Thursday, February 15, 2018

Sad Post

This is a sad post. Don’t feel you have to read today. I just have to have somewhere to get this out.

When I was teaching, I worked with a fellow teacher who had a daughter, Sherry. Sherry taught third grade like Mollie. We often compared our daughter’s experiences. Yesterday morning, we found out that Sherry had fallen down the stairs at her condo and broken her neck. A friend found her dead Tuesday evening. I can’t stop thinking about her, she was only in her early thirties. She was friends with LJ and Collin. I can’t stop thinking about them, about her mom and even about her students. I’m sure many of these little eight-year-olds have never experienced death before. It’s just so shocking and sad.

Then in the afternoon comes the news of the school shooting in Florida. There is nothing I can say about that – it’s too horrifying.

But two interviews have stayed on my mind. One mother was interviewed who said she had four sons at that school. She had heard from three of them, but not the forth.

Then I heard a phone interview with a seventeen-year-old boy. He told what he had seen and then they asked him how he was. His answer was, “I’m fine. I’m with my mom.”

That got to me and I finally started crying. He knew he was safe, he was fine, because he was with his mom.

I’m praying for all the families and friends who lost loved one yesterday. The ones I know and the ones I don’t.


  1. Anonymous12:38 AM

    You are up very late. I, too, cannot sleep considering the horrible news. I am sorry about the death of the person you knew. I am frightened for a country which offers “thought and prayers” when what we need is policy and change concerning guns. How very frightening for all the young people and their teachers.

    Try to get some sleep tonight. I am thinking of you, ny dear friend.

    1. Thank-you Meredith. I could write a book on what I think of the way our country is going. But I won't.

  2. i'm so sorry for your loss. :(

  3. Hello PK (and Meredith),
    I also cannot sleep. The news of the day is heartbreaking and impossible to fix. This world needs a giant Mom to wrap her arms around it and bring some peace to so many in turmoil. Extremely sorry to hear of all loss; especially so close to your heart and home.

    1. A loving mom for would be a great help now.

  4. PK, I sm so very sorry for your loss and deeply saddened. The shooting is simply horrendous. Will common sense ever prevail in relation to guns?

    My thoughts are with you. Sending huge cyber (((hugs)))

    1. I worry about my friend losing her daughter. In answer to your question - I don't see it happening any time soon.

  5. PK my thoughts are with you at this sad time with the loss of your friend. What is the world coming to with all these shootings. I'm so glad we have tight gun laws over here. Thinking of all my American friends
    Hugs Lindy xx

    1. If only our country was as intelligent as yours.

  6. Oh PK, I am so sorry to hear the sad news about your friend. My thoughts are with you.

    I saw the pictures on TV about the Florida shooting, it's horrible. Something has to be done about your gun policies.

    Love and hugs,

  7. I am sharing your grief and some anger. I am so very sorry that a sudden accident took a life way too soon. I watched some of it in horror yesterday...when will we be brave enough to really say ENOUGH with the guns...
    hugs abby

    1. I think that question will be a long time in coming.

  8. Anonymous7:58 AM

    PK so sorry for the loss of your friend. Our thoughts and prayers are with those in Florida.

    1. Thanks Sue-B. I'm afraid there is too much sadness to go around.

  9. I am so sorry for your loss. And for the loss in the Florida school. It is heartbreaking. My heart goes out to all the families. Big hugs to you

    1. Thanks Terps, I know all school shootings scare all parents.

  10. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Oh PK! <3 How very sad to hear about your young lady friend! I can't even imagine... My heart hurts for you all, her family and friends. xoxo

    Another mass shooting in a school, where teachers, children and parents expect to be safe each day. It is beyond horrific!!!! Lindy has it right Downunder. They changed to strict gun control there, after the same, and there has been no further incidents to date. We don't need a %$#$%@ wall!!!! We need serious gun control, right now, so that weapons like that stay out of the hands of the wrong people. All so sad...

    Many hugs and love sent your way,

    <3 Katie xoxo

    1. Amen, sister! Why is it so clear to all of us and and so hard for the government.

  11. I do not have words to express the sadness you must be feeling. Hugs. The tragedy in Florida hits to all our hearts deeply.

    1. The two incidents have combined and it just feel overwhelming.

  12. Oh PK, how truly awful .That poor girl , so young, what a tragedy. And as for Florida, I cannot imagine how it must be, so terrible. I am so thankful that over here access to guns is so much more limited,
    love Jan,xx

    1. Yes your country is another intelligent one. We seem to be going nuts over here and it's getting worse.

  13. PK, so sorry to hear about your friend’s daughter, it’s always shocking when a young life is cut short.
    I woke up to the news of the latest shooting this morning. One person commented that it is now America’s new normal. How can that be?
    Rosie xx

    1. It can't be. We can't let it be.

  14. I try not to think about my grands, or daughter or SIL for that matter having to experience these situations - but it is oh so real. School used to be one of those safe places, but there are no safe places anymore.

    1. I understand what you mean - Mollie is there too. So scary.

  15. PK, so sorry to hear about your friend's daughter. My heart goes out to you and her family.
    I saw pictures on our news about the shooting. Something must be done about your gun laws.


  16. Your words made me gasp out loud. How horrible for her family and friends. I'm so sorry for the grief you are experiencing.
    I agree with Leigh. There are no safe places anymore. I join the millions who are praying for all involved.
    Rosie Dee

    1. Yesterday was a horrible day. I think prayer is wonderful, but I also want something done.

  17. I'm so sorry - for your personal loss - that's so tragic. And Florida, which is clearly a loss for all of us. I cried about the daughter who was texting from inside the school at one point and kept telling her mom to stay away -to stay safe. The mom was like NO, I'm your mother, I'm out here waiting for you. That one makes me cry right now.

    1. Olivia, my daughter sent me a FB message with several text kids and parents had exchange. It tore at my heart.

  18. PK, I was so sorry to hear about your friend's daughter. Tragic.
    I saw pictures of the Florida shooting, when will it end. Gun laws needs changing.

    Love and hugs,

  19. PK, I understand your shock and grief with the death of the young woman you knew. I have been to 4 funerals now for former students, and it never stops being gut wrenching. At Christmas, I try to visit each grave so they know they are not forgotten.

    I did not have the television on at all yesterday, and Sam only watched a movie. I did not find out until later this morning. It will never be normal. My heart breaks every time it happens.


    1. It's so different than losing someone who you fill has lived a long life. When they are so young it's nearly impossible to accept.

  20. PK, I'm so sorry about your friend.

    The strength of the teen survivors in Florida gives me hope about seeing some laws providing better regulation of guns. Those kids seem to be developing momentum for a movement.

