Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Glad that's over!

He did it! He jumped! And I’m thankful to say he landed gently back on earth. Arriving at the jump site did not inspire me with tons of confidence. There was one tiny building and then several tents set up for shade – it was HOT! The people running the place, you know the ones who would have my husband’s life in their hands were a bunch of scraggy, bearded, tattooed kids. Really, I’m not opposed to scraggy, beards, tattoos, or even kids but … like I said. They did not inspire confidence.

Gratefully there was nothing to worry about. After minimal instructions they were off on a bus to head to the plane. Thirty minutes later the jumpers were making their soft landing and as Nick floated down, he seemed very happy. I took him to lunch and his birthday was officially celebrated. But I really hope he plans to stay on the Earth’s surface on his next birthday.


We’re back to living the peaceful life. Dog sitting as Mollie heads to the beach. Much more my speed and next week I’m heading to my spot in the mountains to try to begin on the last Cassie book. We shall see if I can get back in the groove.


Thank you to all who held a good thoughts for Nick.


  1. Whew! That's a relief. Ron is celebrating a milestone birthday next month and I hope to come up with some special way to celebrate, but not THAT way for sure!


  2. Anonymous7:17 AM

    So glad to hear all went well, and safely. Nick sure is adventurous, and brave! You will be looking forward to the quieter life for a little while now lol


    1. I love him dearly, but he should feel free to be a little dull!

  3. Glad he enjoyed his birthday celebration and that all went well. I can understand feeling nervous watching him on this adventure. Hugs to you!

  4. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Happy all went well. Wonder what he'll come up with next year to celebrate his birthday.
