Wednesday, March 07, 2018

I've got questions, do you?

It is March and that means it’s question time. I like questions. They give me ideas for new post as I answer them. Some make me laugh. Some make me do some deep thinking and I’ve even had a few that have triggered book ideas.

You can ask about me. You can ask about Nick. Or you can ask about my books or characters. If you read here often, you know I don’t have much to hide. So please, if you have any questions you’d like to ask, go for it. I probably won’t answer in comments. If you’re nice enough to as me a question, I’ll answer in a post.

Now I’ll tell you a question I have – a bit of background first. There is one more Cassie book to go, it’s not written, but it’s in my head. I’m not sure my publishers wants another one. They haven’t said this. They have always been very kind to me. But this last book, Cassie’s Life, isn’t selling well. I’m guessing people see it’s book ten and think, ‘Well I’m too far behind. I’m not getting this one.’ Despite the fact that each book is a stand-alone and that, in my opinion, this is the best one I’ve written. I doubt number eleven will fair any differently. But if you are a fan of Cassie and her friends there are two more stories you need to know. There will be more stories than that in the book of course, but two are definitely stories long time Cassie readers should know.

My questions – do I write this last Cassie book? This would be the last Cassie book; how far should I take it? I know the story up to the last breath. Would you want to read it? Should I just stop where I am and email these two secrets to those who ask for them? I have time to think. I have a book in the hands of the publisher, and two I’m planning to write before then last of Cassie. Or if I’m going to do it, should I do it next. You can see I’m very confused.

If you would like some questions answered today, please go by the Reading Room for the latest few questions I was asked about Cassie and Tom.

I hope you’ll give me your opinion about the questions I’ve asked and I hope you’ll have a few more for me.


  1. PK ... if the story is in you ... and you say it is the last C&T book and you know the story right up to its last breath ... then it needs to be told. It's readership numbers might not be where they need to be but it is your art and you need to just put it out there and let it go.

    I make art as well ... with my hands, not a pen ... I make what I feel I must make and in doing so, I hope there are folks out there that will love what I make enough to purchase ... but the purchase itself, is not why I do it. I do it for me ... just my thoughts, if they're any help :))

    BTW ... I just finished Cassie's Space ... and loved it ... nj

    1. I'll definitely write the book, because I have to for me. I just wasn't sure everyone would want to read to the end - although I promise it ends well!

      I'm so glad you enjoyed Cassie's Space!

  2. Hi Pk, yes you do need to write it. I agree that book ten was absolutely the best one. Not sure how to get around the book eleven thing. I know often when I find the first of a series for free I am then hooked and get the rest in quick succession no matter how many there are. My questions: When shopping do you choose your clothes according to things you know Nick will like or do you just wear whatever you want regardless? Is there anywhere in the world you particularly would love to visit?
    love Jan, xx

    1. Yep, I feel the book should be written anyway - then everyone can decide for themselves whether or not to read it.

      Thank you for the question. I'll get the answers out soon.

  3. Hi PK, I agree, if you have the story up to the end in your head then it should be written to complete the full story and give closure for Tom and Cassie and you won't have any regrets later on about not finishing their story.

    Questions: What is your favourite movie? Favourite place you have visited?


    1. I think you're exactly right. If only 10 people want to read it, I want them to be able to.

      Thanks for the question. I'll post soon.

  4. Hi PK long time lurker, I have read all ten cassie and Tom books which I really enjoyed and agree with the others book eleven should be written. I have a question - how did cassie and sue originally meet, I would imagine there would be plenty of fireworks before they became the friends they are.
    Regards Gill

    1. Hey Gill! Always good to hear from you. The book will be written, but I'm not sure exactly when.

      Ahhh... Cassie and Sue. Answers coming.

  5. Hi PK I agree with the others you need to write this final story, you know we will all buy it if no one else does.
    My questions for both you and Nick.... What's one thing you always pack when travelling? If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?
    Hugs Lindy xx

    1. I appreciate that Lindy.

      Answers soon.

  6. Hi, PK, write it! Write it as she whispers it to you and when it's done, Cassie will be complete. Just remember it will be a sookie lala day reading the final chapter for me!

    Question: okay, I would like to know what kind of spankings you desire most and why? What part of the spanking process most appeals to you ie...the lecture, the implement used...etc. is there an aspect you do not enjoy?

    1. There will be tear or two shed, but I promise you a good ending!

      Thanks for the question. It's one I need to answer for myself.

  7. Personally I think you should write it. I think you'd have regrets if you don't, just my opinion.

    Questions: Sorry if you have already answered this. Are you very strict with your writing, like setting aside 1, 2 3 hours a day to write?
    What book are you reading at the moment?
    What's your favourite meal Nick cooks for you.


    1. I guess the question wasn't really whether or not to write it but, more whether or not to try to publish it. I think I'm going to try for both.

      Thanks for the questions.

  8. Anonymous8:20 AM

    PK, I love the Cassie & Tom series. I don't want it to end. Having said that, we have to hear all Cassie is saying. I plan on buying every book you write. My question, has Cassie ever met with her brother since her first husband and parents died?


    1. Cassie and Tom will be around for a while yet. After all they are friends with Cal and Jenny.

      Thanks for the question.

  9. PK - Don't write it. Let it fade away like a best kept secret and leave the world wondering what ever happened to Cassie and Tom.
    Just kidding. I'm being a brat and everyone already said to write it so I was just trying to be different. Or, as Eric would say, "difficult". Seriously, write it. What an accomplishment to be able to write a character's entire lifetime.

    Question: Do you ever find that you write the thing you miss or wish you had in your own life and does your husband read your writing to get a better understanding of where you are in your head? Or, are the stories all separate from you and your real life?

    1. You're great Amy - I love 'difficult' or maybe 'challenging'. Either way you are not boring! I do love writing Cassie and her family.

      Love your question.

  10. PK, you know I will read the last Cassie book over and over, but I don't think that you should write it for any of us.

    Cassie has become an entity apart from you, and I can't but think that she would like her story to end on her terms, not some publisher.

    I have always envied you that Cassie tells you her stories. It is a unique relationship with a main character. Something to treasure.

    Hugs From Ella

    1. I know she wants her story out - no doubt. I'll write the book for myself and then see what happens. I do love that woman.

  11. I want to read that book! You just need a title that maybe doesn't sound like BOOK ELEVEN!!! We all will know, but maybe a new reader would read it and find out that there are more and want to read them then. I know you want Cassie's name in the title, but maybe you can get a catchy idea that sounds right. We all want to know what Cassie has to say!
    Rosie Dee

  12. Yes, please write it! I will certainly read it.

  13. I agree, if you have the story in your head and heart (and I know you do) then write it. I love Cassie and she feels like part of my family. I would be delighted to read her whole story. :-) Hugs
