Thursday, February 21, 2019

Strangers on a track

This it definitely off topic - but when has that ever stopped me? I imagine most of you know that LJ is gay. I shared that piece of information a dozen years ago and posted about his marriage in 2013. 

I adore both of my children. I'm extremely proud of them both. So yesterday at the gym here in my little old southern town I had a very interesting encounter.

I was walking on the indoor track at my gym when a man about my age began walking with me and asked if I attended church anywhere. I told him yes, I’d been going to the same church for sixty-two years, more if you count when my mom was pregnant with me. He told me he was a Baptist minister and we talked a bit before I began asking him how his church felt about the LGBTQ community. He told me it was a grave sin and then it was on!  Very politely and in a friendly manner, I asked him if he felt the same way about people in his church who were divorced and remarried, had tattoos, ate shrimp or ham or had lived with their husband/wife before marriage. We discussed the differences between old and new testament. He told me what the Bible said to do with homosexuals and I asked him if his church had organized a group to head to Washington to stone the adulterer currently occupying the oval office.

 He talked of Sodom and Gomorrah and I pointed out that what the men there were doing was raping in hatred, having nothing to do with a loving gay relationship. He told me what Paul in the new testament said about the topic and marriage. I told him Paul wasn't Jesus and that when the two seemed to disagree with one another I'd stick with Jesus, who always said we were to love everyone - I told him that was what I tried to do and I felt God perfectly capable of handling anything else. We both talked. I stopped him only once to remind him we were strangers discussing a topic and that I wasn’t interested in being preached to, that I would continue the conversation only if what I had to say was heard as well. I know I said nothing that changed his views and of course he changed none of mine, but I proudly told him my son was gay and that he and his husband were two of the finest people I knew.

As I left the track I thanked him for our discussion and added, “We’ll have to talk again. In addition to being the mother of a gay child I’m also a strong believer in reincarnation!” I wonder if we’ll talk again or if he’ll run in the other direction when he sees me coming?

This post was just to tell you of my interesting encounter. If you want to begin a long discussion about sex, religion or politics I'd rather you email me. (  Then I can either email back or ignore you depending on the tone of the email! LOL! 


  1. Anonymous1:51 AM

    Oh my gosh, I don't think I have ever loved you so much as I do in this post right now! I am SO proud of you. And I am also laughing my ass off at some of your quite accurate biblical responses to him. Laughing... the fact that all of this just flew right out of your head and mouth without notes .... I love it. I don't like it if you were upset at all and I think the Baptist minister is wrong is his narrow minded views. Thanks so much for sharing this!! You did great! Hugs! Windy

    P.S. I'm sure Cassie would be VERY proud of you! Especially the "adulterer currently occupying the oval office." HAHAHA

    1. I'm happy you're pleased! It was actually kind of fun. I didn't need notes, I've gone over this in my head many times. I don't go looking for confrontations, but I did enjoy it. And yeah, Cassie might have come out a little.

  2. Hi PK, way to go, good on you! I bet you gave him some food for thought, which is a very good thing. It will be interesting to see if you two speak again lol


    1. I don't know if he'll give it any thought or not, but I had to say it.

  3. Good for you PK. Baptists can be such zealots and I'm glad you fought back (so to speak). It will be interesting to see what happens going forward.

    1. I doubt we'll see one another much - it wasn't the time I usually go to the gym.

  4. Anonymous9:51 AM

    I am impressed! I do not think I could have kept my cool, but you did. You made your points well and just perhaps he heard you!

    1. I was the one who brought the subject up, not him. So I thought I should play nice. Truthful, but nice.

  5. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Hi PK! :) You go girl!!! I can picture you walking around that very track, setting this man straight in your matter-of-fact, and knowledgeable way. You are amazing!!!

    love Love LOVE this most of all: "I'd stick with Jesus, who always said we were to love everyone - I told him that was what I tried to do and I felt God perfectly capable of handling anything else." Why, oh why do people go around spouting religion, and think in this backward, hateful manner? They say that God is love. So many people need to put their love on!!

    You are awesome!!! Love you! Many hugs,

    ❤️Katie xoxo

    1. I wish everyone could go with love too. And it seems to me it would be easier than trying to keep up with which groups you're supposed to be against.

  6. Good for you PK. I love that you stood up for what you believed in and I am right beside you.

    1. I love that that my friends here seem to be in agreement. Thank you.

  7. Kudos, PK ... for your ability to have a reasonable, two way dialogue, whilst standing firm, representing who and what you stand for. It is a rarity these days ... not many people can have a 'discussion' without it turning into an emotional conflict ... It will be interesting to see if he comes back for more 'discussion' :>)) ... nj ... xx

    1. As I said I was the one who brought it up, so I felt I should definitely be civil. Plus if there is ever a chance someone will listen to you it won't be when you're yelling.

  8. PK, thank you thank you thank you! You have shown/done something I very strongly believe in. YOU CAN AGREE TO DISAGREE and be polite about it. Thank you thank you thank you! We are all human and all of us should be given the same rights and freedoms.


    1. I know that talking is better than shouting. And it did feel good to speak my truth.

  9. Sounds like you and Cassie have a lot on common. :)

    1. Bless your heart - that's always been my dream!

  10. Anonymous5:02 AM

    This. Right. Here. We need more people who are willing to intellectually challenge this whole mindset. Engage the religious community to think through what they believe and why they believe it. Good for you! We also have had backlash for our stand on this issue, as many of my children's friends are from the LGBT community. We have one command in this world - to love God and love people. (Okay, maybe that's two.) :)

    Oh, and PK -- you do realise you're going to be a sermon illustration this Sunday don't you? HaHaHa Love it!

    Hugs -- shell

    1. If more people would talk/discuss rather than arguing and yelling we would all do so much better. The LGBTQ folks I've met through LJ have been such delightful, thoughtful, wonderful people. I'm proud to know them.

  11. I wonder why ha is the new guy in town. maybe the old town didn't want him any longer, just saying. Good for you PK, he sounds like a piece of work to me.
    love Jan, xx

    1. I guess he was speaking his truth - I'm just glad I got the opportunity to speak mine too.

  12. Good for you PK. I am so glad you made your point and stood up for what you believe in. If I went to church which I don't. I wouldn't like him as my Minister.


    1. No, me either. I love our lady minister though. She is very accepting of LJ and Collin.

  13. Just stopping by to ROCK!

    1. Thank you for saying so - just speaking the truth as I know it.

  14. I'm late again. You handled that very well. People can disagree without being disagreeable. Loving all people is never a bad thing. And leaving it in God's hands is the perfect answer.
    Rosie Dee

    1. It is an answer most preachers tend to leave alone - unless they think they are on the same level as God and sadly a few do.

  15. Good on you, PK!
    Rosie xx

  16. I love the way you handled this conversation. Saying exactly what you wanted, giving food for thought, dripping with class, respect, dignity, and wisdom....good for you!

    1. Thanks Laurel! It felt good to speak my truth.
