Thursday, January 13, 2022

I thought I'd killed it

I’ve enjoyed reading Fondles post about her plants and the many she's rescued. I’m not a big plant person but I am fond of Jade plants. My aunt had a beautiful one that I always admired. I wish I’d told her how much I admired it because she gave it away when she found out she was dying. As we were cleaning out her house, I found another Jade back in one of the bedrooms. I have no doubt it was one she had started from her big one. I brought it home with me.

That happened thirty-three years ago. I still have the plant and I’ve started countless babies from it and shared them with all my family when they come to the reunions. 

But…late last year, fall or early winter I wasn’t paying close attention to the weather reports and I left my beloved plant out to freeze. It was pretty bad.


There was serious damage to the big plant and my favorite ‘baby’ looked horrible. I gave them a day or two and then I cut away the damaged parts. As you can see it looked like hell.



I had little hope for the baby but the big plant, while damaged, still had plenty of life.


But just look...

Both plants have tons of new growth. I believe we’re going to make it. I’ll definitely be babying them from now on.


  1. Hi PK, Fondles is awesome for advice on plant care, I am learning quite a bit from her and her commenters. That's wonderful news about your Jade, they definitely look like they are going to make it :) lots of good new growth.


    1. It's really exciting to see the new growth.

  2. WOW that's amazing PK!! It's been years since I had many house plants and have been a little jealous of Fondles' plants.....I'm hoping - once we move - I can again start adding plants to our new home. We have lots of windows - facing every direction! I used to have a jade plant and your post today reminded me..... maybe I'll try adding one to our new home!

    1. I have very little room for plants - or anything else for that matter. But this Jade really feels like family.

  3. Oh, PK, your plants are going to make it! I love seeing the growth in plants and how resilient they are! Our oldest daughter is as into plants as I am and we bought her a jade for Christmas! She absolutely loves her little jade. It's almost time to repot it already. Fondles' plants are beautiful and she does do an excellent job at sharing advice!

    1. I think Fondles is doing a great job too. My daughter is going great with the Jade I gave her too.

  4. OMG you guys, i SUCK at plant care. A lot of it is luck and i'm just glad the plants i adopted have the will power i wish *I* had.

    Your Jade is gorgeous. And i love seeing those tiny leaves making another go of it!

    What did i say, if THEY CAN SURVIVE - SO CAN WE!

    In updates on my end - the one jade-related plant I had that almost died save for one little droopy stem looks like it's ready to give up the fight. It managed to bounce back but there just isn't enough to keep it growing or to push out new stems. And the timing was off. By the time it got strong enough to stand up vertically the sucky weather came and it's now suffering from not having enough sunlight I think.

    I'm gonna try and stick it under the grow light this weekend.

    1. Seems like you're doing a fine job to me. I usually keep mine outside during the summer, but in the shade and then they come in for the winter - when I remember!

  5. I always say my house is like hospice - it's where plants come to die. Lately though, I've been having some luck A friend brought me a Christmas Cactus and while all the blooms died off, new ones are appearing. THere may be hope for me yet.

    1. For the most part I'm the same. I'd like a Christmas cactus but I don't know where I'd put it.

  6. That's wonderful news about your plant. I have a spider plant that's not doing too well but not sure how I take cuttings Have to do some Googling.


    1. Spider plants are horrid things. I have one which i rescued from a friend and it seems it's insisting on having (and giving me) a difficult time. I can't figure out why there are brown spot along the edges, not just at the tip.

      the ones i got from my landscape architect friend are all doing quite well. So maybe it's got to do with the "quality" of the plant itself. Good luck. (Also, it doesn't like to be wet!)

    2. I'm glad Fondles stepped in, because I sure have no clue. I can only do my jades and one little 'trash plant' Mollie calls it, a small little plant she got for me for Mother's Day - five years ago! It's a tough little thing.

  7. I also love jade plants, but haven't had one for years. Maybe I'll look for one next time I go for groceries.

    there used to be a giant jade in one of the rooms at church. It was about 6 feet across and pretty tall. I guess someone donated it. It's gone now, and I wonder what happened to it.

