Wednesday, March 01, 2023

Thankfully, not my excitment

When I talk about my life not being very exciting, please note that I’m not complaining, merely observing. And after talking with my sister last week saying we’re a little dull sounds like bragging.


Sister lives in a community of mostly older people. Not assisted living, just mostly people over sixty. One of her oldest friends from college lives there and Sister is her emergency contact. This friend was rushed to the hospital late the other night, once there she told them to contact Sister who went over at once. Friend ended up having to have a colectomy (removing part of the intestines). She’ll have to wear a bag for three to six months. Sister has stayed with her much of the time.


Three days later another friend in the community needed Sister to take her to the ER. Gallstones had caused pancreatitis and she was scheduled for gallbladder surgery the next day.


While all that was going on Sister hears that another friend and her husband were stabbed by their crazy neighbor in front of their three kids. The husband’s lung collapsed, and the woman had some severe cuts to her neck. As Sister said, it was a long week.


So with all Sister and BIL are having to help handle I’m hoping to continue to sit here in my quiet little world and be thankful for a calm, maybe somewhat dull, existence. I want to keep it going for as long as I can.


  1. Anonymous12:50 AM

    Oh my goodness PK, your poor sister has certainly been through the mill! The perils of ageing huh? LoL. I bet you are glad of the relative quiet life!

    So sorry to hear about the stabbing, that is just awful! I hope they both recovery quickly. Physically at least, the emotional toll will take some time.


    1. I hope everyone recovers fully and that they stop calling her!

  2. I agree, you don't need that kind of excitement. The stabbing sounds horrible! I hope they caught the perp.


    1. Yes, he's in jail at the moment. He's a neighbor who has given them trouble for years.

  3. Oh gosh she really has been kept busy. I'm so glad her community has her support and help. I've heard some horror stories of the older folk here having no one to help them when accidents happen. it's really sad and I wish there were better support systems in place for those who have no friends or family to rely on in emergencies. Boring is underrated. I like boring. I don't need excitement in my life either!

    1. Dull and boring are two of my favorite states! We have some great senior communities and assisted living facilities. Unfortunately, most are extremely expensive.

  4. I am grateful for my fabulously boring life :-) I hope your sister finds some peace and quiet. Hugs to you

    1. Oh yes, I think excitement if very overrated!

  5. Your sister is a very good friend. So sorry to hear about the stabbing and in front of their children. Horrible. Glad they caught him. Hope they are recovering well.

    I like reading about your life.


    1. I appreciate that. I don't think they're going to make a movie of my life anytime, but I enjoy it.
