Thursday, April 15, 2021

Alone time and new additions

Nick and I are fine, although he’s getting ready to abandon me and head off for a golf weekend soon. Even though he is the love of my life, I like my weekends when he’s away. I love being able to write all day without feeling like I’m ignoring him. And I like staying up very late if I like and cook my favorites and eat meal on my time – which I’ve found is different from other humans where I live. 

I hadn’t realized how long he’s been taking these trips but it’s been over twenty-five years. I remember sending the kids to spend the night with their friends or their grandparents when he first started going. Being on my own for a few days has been a joy of mine since my parents first let me stay home alone when they traveled once when I was sixteen. Alone time is not a problem for me.


Nick ask Liz to send him an email checking in tomorrow. I know this sounds stupid, but I’m anxious to hear what she has to say. I swear sometimes I don’t know ahead of time.


I have another bit of news. I’ve become a grandmother again! I haven’t personally met the little one yet, but I have a picture.








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I have no idea which it is, but Mollie will be picking soon. And this little one will be ready to come home with her just as school gets out this year. I guess I know what Mollie will be doing this summer. And I guess I know who will be babysitting some.


  1. Hi PK, aww, so very cute. Congratulations to you and Mollie on your new grand puppy :)

    I know you and Nick both enjoy his golfing trips. I hope you have a great weekend (with lots of writing:). Hope too that Liz behaves when she emails Nick.


    1. I think every one will enjoy this trip!

      We tried to talk Mollie out of another puppy but no luck, so we're looking forward to it now.

  2. AWWWWW so adorable!!! Enjoy your solo weekend. I enjoy my quiet time too!

  3. First, so jealous of a weekend alone....what is this alone you speak of???? Sigh.

    OH MY GOSH!!! So cute! Congratulations!


    1. I love my husband and kids - but YES! Alone time is just lovely!

      I'm sure that there will be more puppy pictures to come.

  4. Deena9:17 AM

    Have a wonderful weekend just for you! And my gosh those potential grandkids are so darn cute - can't wait to see which one is yours!

    1. I do love these weekends! I'm sure you'll be seeing plenty of pictures!
