Friday, July 15, 2022

Dog sitting and a word from Fondles

My dog sitting duties will be over by the time you read this. The dogs were good for the most part, but Lucy is still a puppy. A seventy-five pound extremely exuberant puppy. Lucy’s favorite past times are 1) shoving filthy, slobbery toys in your face and praying you’ll wrestle it from her and throw it so she can do it again.

 2) Waking at three in the morning to play. She lets me know by squeezing up near my face while I’m in bed and banging her tail happily against the wall so loudly I can hear her even with my good ear pressed into the pillow. To wake Nick, who is easier to reach, she goes back to the slobbery wet toy in his face. And 3) chewing on her sister, Maggie, who is not a big fan of the chewing game.


Maggie tickled me the last morning I had them when she ran to the door, seemingly desperate to get outside and do her business. I obligingly opened the door for her and seeing that Maggie was getting to go out, Lucy ran out first. Then Maggie backed up and went to the writing room for a nice peaceful nap. This dog ain’t stupid.


Like I said they are good dogs but I’ll be happy to go back to being a one cat house.


Moving on, I checked in on Fondles the other day. She’s doing all right, but as many of us suspected, has her hands full.  She asked me to pass on the following:

Fondlers Anonymous


I havent been on my laptop much, ive gone days at a time without turning on the comp.

Im still ok over here but am busy getting stuff sorted out for mum. Ive had a house call doctor, nurse and physio come already. Then a medical assesor from the govt for eligibility for an insurance type payout that we’re putting in a claim for. Nursing foundation had to come in to approve the subsidized home caregiver service (interim-6hours a week until we can find that second live in caregiver) and the social worker has rung and will come on friday to give me forms to fill. 


Speech therapist had me run to hosp to pick up a form for subsidised-rate for mum’s thickener, and today dietician rang to talk about applying for subsidy for nutritional supplement that mum’s taking. 


Ive also been to the geriatrician to arrange for what they call Community Psycho-Geri programme which means they’ll send someone in to see mum so i dont have to take her to the clinic anymore. 


And have also started the process for a home medical service so i wont have to take her in for her usual heart and kidney blood tests either. Its all taking up loads of space in my head! Lol 


I guess it’s easy to see that blogging isn’t at the top of her ‘to do’ list.


I’m at that yard sale I’ve been dreading. Let’s hope is less than 95 degrees.


  1. Hi PK, I enjoyed reading about the dog sitting, sounds like they kept you busy. Maggie sure is smart lol

    Thank you for sharing the update on Fondles, I had been wondering how she is doing. It was good of you to check in on her. Gosh, she definitely has her hands full! I feel for her.


    1. Maggie is really something!

      I always like to keep up with other bloggers.

  2. Anonymous6:03 AM

    Made me smile reading about the dogs.

    Thanks for the update with Fondles. She does have her hands full.


    1. The dogs are great, but I'm glad they are home!

  3. Thank you for posting the update from Fondles. What a burden she is carrying.

    Our two dogs (one 12 months, one 16 months) are okay when each one is alone, but as our breeder said, they "lose their minds" when they are together, and playtime is rough!


    1. Play time can sure be rough. And when only one dog wants to play hard it can lead to problems at times.

  4. I'm here! I'm here! Thanks PK for checking on me. And thanks everyone for the love. I have finished doing about 50% of the things that need DOING. I've been so busy with various appointments with the different service providers that I haven't had time for piano lessons all week this week. Add to that a pulled muscle on Monday (and taking Wednesday off work to try and medicate and rest - I said try, because I ended up at the hospital collecting some documents) and you've got one very tired Fondles by the end of the week.

    I'll update my blog again when I have some breathing room!

    1. That's what you get for blogging - when you don't have time to keep up everyone worries a little. Glad you're basically okay, and I hope things smooth out soon.
