Monday, April 12, 2021

Baby steps

I have no big incidents to report, but little things are happening. For one thing we are ‘talking’ TTWD more. Just the small little references we make helps. Remember this has been gone from my life for nearly a year, at my insistence, not his. It’s almost like I’d reverted back to being embarrassed to mentions things to him. But now we comment on things we see that would make a good implement. He might say something about a character on TV that could use a good spanking. These little things make me more comfortable, more relaxed, and I’m grateful.


He’s asked that I text every morning before I begin on my day’s writing. I need to text by 9:30, just to touch base. I need to tell him one thing I’m happy about. It’s a little thing, a simple thing, but it helps me ‘focus’ on us (rather than living in my head with other characters only.) It’s certainly a simple enough request. We’ve decided to do it through the end of the month. Baby steps, they may continue, they may change. I like things that focus my mind on us. I’m very bad to ‘slip away.’ I remembered all week, on Saturday I was talking with Mollie and remembered it at 9:28. I made it, including something that made me happy. He texted back – I’m guessing you’re happy it’s not 9:31. However, I did forget Sunday morning. Will he make a big deal out of it? It doesn’t matter. This is really just for me.


He also emailed Liz and asked her to give him a monthly report on me – I have to watch her, that bitch will tell everything when she gets going.


So we have our baby steps going – making TTWD references, texting and emailing with thoughts and ideas, he sent me a fiction story he liked and ask me to file it away in my head for future dates, getting Liz’s ass involved, and we have a date for this week, specific time and place and … stuff planned.

Are we the wildest couple in blogland?  I’m going to say no, but I’m happy to say we still live here and we're still smiling. 



  1. I love the small steps. BIKSS has recently re-instituted the first-thing-in-the-morning text and some days i still forget till i'm out of the shower... but mostly i manage it.

    Baby steps are still steps. I'm happy for you :D

    1. This is very new to me, so I have no doubt I'll forget at times or that the time will just get away from me.

  2. Hi PK,

    Wow, this is fantastic progress. I'm so happy for you. Those baby steps are important. It's wonderful you are talking ttwd again and I love the daily text. What a great way to focus on the two of you, and on the positive.

    Glad Nick is talking to Liz too :)


    1. I'm happy about nearly all of it. Now Liz, sometimes I'm not so sure about Liz.

  3. Small steps are good. It's really great that you are taking about TTWD again. Look forward to reading more.


    1. I think it's good too. But I admit I am somewhat waiting for it to just go poof. I'm a natural optimist, but sometimes...

  4. Yes little things really do matter. I'm hoping that between Liz and me we can keep things moving in the right direction. But I appreciate you encouraging me to write when we stumble too. Because I'll need to do that at times.

  5. Baby steps are I think sometimes needed, sometimes I feel like it's 5 steps forward and 3 back, but it's still progress.

    1. I certainly under stand this. I've been standing still for so long any movement is good.

  6. Ms. PK,

    Thank you.


    1. If I'm ever any help I'm glad for it. Glad you came by.

  7. Deena7:20 AM

    This made me smile! I also got a kick out of his text back to you about the timing of your email. Close call there!

    I am not sure what I was expecting when we started this dynamic but what I have found is that at the start the focus was on the spanking - probably because it was new and so intimate and uncomfortable for both of us for different reason. But what I have found it really is about, for the big picture, is communication and bringing us closer as a couple. And for me - being able to give up some control and feel supported.
    Who knew?

    1. When I first asked I was teaching, raising two kids, taking care of aging parents - their bills, their medication, their food. So YES I wanted to let go of control. I wanted someone to tell me what to do. And he did step up in a big way. Spanking was just the fun stuff.

      Just a side note I was reading this comment when I realized it was 9:45 and I hadn't emailed him. I just texted and for what I was happy about I put that I had such a sweet and understanding husband.
