but think about it.  Here’s why. 

There are groups within our community.  Picture it like a large family that gets along well.  We all care about each other, we all love being together, would rally around anyone in times of trouble, ask and offer advice and enjoy hearing from anyone in the family.  But there are still groups within the family, the kids are outside playing, the teens are on their cells, maybe the pregnant woman and those with young kids are talking, the men are sleeping by the TV, and the women over fifty are singing the praise of the empty nest.

We have groups in blogland too.  Out here we have those who spank only for fun, for erotic reasons, many for discipline reasons and others who combine the three.  But a large group out here, maybe the largest, is not represented – those who would really love to be spanked, but have no one in their lives to do it, or are not yet comfortable asking their significant other to spank, or maybe they have asked and the other person just isn’t interested. I think some of you should be blogging – it may not change anything, but I think it feels better knowing that you are not alone.  By blogging, by being out here to rant, complain, wonder, guess, explore, ask, and discuss the lifestyle you will realize that you too have a group in this large family.  And knowing you are part of a large, supportive and loyal family seems to make everything better.

I know not everyone is going to want to begin a blog.  But some of you might so this is your official invitation. If you would consider this, you know you don’t have to blog every day.  But you would have a place – to share your feeling about everything.  I think over the years this blog has become my on going diary, my pensive, I have a place to store my thoughts and I love it.

And finally…

Assignment five:  Write spanking fiction.

No this isn’t just another plea for Fantasy Friday stories, don’t get me wrong, I’d surely take them, but you need to write for yourself.  You don’t have to post them at all, you can hide them under the mattress if you like.  But making up spanking stories got me through the first forty-nine years of life until I decided to ‘come out’ to Nick.  Nearly the first two Cassie books were all stories I had made up in my head through out my life.  It’s how I coped with being a spanko in a vanilla world.  And I really enjoyed it too – so much I’m still doing it.  So let your fantasy play out in your mind, expand and elaborate on it – it’s yours for goodness sakes.  Writing may soothe and ease your desires and it may give you the courage to come out to someone who might share your feelings, you never know.

I hope that theses two posts will help some of you step out and really join us.  If you want to be spanked, if you have the desire to spank someone, if the whole idea of consensual adult spanking is often in your mind, you are part of the family and you will be most welcomed to talk with us any time. My email address is

Friday, November 21, 2014

Fantasy Friday - The Business Woman, part 3

I hope everyone is warming up some this Friday. It's been so cold here this week, but I hesitate to complain since I live in the south. We've been cold, but nothing like what's hitting in some places to the north. I think it 's a good time to snuggle in and read a good spanking story.

Today we have the third and final part of Carye's story. You can click to find part one and part two, please enjoy…

The Business Woman,
part 3

            After about an hour, he felt she was ready for the second part of her punishment.  “Honey, it is time.  I want you to get up, put the shirt back on, and go into that corner. Raise the shirt up above your butt, so I can see it and wait for me.”
            She looked up, knowing her time was up and did as he said. Boy, her butt was still sore she thought. This time she moved quickly she didn’t want any more than she was already in for. She wasn’t sure how she’d take it on her freshly punished butt, but she knew somehow she’d make it through. She trusted him and knew he wouldn’t push her beyond her limit. She leaned her head against the wall. It felt cool. She felt hurt already. Sad she had hurt him, hurt John, and she hurt from the guilt inside.
            “I want you to re-run the things you said in that office. I want you to think about how John, your ‘right hand guy’, the one you ‘couldn’t live without’ must have felt. What would you have done if you were in his place? I want you to think about that for a while. Think about how badly you treated him. Think about how this isn’t, apparently, the first time.  Do you really want the type of reputation you must have at the office? Or, is there another way to handle it.  You think, I’ll be back in a little while.” With that, Kent left her to ponder. How long he was gone she didn’t know, but she did think about it. The tears she was sure she was out of restarted.  She wanted to be the top person, but she wanted friends, and wanted to do it right. She resolved to herself to change things starting tomorrow. 
            While he was gone, he set up the bedroom for her. He knew she would be too exhausted to play tonight, but he had a great plan for the morning! He smiled to himself, in the morning he knew she would be fine, and very ready to play. He knew that he would wake her with breakfast in bed, followed by a wonderful shower together.   He could almost feel her wet sensual body against his. He would follow that up by whisking her off her feet, and into their bedroom for a long, erotic morning of kissing, rubbing, hugging, light spanking, and more.  “Mmmmm,” he sighed to himself, “but we have to get through tonight first.”  He carefully turned down the bed, got out the cooling cream he would rub on her, and lit candles throughout the room. He set up some quiet soothing music. Her favorite DVD was ready to start when he carried her in the room.  Then he sighed again and headed downstairs. He hated to punish her, and had never had to do it twice in a row. It hurt him so much, but he knew she needed, wanted, and craved the lifestyle they had.  It kept her balanced and calm.  He would do anything for her, and this was no exception. Squaring his shoulders, prepared to be strong again, he spoke to her.
            “Ok honey, come here.” 
            She did as she was asked and once again, stood before him, feeling small and embarrassed.
            “Take off that shirt please and hand it to me.”  She complied quickly and he realized how sore she must still be to be this compliant.   He’d have to take it easy, yet still make his point.
            “Do you know why you’re here young lady?”
            “Yes sir. I lost my temper and I took all my frustration out on my best employee.”
            “I was proud that you made a very good apology to him… after a little persuasion.  I was afraid I was going to need to spank you at work, or worse, in front of him. You wouldn’t make me do that would you?”
            “No Sir!” 
            “Good. Because I have half a mind to do it in front of who ever you do this to the next time.
            “Oh please sir. Don’t do that. I promise I’ll try my best. Honest”
            “Hmmm. Ok, maybe I’ll give you one more punishment at home if it happens again, but I’d suggest you do your best to avoid it. It will be much worse than you’ll endure tonight I assure you.” He saw her sigh in relief. He smiled to himself realizing that his point had been made. He wouldn’t hesitate to spank her in front of someone if necessary, but he didn’t want to do that and embarrass any of her employees. He knew somehow that he would never actually do it, but it didn’t hurt to have her think it was a possibility. 
            “Did you also think about what you want your reputation to be in the office?”
            “Yes sir.”
            “Do you think that what you want it to be and what it is now are one in the same?”
            “No sir.”
            “Do you have a plan to correct it?”
            “Yes sir.”
            “Good.  I am glad to hear it.  I have decided how I’m going to punish you tonight. I’m afraid you won’t like it because you won’t be up against me. I want you to come over here and lay over the arm of the couch.”
            “Yes Sir.” She said as she lay over the arm of the couch. He pushed her torso down making her back arch.
            “Please take your shirt in your hands and put them in front of your head. I expect you to hold on to that shirt, and not let it go. If a hand comes back, I will add 10 lashes, and will tie your hands in front of you. Do you understand?”
            “Yes sir” she said.
            “Ok. Now, you will spread your legs slightly, so that only your toes are touching the floor. You will not move or kick. You will submit to these, and thank me afterwards. Do you understand?”
            “Yes Sir.” She said. Lori was scared. He had never asked her to hold still and keep a position like this. He had always helped her, restrained her in some way. She was afraid she couldn’t do it.
            “Please sir. Please help me keep in position. I need help.”
            “No, Lori, you have done this to your self. You are in charge at work, and that comes with responsibility. You now need to be in charge of your body. It is your responsibility. “ 
            “Yes sir.” She sighed. She resolved to do her absolute best, knowing that arguing from this position would not help her at all.
            Kent slowly unbuckled his belt and pulled it through the loops. He could see her shiver. He knew it would have this affect on her, though he used it rarely.  He dragged it gently over her butt, letting it drape over her very exposed most private areas. He could hear her inhale.
            “Lori, you know the safe word. I am going to only give you 20 lashes this time because you have just endured quite a punishment spanking. If I feel your butt can take no more, I will move to your thighs. You may cry, but I want no begging. I expect you to hold position and thank me for each lash. I expect you to think about how you lashed out at an innocent employee, and how now the belt is lashing out at you.”
            “Yes sir.”
            “Are you ready?”
            “Yes sir.”
            “Then ask please.” He said quietly.
            This was new. She had to ask for it?  She panicked, and paused, trying to form the proper words in her mind.  He waited patiently with the belt doubled over and casually hanging at his side. He knew this would be especially hard for her. 
            “Sir? May I please have my punishment?” he waited. She realized he wanted more and frantically tried to figure out what more to say.  “May I please have 20 lashes with your belt? I will hold position and thank you for each one. I know I deserve this.” Apparently, this was what he was waiting for because before she knew it she heard the swish of the belt through the air and the first stroke landed. She cringed at the pain, but somehow held position. 
            “Thank you, sir.” She managed to muster. As soon as that escaped her lips she heard the next swish and the pain was blinding.  
            “aaaahh… “ she screamed, but she managed to hold position. She would never make it through she thought. “Thank you sir” she cried.
            Swish came the next one. As if he had read her mind, this one was a little less intense.  “Thank you sir” she cried, wanting to show him she may be able to make it at this intensity.
            Swish.  “AHHHH…” It burned so badly.  She couldn’t think. She was loosing control, her body was fighting submission, but her mind was determined to submit to it and not move.  After a longer pause she managed… “Thank you sir”.
            Not waiting another second, Kent let the next one fly.  Her reaction was the same. He knew he had the right intensity. It was almost more than she could bear, but yet, she was holding position. He knew her mind was fighting her body hard to keep position. She managed to make it through the next 11 strokes. Then, sobbing, she started to beg. 
            “Kent please sir, I can’t. “ He cut her off.
            “No, Lori, You can make it, don’t blow it.  Let yourself go. You can do it. You are smart, you are strong, let go.”  He pushed her.
            She took a deep breath. “God this was so hard” she thought. “Worse than anything she had ever done. How could she control herself and take it.” Tears flowing, she resolved herself once more, grasped the shirt harder, and tried to let go. She had to let go of the guilt, let go of the control. “I can do it” She thought through her tears.  She felt herself relax. Kent saw it too.  “Thank you, sir.” 
            Kent needed to know she was truly ready for the last five. That she had truly submitted. “Are you ready for the last five? They won’t be any easier. Can you ask for them?”
            “Yes sir” she said immediately and slightly stronger. He sighed in relief. This was what he needed to hear. “Please give them to me. I am ready for my last five. I can make it Sir.” She said with determination.
            He gave her the last five. She screamed after each one, but remained relaxed. She choked through saying thank you sir, and there were long pauses, but she made it.  He pulled her into his arms immediately and hugged her tightly. He was so proud. She was too. She didn’t know she could make herself submit.  He carried her up to bed, leaving the shirt behind. He flipped on the quiet music, and carried her to the bed. He gently put her on her side and tucked her in. He stripped off his clothes, and snuggled in behind her.
            “Kent, I’m really sorry.”
            “Shhh… it’s over, I forgave you long ago, not another word now. Just relax, and I’ll help to quell the fire on your butt. Just relax, and we’ll go to sleep. I have quite the morning planned for you”   

            Lori sighed. “God I love you. Thank you” she whispered. Gently rubbing her behind with cool lotion he whispered how proud he was, how sure he was he wouldn’t have to do this again, and how much he cherished and loved her.  Soon they drifted off to sleep together, connected now more than ever.

Carye, thank you so much for sharing you story with us. I thank everyone who is helping to keep Fantasy Friday going. I have a new story for you all that will be up the Friday after Thanksgiving.
I really hope others will think about helping us, you can send you stories to

Thursday, November 20, 2014

TBT - If you've EVER thought about Spanking, read this

I was wandering back looking for something for Throw back Thursday and when I came across this post I thought it would go well with what I was trying to say in my Love our Lurkers post. I'll put the second part up early next week. 


I write all my post hoping all my readers will enjoy them and maybe think or laugh a little.  But today I want to talk to a part of my reader that I’m afraid we often ignore. Those who have found the community and know that they belong, but they are not in a spanking relationship.

I’d bet 99% of those of us out here, bloggers and readers, found ourselves here after looking up ‘spanking’ on the Internet, (back in my day all you could do was look up spanking in the dictionary and lust after the definition, but now I’m really showing my age.)  I’m assuming that if you’re reading here you are a spanko – or have at least admitted to yourself that the idea of spanking or being spanked pulls at you whether you want it to or not.

Most of us blogging are being spanked, sometimes more than we’d like, sometimes less, but we’ve found some way to incorporate TTWD in our lives.  But that wasn’t true for me when I first found blogs.  At that time I had never had an adult spanking, Nick knew nothing about my desire and I wasn’t ever planning on telling him.  I loved what I was reading, was memorized, in fact.  But I certainly didn’t feel like I was a part of it.

I felt a lot like a kid with her face pressed against a candy store window watching the kids inside help themselves to all the delights I wanted. One part of me was happy for them, but I also felt a little jealous and left out. 

I had no one to spank me, no stories to relate, no misdeed that I could write about and speculate on what an appropriate punishment might be. I was not getting fun spankings, sexy spankings, punishment spanking, no one wanted to control (or protect) me. I felt I couldn’t even comment on these thing with no experience to back it up. My feelings were, 'What could I say that was of any value or significance to these people who are actually living it?'

Bob said in an email the other day that as he began reading more and commenting some that he hadn’t realized what a close-knit community we really were. I love that we are seen in that way, but I don’t ever what my reader to feel like it’s an exclusive community.  If that were true we’d all go private and just talk to one another.  We have public blogs because we want other to feel comfortable joining the discussion.

I reposted this on facebook the other day.  The LGBT community created it, but I think it applies for well for those of us in the spanko world as well.  This is the real reason I blog.

Now if you feel like you are in this group of readers (as I once was) I have several assignments for you.  I’ll just give the first two today (wish I could promise each of you a spanking if you don’t follow through, but…)

Assignment one: Reread this post.  Think about it. Realize that you are a part of us whether you let your voice be heard or not, and also realize that we will all be stronger if our community grows with the thoughts of all our members.

Assignment two: Come back next week for your next assignment.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Catching up

I feel like I haven’t posted that much lately. Sometimes when I go quiet it’s because I’m down, but that’s not the case. There hasn’t been much to write about, but things are going well. This past Friday I went to my sisters right after school so I wasn’t here for our usual Friday afternoon spanking. Dodge a bullet or missed out on our time for reconnection?

Anyway the shopping and visiting was fun. I got a good start on the shopping, but its nowhere near finished. My boys are still the hardest to buy for. I have more ideas for Colin than I do LJ. If you have any suggestions for young men, let me hear them. Mollie has a list that would wrap around a building, so no problem there. One thing LJ did ask for was a new Kindle, his quit working.

LJ tells me the first things he wants to read if he gets a Kindle, will be the Cassie books.  So really how am I supposed to feel about that?  Mollie buys all the books as they come out, but she doesn’t read them (she has read brief excerpts). She says she doesn’t want to read them, she just buys them to support me. I think that’s kind of sweet. But LJ doesn’t even know what they’re about as far as I know. I always assumed he’d be somewhat amused. I guess I’ll know soon, I’ve already ordered him one.

I came home Sunday and Nick and I visited some, late near suppertime, he came in and gave me ‘a look’. I was a bit bewildered until he said, “It’s Friday.” I’m not as smart as some, but I knew it was Sunday and told him so. Ignoring me he said again, “It’s Friday.” Next thing I knew I was up out of my chair and bent over it. He took off with Blondie’s paddle, so I didn’t miss out on this week after all. I appreciate him remembering. The weight loss isn’t going fast by any means, but it is still going in the right direction.

I guess that brings everyone up to date. I’m doing a throw back Thursday tomorrow, and it’s one I hope you’ll read and think about even if you remember it from a couple of years ago.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

You know you want to see it

I really wanted to post something today - but it's been such a busy weekend, you know all that shopping and such I thought I'd just do something quick. So of course when I saw 'the picture' I knew this was something that we've all had our minds on lately because the news media won't shut up about it.

Kim Kardashian

I'm not a Kim fan, I'm not a Kim hater - I could care less about her. You have to admire anyone who can turn a youthful scandal into a multi-million dollar fortune. Hell, I would have done a sex tape if I knew I could make that kind of dough. But this week everyone is thinking of Kim's ass and while I may not be the first blogger to repost the picture I didn't what to be left out. 

Kim Kardashian's

it's honestly the biggest ass I've ever seen

Keep scrolling, you know you want to see it

Incredible Ass!

Friday, November 14, 2014

The Business Woman, part 2

Happy Friday to you all. Didn't we have a  great LOL day! I hope I'll continue hearing from my old friends and I hope some of my new friends will come by and speak more often. I'm headed to my sisters this afternoon to do some more Christmas shopping. I hope you'll spend part of the day with the second part of  Carye's story. If you didn't catch the first part you can find it here. For now, sit back and enjoy...

The Business Woman
Part 2

The trip home was quiet and uneventful. Small talk seemed to dominate the 45 minute drive.  When they arrived home Lori’s mind was set. She knew there was no way out of being punished, and waiting made things harder. She had never had to wait long, but she thought maybe she should go ahead and ask for it now. 
            “Um.. Kent?”  she said looking at her nails to avoid his gaze. “Would it be.. um.. all right if we … um… took care of things … now?” 
            “No, that will need to wait a while.  I want you to go up and grab one of my t-shirts. Loose all your clothes and just put on my shirt.  Nothing underneath please. I just love that look. And please let that beautiful hair down and take your make-up and jewelry off. I love you just the way you are without all the fancy stuff.” 
            “Ok” she smiled at his compliment. She loved that he told her she was beautiful. He even would say it first thing in the morning. It always made her warm inside. 
            After changing she could smell dinner starting. They were having lasagna that had been prepared and just needed put in the oven. Already it smelled heavenly. She realized she was hungry. She’d waited enough she decided. So, with some determination she said. “Ok, I’m ready for my punishment.”
            Kent glanced up realizing she really was having a hard time waiting and smiled to himself. “Sorry honey, but I’m not.  I think you need to learn what it feels like to be left waiting.  Apparently, last weeks little lesson wasn’t objective enough.  So, I figure, I had to wait, so you shall too.  Just relax. If you’re good, and don’t ask again, I might even be kind and punish you tonight!” 
            “You Wou…” She stopped.  Yes, he would. She knew better than to spout that off.  More humbly she replied “Ok, I’ll not ask again.  I love you and I trust you.”
            Kent went up to her and gave her a big hug and deep kiss as he wrapped his arms around her and felt her body against his under her t-shirt.  He lifted it ever so slightly to rub her butt and lower back. God he loved how soft and wonderful her skin felt.  He felt her respond and took a deep breath, and one more kiss, and stepping back said. “We better check the lasagna.” 
            After dinner had been enjoyed, and they had cleaned up, Kent led her to the couch. Oh Good! She thought. No more waiting. I can’t stand it anymore.  Kent however had other ideas.  “Let’s relax, and watch some TV.  Here come sit on my lap.”
            Somewhat frustrated, she nevertheless complied. After all she loved relaxing on his lap and cuddling up with him to watch TV on their comfy couch.  Kent took the opportunity to hug, kiss, and caress his beautiful wife.  He whispered in her ear “You know you really were terrible today…  You’re making me punish you and I just hate hurting you. It hurts me so much to have to. I love you and that beautiful body so much. I wish I could just give you a wonderful erotic spanking instead.” He emphasized this by carefully slipping a finger down to her most private parts.
            Lori groaned in pleasure. She wanted him so much, but knew that until she took her punishment he was off limits.  “Please, I’m so sorry. I won’t let it happen again. I won’t take our private time away.  Honest. I’ll treat people nicely. I’ll even call if I find myself loosing it.  Please honey…” 
            Kent sighed; he was aroused too and he knew she wanted some fun before her punishment. But he knew better. He’d tried that once, and they never got around to the spanking.  “Ok, since you ask so nicely..”  he paused.  Her hopes rose for a second until “Go get the hairbrush and please, come to me and bring it to me. You know what you need to do.”  As he said it he pushed her up and started her off his lap.
            “Please…” she looked back piteously.
            “Don’t wait, wait, don’t wait, wait.  You still think you’re in control young lady? I do not work for you, and after hearing how you treat those who do, you’re lucky I don’t! Now go!”  Lori didn’t wait a second. She knew better. She still wasn’t fast enough to avoid a swat as she ran up stairs.  She grabbed the hairbrush and headed back down. 
            Taking a deep breath, she walked up to him, stood before him, and handed him the brush.  He took it, stood up and looked down at his beautiful wife.  “Ok, now” he said softly “please take off that shirt, and fold it up and put it over on the chair. I don’t think you’ll need it for a while”
            Blushing, she did as she was told. She wanted to scream no, please no, but knew she must not talk until she was asked a question, or it would be worse.  She shyly returned to him.  It was so hard to stand before him naked, when he was fully clothed. She shivered a little.   
            “Now, young lady, do you know why you’re getting this punishment?”
            “Yes Sir”
            “Tell me.”
            “Because I didn’t call you and made you wait outside after I promised not to, sir”
            “Good. And how do you plan on avoiding this next time. You know each time it will get worse.”
            “I’ll call you.  I think maybe I’ll set my watch alarm so I don’t forget. I promise. It won’t happen again. Honest Sir.” She said almost in a whisper. It was so hard to look at him through this, but it was what he required. She almost thought this was worse than the spanking itself.  She could feel the tears welling up inside her. She truly felt bad she had let him down. Let them down.
            “Do you think you deserve being spanked with a hairbrush? You know, it won’t be easy” 
            “Yes Sir” she answered butterflies leaping in her stomach.
            “Ok, come here then, lay over my lap. Put one hand behind my back please.” He calmly sat and guided her down onto his lap. He put one hand behind his back and snuggled her in close. Restraining her legs with one of his, he gently took her other hand and put it in the small of her back. “Comfortable?” he asked as he rubbed the cool hairbrush over her ivory skin. 
            “Yes sir.  I’m so very sorry I let you down.”
            “I know sweetie. I hope you now know how it feels to wait.  Next time, you’ll have to wait at least over night, and it won’t be just the hair brush. Do you understand?”
            “Yes Sir.” Thinking of this just brought her tears closer.  She didn’t want to spend a night knowing she was to be punished. Knowing that she had let him down. Feeling so disconnected. She was sure she wouldn’t let that happen again. And then all thought stopped as the hairbrush hit her right cheek hard.  “OUCH” she yelled. 
            Kent didn’t wait for her response. He smacked the left cheek just as hard, and then began alternating fast and furious. He was feeling the frustration melting away, and feeling determined to ensure it didn’t happen again.  He paused for a minute and listened to her crying.  “Are you going to stand me up again?” he said with a hard smack to the left side.
            “No SIR” she cried.
            “Are you going to sacrifice our time together for your job? Is it more important to you than us?  Are you going to treat me like someone you can just stand up and brush off at will?” 
            “No sir! I promise I won’t”
            “Your promise only seems to work about 6 days.  I think perhaps a little longer spanking may get it to last longer. Don’t you? Lets try.” With that he resumed, but this time slightly less intense but with 10 strikes on a cheek before changing over to the other one. He knew she couldn’t take this very long before she would let go and stop fighting.
            Lori struggled. This was worse than anything. She hated when he spanked this way. She fought it as long as she could, but finally, sobbing uncontrollably, she just laid there and took it.  Kent stopped almost immediately. 
            “You’re doing great honey. We’re almost through I promise.” He said as he rubbed her tender bottom gently. It was on fire and he knew she couldn’t take much more. “Five more on each side, then we’ll be done.”  As he rubbed he tried to decide if he would make her count. “Nope” he thought, “she has had enough and she still has another spanking coming”.  With that he resumed. Slowly and determinedly he alternated the last 10 these were the hardest yet as she knew they would be.   He let her lay there sobbing for a minute or two, then gently pulled her into his arms. He felt her melt into his chest. Now this part he loved. He loved holding her, calming her, reassuring her, kissing away her tears. He always felt so reconnected to her. So close. She was the most precious thing on earth to him and he told her that as he reassured her he was proud of how well she had done with her punishment. How brave she had been, and how much he loved her and never wanted to have to punish her like this again.
            Lori too loved this part. She felt closer to him than anything she had ever felt before. Her butt was on fire, but she didn’t care. She could have stayed there forever.  He always said the sweetest things to her. She felt so loved and cherished in his arms. She would do this anytime for him. It hurt like hell, but the firestorm of love it released in her heart and sole was worth every second of the pain. 
            Kent wanted this moment to last forever, but reminded himself they weren’t done.  “Honey” he said quietly. “You know I want to hold you forever. I wish I could just tuck you in to sleep, watch you sleep, and when you awaken make sweet love to you, but… we’re not quite done.”
            “Oh please, Kent, I can’t take another right now. I need you.”
“Ok, honey, lets cuddle another few minutes at least. I am not ready yet either.”


Thanks Carye for another great part of this story - and don't worry folks, there is one more part yet to come. With any luck Carye is writing more for us, with luck someone is writing for us. If you are willing to share a story send it to