Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Shopping and my naked butt

I wanted to pop in here before the holidays and say hey. We’ve been busy here. Getting a little new furniture has suddenly become a must! My beloved recliner has come to the end of it’s life – the seat was worn through and stuffing coming out. Nick has a matching one, which was nearly as bad. We broke down and got two new recliners and a bonus one to go in my writing room. I like them, they sit fine – but it’s not my recliner. It’s just going to take some getting used to and getting them broken in. The one for the writing room will come sometime after Christmas.

Mollie and I are heading out shopping today and then we’re meeting up with Nick later to go see Mockingjay – we don’t go to the movies often, but I really liked these books. I love having Mollie home for the most part. But there is a serious problem – the girl has turned into a wonderful cook. Not only is she a good cook, she wants to cook all the time. I often eat very little for dinner, this is going to be hard!

And now a little something to help everyone curb his or her appetite, Nick took pictures of my most recent spanking. He has a motion sensor camera that he uses to catch the wild life in our back yard. This time he used it to catch the wild life in our bedroom. I’d never see a spanking from the spankers angle before. So how about it, do you want to see PK butt? Fine, scroll down…

Okay so this is how it looks in my fantasies. You don’t want to see the real thing. Oh it wasn’t horrible or anything, but it was really strange seeing it. We looked at them together then Nick deleted them – at least I hope he got them deleted and not sent to the cloud or something. I know he shows the pictures of the deer in our yard to his dad and his brothers. It would be just our luck…

I don’t want to think about it.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!


  1. Hope you are bent over the office recliner when it arrives. Nice butt.

    1. Thanks Michael, I hope so too!

  2. LoL PK, hope Nick has deleted the photos. Rick has taken the occasional photos and it did feel strange seeing them.

    Yay on the new recliners. Hope you had fun shopping and the movie.

    Wishing you all a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday.


    1. It's been a good day Roz. I'm pretty sure they are deleted. It's scary when to really be sure I'd have to have Mollie check - can you imagine?

  3. Happy Thanksgiving. And nice you got a pre-Thanksgiving spanking and were able to see the results even if you aren't going to share them.


    1. LOL, FD, I don't think I'd share these if I got down to the weight I wanted to be. I like the way you're planning to spend black Friday or will you turn it into red Friday?

  4. In my dreams my butt looks like your picture. Maybe it did once, when I was about 20. But it would be most interesting to view the spanking from the spanker's point of view. Hope Nick did, in fact, delete it. I came across some photos Dan took of me years and years ago, sunbathing topless in Spain. You have never seen stuff get ripped into thousands of pieces so quick in your life! We did have a good giggle before I ripped them up though.

    Your recliners sound great. Dan's armchair is festering in a corner and he just will not get rid of it! I think it will walk out on its own one day! I'll bet you will really appreciate new chairs when lounging in them over the winter months. Good for you!


    1. Ami, you should have kept them! Nick took some of me when we were dating - risqué, but not full nudity. I plan on framing them and hanging them in the bedroom to someday show my grandchildren that Grandma was once a babe!

      I don't blame Dan - I'm about ready to go drag my old one back in.

  5. Oh...we all wish for that butt. I really, really need a new recliner just won't be the same....Have a wonderful holiday....Did you know Thanksgiving magic....all food is 1/2 the calories...
    hugs abby

    1. I'm so happy you told me about the Thanksgiving magic! That's great!

  6. You crack me up! I am giggling out loud!
    The recliners sound great!
    Mollie cooking sounds really wonderful, although bad for the diet!
    The butt picture.... Oh how I can dream!

    1. I'm like Ami, if my butt ever looked that good it would have been for a few minutes somewhere in my 20's. Mollie made Mexican lasagna last night.

  7. Funny post. As for Nick, maybe he could share his deer and dear.

    1. Leigh, I laughed went I read your comment and Mollie wanted to know exactly what I was reading. Nosy child!

  8. Anonymous10:03 AM

    On my pie baking day, before I start, I enjoyed hearing about your photo session. How fun!

    1. Now I'd love to sample some of those pies!

  9. Hi PK. Gosh you got me going there, I think I would murder my beloved if he took photos!
    love Jan,xx

    1. I was a weird feeling for sure. I'm sorta glad I saw the pictures once, but I don't need to see any more. I'll just go back to pretending it looks like the picture here.

  10. Anonymous11:46 AM

    LOL PK! :) A LOT of treadmill hours and squats to get to that kind of thing around my house! Sounds like you and Nick had lots of fun! I am happy for you!

    Enjoy your new recliners! Some things are just sentimental and hard to part with.

    Happy Thanksgiving to all of you! Sounds like there is going to be some fine eating with all those cooks around your place! Enjoy! Many hugs,

    <3 Katie

    1. I'm trying to get used to the new additions, Katie, but I miss the old one. We'll be at my in laws tomorrow. My MIL still does the lions share of the cooking and she'll be 90 next month.

  11. I think I'd hate to see my rear end in a photo: definitely too large and probably jiggling with each strike.
    My husband recently got a new recliner and I miss him being with me on the sofa. Every once in a while I request he sit with me and the closeness is great. Often leads to more cuddling later too! Happy Thanksgiving.

    1. Kate, mind was definitely too large, but it didn't jiggle as much as I would have thought. The things you learn as you grow older!

      I was just thinking of how Nick and I used to lay on the couch together, but that's been years ago. Sounds like you all do it well.

  12. PK,

    I don't mind seeing my spanked bottom. P has quite a collection. I think you will quickly get used to your new recliner.

    Happy Thanksgiving.


    1. If my bottom were as little as yours I wouldn't mind seeing it either! Thanks for the Thanksgiving wishes!

  13. Ooh yes PK...would definitely love to have that butt! I am envious...would love to have a new recliner and to have one in my office also would be lovely. Sending lots of positive thoughts that those pics were deleted! ;) Enjoy Mollie's cooking...just eat smaller portions...she is a very wise young lady so I'm sure she'll understand. Have a lovely and loving Thanksgiving holiday!

    Hugs and Blessings...

    1. Cat I love my writing room. I have a little gas stove out there and I'm so excited about getting a recliner out there too. Of course its easier to sleep in the recliner too.

  14. There are so many places on the Internet to find yummy things to cook that are healthy. Forks over Knives and Michael Pollan's sites to name two. Challenger her to cook all she want to ... with new methods and ingredients and old favorites re-purposed and downsized.

    Your picture makes you look so like ... the human Barbie. Didn't you say that (one of) your hubbies was named Ken something?

    Happy healthy and thankful day PK. Jon

  15. enjoy your new comfy furniture! :-) Hugs
