Wednesday, July 13, 2022

This and That

Grandma is back at work babysitting. Mollie is at Disney and her two fur babies are here. I sent Nick the following email this morning, Morning honey. In the future if I should ever tell you that I want a puppy, I don’t. They are really doing well, but they get up earlier than I do. Not fun.

We’re having an estate sale this weekend at Nick’s dad’s. There are few things I dislike as much as a yard sale – the getting ready and the cleaning up parts. And this will be a big one. I’m supposed to help Friday. Woopee.


The rest of the month is full too. I have three doctor appointments and a mini vacation coming up. A heart ultrasound, just a recheck from two years ago. Then I have to go back for the results. A few days later I have to go for a breathing test. I had to wear a pulse oximeter last night – a medical company delivered it the day before and then picked it up the next day. 

All I did was asked the doctor why I occasionally wheezed. Geeze, I didn’t want to know this badly. She wanted to do a complete sleep study, but I told her no. I do not what to have to be dependent on one of those cpap machine. I don’t snore and I don’t jerk awake gasping for air. I’ll wait and see what all this other stuff says before I agree to anymore tests. 


The vacation coming up is what I’m really looking forward to. More about that later.


  1. Hi PK, gosh, you have got a busy time! Wishing you the best with the medical stuff and yard sale. Glad you have the vacation to look forward to. Some fun in amongst the not so pleasant stuff.


    1. The vacation should be sweet. But I wish there weren't so many doctor appointments in there.

  2. Anonymous7:06 AM

    If our puppy gets up before 5:00 am I put him out, then back to bed in his crate until his brother wakes up. If 5:00 or later (or almost 5:00) then we three are up for the day.


    1. I'm usually not up until about 7:30. I've been getting up at 6:30 to feed them and put them out to play for a while. I love the invisible fence Mollie brought over.
