Friday, August 02, 2019

Fantasy Friday revival - The Road Trip

It Friday again! We have another great story today. And this one is special to me because it was written my my own Nick. He took the pictures too. But that doesn't mean it's necessarily true, does it?

Nick doesn't fancy himself a writer, but he was willing to give it a try. Why don't you?  Please everyone send your stories to

The Road Trip

It had been a hectic and stressful week and Eric was more than ready to get out of the city. That was why he and Jennifer were heading up along the coast road with a camera and picnic basket and hopes for a nice relaxing day.
They hadn’t traveled far when the fog started to roll in off the ocean, but at this time of year it could also disappear at a moment’s notice. Eric seemed unconcerned about the change of conditions but Jen started complaining, "too cool for a picnic" and "too foggy to get any good pictures along the beach". 
Eric tried to ignore the complaining and continued driving while considering the possibilities of salvaging the day. He turned away from the coast in an attempt to get above the fog. After fifteen minutes driving up the twisting road the fog became even denser and the driving became more difficult. Jen’s complaining also became more annoying, “great idea taking this curvy road-waste of time – I’d rather be shopping.”
Between trying to concentrate on the vanishing road and listening to the complaints, Eric’s relaxing drive had turned sour. After enduring another barrage of complaints and suggestions to turn around, Eric wordlessly pulled off the road at a safe spot and switched off the engine. Walking around and opening her door, Eric took Jen’s hand and said quietly, “we need to take a walk”. The look on Jen’s face said she knew she had gone too far. Although they had only been together about six months she knew Eric would not tolerate griping. She also knew what the consequences were likely to be.
Holding her hand, Eric led Jen along a faint trail into the woods. It was very quiet and the fog was giving everything an eerie feeling. Stopping by a large fallen hemlock, Eric explained that what had started as a pleasant drive was being spoiled, not by the weather, but by her attitude and complaining.
Eric told Jen to drop her jeans and bend over the log. Jen looked startled and embarrassed. Although they were well away from the road, the thought of receiving the upcoming spanking outdoors with no real guarantee of privacy sent an extra chill down her spine. The fog did provide some additional seclusion as someone would have to be really close to see anything. Knowing that Eric was dead serious and recognizing the truth in the charges, Jen accepted the inevitable and turned toward the fallen tree and lowered her jeans.
Eric removed the belt from his slacks and started a slow rhythmic assault on her panty-clad bottom. After about twenty good licks, Eric lowered Jen’s panties from her reddened butt. Jen shivered at the increase in vulnerability, both real and perceived. A slight rustling of leaves caught their ears and they both turned in the direction of the sound. A deer was trotting toward them, but upon spotting them made a sharp turn and bounded away into the misty woods. Eric returned his attention to Jen’s now fully exposed ass and gave her twenty more with the belt, the last ten delivered with considerable force, causing Jen to squirm, yelp and promise to improve her attitude. Eric turned Jen around and took her into his arms. She hugged him tightly and apologized for the way she had been acting. Eric told her things would be fine. As Jen was pulling up her jeans she noticed the fog was getting thinner, maybe this was a sign that the day was not lost. A movement about 100 feet away caught their eyes. This time it was not wildlife but a young couple seemingly frozen in their tracks, apparently having witnessed a good portion of what had just happened. Eric merely nodded at them and taking Jen’s hand turned and retraced their path back to the road.
The drive was completed without additional complaints. They found a trail with signs leading to a waterfall. After finishing their picnic, they hiked to the waterfall where the fog added its own magic to their surroundings.


  1. Sweet story, PK. All the sweeter as Nick is the author.

    Rosie xx

    1. I always thought it was special when her wrote for me.

  2. Hi PK, how fantastic that Nick wrote this. A lovely, sweet story, I really enjoyed reading this:)


    1. Me too. I think he's a great writer.

  3. I love that Nick wrote this, what a great story!


    1. He really surprised me when he did this.

  4. Great story Nick. Bet you made that other couple's day more exciting too.

    1. I would have enjoyed being the other couple. It's not something you see every day.

  5. A lovely story from Nick. Thanks. Beautiful pictures. Thanks.


    1. He is a great photographer.

  6. Very nice and the thril of witnesses will add another blush !
    Please help, You have such a popular blog ! Would you please allow some of that popularity to rub off onto our little blog "O&P Spanking Stories"? Please add our blog in your blog-roll... 
    Thanks in advance
    Best regards
    (PS : I am not a robot and this isn't a commercial add :)

    1. Brigitte, I'm glad you liked the story. As I've told you before - I will be happy to add you to my blog roll after we have talked just a tiny bit. Email me at

  7. Wow! Good for Nick writing this little tidbit, I loved reading it! May there be more! :)

    1. He has written a few more, they'll be coming along in time.

  8. Well, that man can surely think up a great spanking. Wish you had really been over that log, PK. Now that would be a wonderful memory. Lovely pictures, Nick!!!

    Hugs From Ella

    1. Back when this was first written I would have love that too!

  9. Deena4:42 PM

    I am just catching up now, and so glad you are continuing your blog. Love this story by Nick!

    Also finished the first 2 Cassie books and on to number 3! Love love love reading about a couple my age and love love love your writing style!

    1. Bless your heart! You have no idea what this comment means to me and it came at the perfect time. I was really down and this was exactly what I needed. BTW, book 3 is one of my favorites!

    2. Deena8:11 PM

      I'm so excited to be on #TEAMPK! I'm especially glad the timing was right ;) It takes me a bit of time to read them but truly, truly, so enjoyable! I'm quite grateful for them!
