Monday, March 05, 2018

Sister Time

I’m back! I was in desperate need of some sister time and I enjoyed our visit very much. I think I only got on my computer once or twice the whole time and that’s very unusual for me. It may or may not be a good thing for me to take a break once in a while. But I do tend to get anxious when I don’t do some writing for long stretches and for me that’s about three days. Thankfully on this trip Cassie was whispering to me about something – not sure where this is going. I’m just in the listening stage.

Could the weather be much worse? Here at my house we had fierce winds, but nothing compared to what was happening north of us and out west. Look at England, practically the whole country covered in snow. And I believe they are much like the south. Yes, they see snow occasionally but just a little, and it goes away quickly. I’m guessing they don’t invest too much money in snow removal equipment. It looks like many of my friends are trapped inside, bored, due to weather.

Fear not! I have a solution! Put this time trapped in your home to good use – write a Fantasy Friday story! Writing is so good for you. Take that fantasy that always roamed around in your head and write it. Writing is good for the mind. It keeps it healthy and helps prevent dementia. Okay, I’m making that up – but it's possible.

This comes to mind because we have a brand-new Fantasy Friday story coming up this week and it comes all the way from snow covered England. I’ll keep the author a secret for the moment. Come back Friday and check it out.


  1. Hi PK, so glad you are back and that you enjoyed your trip. Our snow has gone, we are back to rain again. All is okay with us but some parts of the country ow have floods etc to follow the snow :(.
    Hope you entice lots of people with the fantasy friday idea too
    love Jan, xx

    1. Floods can be much worse than snow. But you can write a FF in the rain.

  2. Your short break with your sister sounds wonderful PK. The whole world is crazy with all the different weather at the moment.
    Looking forward to reading FF and hope you receive some more stories to keep us going.
    Hugs Lindy xx

    1. I hope I will. I always liked Fantasy Friday.

  3. Hi PK,

    So glad to hear you had a wonderful time visiting your sister. Glad too that Cassie is talking :)

    The weather is just bonkers everywhere, and some people don't believe in climate change and global warming?

    Looking forward to popping back on Friday :)


    1. I did have a great time.

      I have no idea how people can not believe in climate change.

  4. Glad you had such a wonderful sister visit. :-) Yes, the weather can't seem to make up its mind here. Never know what it is going to be. Hugs

    1. Same here! Week before last it was like summer, now they're talking about a possibility of snow.

  5. Hi PK ... you are so lucky to have a Sis in your life ... brother time isn't quite the same ... haha!
    I've started Cassie's story this week ... so much reading to look forward to.
    I never did find your latest 'lost in space' comment.
    ... nj ... xx

    1. I do love having a sister. I love having a son and a daughter, but I wish I could have had a sister for Mollie.

      I'm thinking now that the comment was 'lost in the space' between my ears!

  6. Sounds like a great visit, PK, and even though I'm not stuck with rain or snow, but joining you on mammoth sized winds, I do have a FF roaming around in my noggin. I will have to see where it takes me. May take time during our upcoming spring break to put pen to paper and see what comes of it.

    1. I do hope you get some time to write. I'd I do love new stories.

  7. Welcome back. Happy you had a wonderful time.
    Strange weather. Luckily we didn't have the snow too bad in our part of the UK
    Look forward to Friday's story.


    1. I think you'll like it. Glad you didn't get too much snow.

  8. Time with sisters can be so cathartic, so glad you had such a great time. I'm sure your sister enjoyed just as much.
    Mother Nature is having a good laugh on us isn't she? Looking forward to a FF this week.

    1. Yep, I think she liked it as much as I did. I'm glad to have a new FF coming up.

  9. So glad you're back and happy to hear your sister time went well. I missed having posts to read this week. I was so used to spending my free time catching up with the old ones. Now, I'm waiting for the next book!
    Also, I hope you might have a nice post on your "welcome home" from Nick on Friday! I'm sure he missed you!
    Rosie Dee

    1. Don't count on that welcome home post - Mollie was gone too and Nick was watching her cat. She came home for the weekend too.

  10. Oh, that Rosie is thinking ahead! Perhaps Nick can get you back on track with writing and exercising, too.

    Am looking forward to a visit with my crazy sister at the end of the month! There is something so honest about a sister. And we laugh at anything and everything. Glad you had a good time.

    It is odd that this post did not appear on my blog list until later. Maybe there is a ghost messing with you, PK.

    I love it when you hear voices in your head.
    Hugs From Ella

    1. I know you'll enjoy visiting your sister!

      Blogger is being a real butt to me lately.

  11. Hi PK!
    I've been out of the loop for a couple of weeks so it was nice reading about your visit with your sister. I know March is question and answer month. Don't know if you are playing along but if you are, my question is:
    Do you tell your sister about your spanking dynamic?

    1. I do love questions so I'm definitely in for any and all questions anyone has. It's just that I've been here so long, I may have told everything. But questions are great for new posts. Thanks for asking and I'll put up a post with the answer soon.
