Monday, January 17, 2022

Snow in the south!

Look what happened in the south yesterday. It’s been nearly four years since we’ve had more than a good dusting of snow. Yesterday was beautiful – my apologies to those of you who have completely different feelings about snow. Here we ended up with about seven inches.

Normally this would be no problem. I don’t have to go out and Nick can easily tell his boss that he’s not coming in. But the ladies who care for his dad can’t make it to his house. And for various reasons neither can any of the kids except for Nick. We don’t have a 4-wheel-drive and our county doesn’t get the roads scraped as quickly as some. I just hope and pray he makes it there and back. Once he gets back home the snow will be beautiful again.


  1. It does look beautiful PK, snow in our part of the country is extremely rare. Sending positive thoughts that Nick travels safe.


    1. Nick made it there and back just fine, thankfully.

  2. Here's hoping the journey was safe and uneventful. That IS beautiful!

    1. The journey was fine and I agree it's very pretty.

  3. Hey PK,

    It is beautiful....until it isn't. I am sending all the good stuff to you and Nick (that is, positive energy, love and warm....not more snow).


    1. I appreciate the positive thoughts because despite the melting and subsequence ice, Nick went to work at 3:00 AM again today.

  4. we're facing the storm of the century here today - that is if you listen to the weather people..... we woke to a blizzard - they have closed schools which should tell you how bad it is here - they NEVER close schools. The worst part of snow storms (or any storm for that matter) is worrying about the loved ones who are out in it... I won't totally relax till the lil one is home safely later this morning and Sir Steve arrives home safe tonite... we're supposed to get a little over a foot of the stuff before dinner.

    Hope Nick arrives home safely and that you can both enjoy the winter wonderland :)

    1. Morningstar - that is entirely too much! Today was a scheduled teacher work day. But here I've know them to close schools if the weather man TALKS of snow. But you're right - it's our loved one being out that's the problem. Glad to know your lil one is home safe and sound.

  5. Oh, bummer, we wanted some of that snow, but only got the dusting. Kids have been begging for snow.

    I hope that your man got there and back safely. That is very nerve-wrecking for sure.


    1. He got back safely yesterday but he's at work now - 19 miles away on the ice. But I do have confidence in him.
