Monday, February 18, 2019

Searching for Old Friends

*New story at Cassie's.

Bonnie had an interesting post here looking for some of our old friends who no longer blog. Just reading that made me long for old friends. I was so happy to see Abby pop up over there and I hope to see her in the land once again. 

This post is to look for these old friends. I’ve been lucky enough to keep up with a few. I’m sure some just didn’t have the time, interest or energy to continue blogging. That’s fine, I’m not trying to get them to blog again (though that would be wonderful) I just want to know if they’re okay. Many of the ones I list here are very, very old blog – some have been gone a decade, but if one of them reads and pops in to say hello it will be worth it to me.

I hesitate to put up a list, I know I’ll be leaving so many off – but this is MY list, not a list of all bloggers we miss. But these people I list are those I felt close to and that I miss personally. For the few I am lucky enough to keep up with outside of blogging I’ll put Alive & Well. But for most I’m hoping they or someone who still knows them will do the same.

Eva at Nothing Random, Alive & Well

CeeCi, Alive & Well

Mthc, Alive & Well  Mthc never actually blogged, but was a great commenter. We still talk nearly daily.

Debbie, Alive & Well

*I’d really like to know how Theresa is! We were close for several years. She had a son near LJ’s age and I would so love to catch up.


Sar – fantastic blog – Pieces, it’s still on my blog roll if you just want a wonderful read.



Padme Amidale


Dove – I know she was from Australia

Purple Angel

Killisto (& Spanky)

Snow White

Todd & Suzy

Angel Brat

Andrades – I would love to hear from her 
and find out why she left. It was just so abrupt.



Emerald Eyes

Mistress Sky 

There are three others I’d like to mention

Mthc’s husband, David, pass away several years ago. He used to leave wonderful comments, a truly great guy.

Paul – such a dear friend. Though he never blogged he was a staple here for so many years. I believe he comment on every single post I put up on my various blogs until he became too ill to do so. He’s passed on too, but I still miss him.

And then there was Bas – Bas was a love! His kindness and wisdom was a true breath of fresh air out here. When he died it was a blow to us all. I’m still in touch with his wife from time to time and she is well. 

If you have see yourself on this list, or if you are in contact with anyone on this list please leave a comment or email me at



  1. Hi PK, what a lovely post. I too miss and wonder about bloggers who have left and it would be so great to hear from them to know how they are doing.

    Bas is someone I will never forget. He was a breath of fresh air and it was a blow to us all when we lost him. I'm so glad to hear you are still in touch with his wife and that she is doing well.

    Paul was a lovely commenter and a real encouragement to those who wrote stories for FF.


    1. Bas and Paul were two of the best ever. They truly helped make blogland a warm wonderful place.

  2. Oh, my goodness, Bas!!! Greatest one ever! I had to go under... And I mean completely dark. This is my first comment in four years??
    I check in from time to time as a lurker. In a happy HEALTHY relationship that I wish I could share, but lurker I'll have to stay. So "hi, PK. I've missed ya."

    1. ROGUE!!! So good to hear from you! This is why I should never make lists, I always leave someone wonderful off. You are welcome to lurk all you like. I'm just happy you're happy. I'd love an email if you'd be willing. I'm still at the same old one!

    2. Just sneaking in to reply to Rogue with a warm hello. Glad all is well with you. :-)

  3. PK, a lovely post. Thank you.

    So many have left and missed by a lot of us. Hello Rouge, good to see you. I remember Paul and Bas with great fondness.


    1. We sure have had some wonderful people here over the years.

  4. What a great post PK. Bas, I wonder if he ever knew how many lives he touched in such a positive way. I saved all of his posts and go back and read them from time to time. Which makes me remember Mona Lisa.
    I'd forgotten we hadn't heard from abby in a while, the memory not being what it was. Sar - I just loved her- she's why I went with my publisher. I'd forgotten about Todd & Suzy and Angel Brat. It made me go through my outdated blog roll and found Lil and Dragon's Rose and Janey.
    How about Stormy and Lily and Suzie and her mischief maker.
    Nice to know that Rogue still lurks occasionally. Glad she is well and loving life.

    1. Well I can answer a couple for you Sunny- Susie, Lilly and rumour has it Stormy *wink* are all alive and well. Susie did comment on Bonnie's blog.

      I did love reading Sar as well, but I read her after she stopped publishing posts.

      and * HI ROGUE!!!!*

      Also for anyone interested Quiet Sara also very much alive and well....Lucy, Tess, TL, Betsy, Irishy...still kicking ( though not on this list ).

      I too wonder about Janey. She did just 'poof' but she has before and then returned. Here's hoping she will again.

    2. Oh Sorry, also saw PK has New Bea on her blog roll. She too is alive and well ;)

    3. Leigh - I relied mostly on memory as they floated through my mind then I went back to the early years and looked at some of the comments. I think Rogue was the only one I was really close with that I left off my list.

    4. Wilma - you've mentioned some good ones here. I'm happy to know those you've mentioned are doing well.

  5. Anonymous12:06 PM

    I hope your old pals find a way to say hello to you. That is a lot of bloggers and it seems they are special to many of you. I can see why you'd miss them. I would have loved to have read their blogs. Hugs, Windy

    1. You did miss some good ones. But we have great people now too. I just hope if people have to leave they let someone know that they are alive and well.

  6. Hi PK ... I somehow missed Bonnie's early Feb post. I was happy when I went back and looked, to see Abby's name there.

    I certainly understand how you and others would miss your old Blogland friends but I also understand how life can quickly change. It is good to see a few old bloggers pop up and say Hi! ... nj ... xx

    1. It is good! I'm happy to hear from them. I'm afraid I don't let go easily when I find a friend, a kindred sprit. But I also worry about becoming a pest or make someone feel I'm stalking. So I've learned to let go eventually and send up a prayer for them.

  7. It’s nice that you have so many great memories of past blogger friends. You are lucky to have been blogging so long to know so many, I hope some of them touch base with you again. :)

    1. I would like to know how things are with every single person I've I've met here. Because we all share the same secret desire, I feel we know each other better than most.

  8. I didn't know about Bas. I was going to give an "alive and well" for Rogue but she commented - yay! Thanks for following up from Bonnie's blog.

    1. I sure hope Rogue emails me. I'd love to talk with her.
      Bas was so very special.

  9. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Hi PK, :) I loved your list! So nice to see Rogue's comment too! And Bas...! What a lovely, lovely man he was! I'm glad that you stay in touch with his wife.

    The very first person that I landed on here, in Blogland was Elisa. Her husband was Henry. I often wonder how she is doing. There were so many wonderful people back in the day, that no longer blog. They are missed, and I am grateful to them for sharing! Love Bonnie's idea! Many hugs,

    ❤️Katie xoxo

    Some wonderful bloggers

    1. I would love to hear from them - just to know how they're doing and if they're happy. I've stayed longer than most. I'm planning on staying as long as I enjoy it.

  10. Really nice post. So many friends here that I remember fondly. It is nice to read in post and in comments about those in touch that are doing very well. Hugs

    1. You've been around so long too - even before you began blogging. I love that you're still here.

    2. ...and don't intend to go anywhere anytime soon :-)
