Monday, July 31, 2023

I've been here a while

It’s good to be here. I’ve been busy lately. I missed my blogiversary. Last weekend marked seventeen years I’ve been her. Not so much lately, I admit, but I still like to wander by. Blogging was really a hoot in its heyday, and I’ve met so many wonderful people out here. I wouldn’t have missed it for anything.


Once I got my husband back on the ground, I left him. Not for long though. But I took my few days in the mountains for some writing time. I was able to get a real start on the last Cassie book. The next to last book is ready to be published, as soon as I can get my publisher to speak to me again. That mess is still going on. I got some of my pay (I have no idea if the money they sent was for one month, one quarter or for the whole nine months they have been ignoring me. They sent no statement with it. This is all very frustrating. But for those of you who have read my books please know that two more are coming – I have NO idea when, but they are coming!!

My time in the mountains was wonderful! I stayed at the same little Inn and it’s so pretty. It’s been sold and the flowers weren’t as specular as normal, but they were pretty and I’m sure it will take the new owners a while to get themselves up to speed. The whole little town is as pretty as can be and It’s fun walking around. Here was the view out my bedroom window and then the sights around the Inn and around town.

Next weekend we are having the cousin’s reunion. Not here this year, we’re having it at my cousin’s lake house. I’ve written about being there several time and for me it’s just a magical place. There will be thirteen of us and I can’t wait for us all to get together. 

This is the place we will all gather! It doesn't get much better than this.


  1. Anonymous2:57 AM

    Congratulations on your Blogaversary PK! Wow, 17 years. I'm so glad I found you here and treasure our friendship. Blogland is a wonderful place to form amazing friendships.

    The town in the mountains and the Inn are beautiful! I can see how it is a great place for writing. I really hope you can finally resolve the issues with your publisher.

    I hope you have a wonderful time at the reunion. The lake house looks absolutely stunning!


    1. I've been amazed at the friendships that's I've made out here. I never expected it seventeen years ago. These friendship mean the world to me.

      My mountains town is wonderful and so is the lake house. It's really been a great summer.

  2. Happy Blogaversary, PK. It sure was fun back then. I felt like I wanted to be a part of the fun crowd so I started blogging too, but you and a few others were the matriarchs of the spanko community.

    What lovely flowers. I envy you your getaway at the inn.


    1. You were part of the fun crowd the minute you wrote your first word. I was so pleased to find so many women, well mostly women, who were so kind to one another.

  3. Happy belated 17th Blogiversary. I am so happy you are still here. It's wonderful the friends we've all made.  I do miss the bloggers that have left.

    I love the sound of your mountain break. Beautiful flowers.  Enjoy your reunion.

    1. There have been some wonderful bloggers here and like you I miss many of them.

      I wish everyone could come experience our mountains. They are wonderful!

  4. PK,

    Belated congratulations for a belated anniversary celebration. That works, right?

    I don't know if it was intentional, but you wrote, "...seventeen years I’ve been her." That got me to thinking about how blogging changed us. Blogger Bonnie was always more confident and adventurous than Tech Writer Bonnie. But a funny thing happened along this path. My two personas merged to create the woman I am today.

    I know you've talked about your own transformation and how it evolved into a vocation. I wish you the very best in all things and continued success with your writing efforts. I too am glad you're still here.


    1. Sorry to be so late replying - I've been away. That was a typo, but in retrospect a good one. I do like who I am better now than before I began blogging. The writing has been a true bonus in my life. I don't think my writing will be remembered through the ages, but it will be remembered by my family and friends and that's what counts.

  5. Happy Belated Bloggerversary! I've noticed everyone spelling it a slightly different way, so I thought why not add to the confusion! LOL. the fotos look so beautiful and I hope you have a lovely time at the cousin reunion!

    1. Fondles, the reunion was amazing! Mostly we just visit and eat and we did have a wonderful time doing both this year!
