Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Whirlwind time

I just wanted everyone to know that I’m still here and what’s more I don’t plan on not being here. I do realize that this blog has no particular direction or purpose these days, but I don’t care. I like blogging and as long as it’s fun for me I’m sticking with it. 

That being said, I may be a little scarce for a short while – I’m coming up on a busy time. The annual family reunion is upon us. So cleaning – my favorite pastime – is in full swing. Then it’s off to the lake with my cousins to continue visiting. As we get back, Nick and I will be babysitting the dog and cat while Mollie heads off on another cruise. I’d appreciate any prayers you could say to keep hurricanes away until she returns.

While she’s gone we are supposed to begin tearing out the ugly wall in my living room and getting the redecorating started. The Arts Festival is the week she’s gone and I’m gearing up for that. Then as soon as Mollie returns, she's back to school. I could have used her help painting.

Okay, maybe it's not quite this ugly, 
but it's close.

In the midst of all this I finally sent the new book off to Blushing yesterday. That is always the scariest feeling. I have every confidence that they will take it, but until they say they’ll take it I stay nervous. This book, I hope, is the beginning of a new series with all your old friends. It’s a combination of Cassie’s books with the Cal’s Law books – everyone is here with the concentration being on the younger couples, Allie and Ryan and Cal and Jenny. But fear not, Cassie, Sue, Annie and Lily and their ‘menfolk’ aren’t far away.

I do have a Fantasy Friday ready for this week – with a very special author! And I’ll pop in when I can. I hope you’ll keep dropping by.


  1. Hi PK, I'm so glad you aren't going anywhere :) wow, what a busy time you have coming up!

    Congratulations on sending the book to Blushing. Can't wait to hear more! Wishing you all the best with the festival and I hope you all have a wonderful reunion :)


    1. Thanks, Roz! We'll get through it all and I'm looking forward to most of it.

  2. Of course they'll take it. Congratulations. Good luck at the festival and let us know how it all goes.

    Don't forget to take before and after pics.


    1. I will let you know and I've already got the before pictures.

  3. AS long as you stay blogging, I am a happy girl. It is like meeting a friend for tea when I am here.

    Glad to hear you are busy ( would be nice just to do nothing though...LOL).


    1. Thanks Boo. I do nothing MUCH of the time and I do love it.

  4. Can't wait for a new book, PK! I will get my reviewing hat on and watch for you to post about the publication. Have fun these next busy weeks, my friend.

    Hugs From Ella

    1. I hope you'll like the new book. I think you will. Talk to you about it when I know more.

  5. Anonymous11:12 AM

    Hi, PK! I hope your book accepting process goes smoothly for you! Have a blast with your family at the reunion! Hugs, Windy

    1. I do love the reunion and visiting at the lake. I looked for it every year.

  6. Anonymous2:12 PM

    I have been thinking about you and your family reunion. We had a gathering of Jack's cousins Saturday. A new book shows me that that writing room is a good place for you to just stay.

    1. That's the place I love to be. I have two books in my head, now I have to start writing.

  7. Have a wonderful family event, PK! ... and a sweet followup time with your furry grandbabies. I also hope the reno goes well ... did you tell us which version you landed on? I can't remember ... lol! ... nj ... xx

    1. I can't believe we're actually starting the reno. I'll show pictures as we go along.

  8. So glad you have no intention on leaving. Hope you have a wonderful family reunion. Good luck this weekend. Good job on your new book, really excited about that.

    1. I do like being here! I'm looking forward to you all getting to read this one.

  9. Lordy, My head is spinning with all you have going on there. I know you will make it through though.

    1. At least I don't have to contend with your heat. It's not cool here but you're welcome to use our pool - I'll be too busy to get in for a while.

  10. Whirlwind sounds the right description for all you have to do! You’ll need a rest when it’s all done.

    I’m often late reading but I’ll carry on popping in as long as you keep posting.

    Rosie xx

    1. Thanks Rosie, I do love you dropping in anytime.
