Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Lets keep the excitement to a minimum

Greetings. I keep looking for things to blog about in my nice quiet existence and I’m not having much luck. All is well here, Nick is healing nicely and mostly behaving himself. My BP seems to be coming down some and the Cpap and I no longer hate one another. Instead of me wanting to hurl it from my nightstand each night we merely glare at one another. I guess that’s progress.


I cooked for Nick’s family this past Sunday. The five siblings take turns, and we get together about once a month. I cooked a Thanksgiving dinner – turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, dressing, cranberry sauce, corn, carrots, green beans, cooked apples, rolls and brownies. Mollie brought over two pies. I don’t think anyone left hungry. Nick made the carrots and the cooked apples, but I handled the rest. I still don’t like cooking, but when I have to I can usually manage.


Tonight (Tuesday) we’re having pancakes at church for Shrove Tuesday and Nick and I are helping cook there too. Our minister had challenged those of us in her congregation to read the Bible this year and had a pacing guide for us. I’ve always wanted to do this and this year I did. I just finished the Old Testament and I’m thrilled to be finally starting on the New Testament. To be honest reading the Old Testament has brought up many more questions than it answered, but I’m proud of myself for keeping up.


I got to talk with LJ the other night. The cat is doing great, BTW. I’m having a hard time realizing that my baby boy is having a birthday this Thursday. I’m really stunned to realize that my little boy, my baby is turning thirty-five. When I realized this, I turned to Nick to declare, “But I feel like I’m just ready to turn thirty-five!” Nick looked at me and nodded before adding, “Well maybe forty.” LJ’s friends are giving a big party for him at his favorite bar Friday night and he says Nick and I will be more than welcomed to come if we’re in town. It’s my favorite kind of invitation – I’m welcomed, but no one expect me to actually show up.


I’ll keep looking for blogging material folks, so stay tuned for the next post of my wildly exciting life!


  1. Anonymous12:42 AM

    I enjoyed reading this update PK. So glad to hear Nick is healing well, your BP is coming down and that you are getting along much better with the dreaded machine. That is great news!

    Your family dinner sounded wonderful, I would love to join you for one of those!

    A verry Happy Birthday to LJ. how wonderful of his friends to throw him a party. So glad to hear the cat is doing well post surgery.


    1. I would love to have you to dinner should you ever get close! I am happy the the cat and I are both improving medically.

  2. I took an Old Testament course ages ago, and what an eye-opener. So interesting to learn the history behind it all. The fundamentalists just don't understand.


    1. I've been texting our minister often during this reading. She seems to enjoy the exchange.

  3. Happy birthday to your baby, LJ :-) Hugs

  4. Thanks, Terps!

  5. Happy belated birthday to LJ, Where does the time go, son coming up to his 35 birthday in a few months.

    Good to hear Nick is healing and you and your Cpap are getting along a little better:)


    1. I think we really always see out children as babies, but they grow up regardless.

  6. hope it was a good birthday for LJ and i'm so glad to hear that you and Cpap are getting along better. Also that Nick is doing well!

    Your thanksgiving dinner sounds delicious!

    1. LJ had a great birthday and we had a great dinner here. So happy to be able to get back on your site.
