Saturday, February 17, 2018

Blogger’s Being a Butt, Beware

* I like my snippet over at the Reading Room today - please come by.

Yep, Blogger is acting up again. Now when you leave a comment, it might not show up. It happened to me the other day when I put a comment on Living a Loving Life I went back several hours later to see if Nora Jean had replied. I couldn’t find my comment. Strange. So, I posted another comment and stayed long enough to see if it showed up with the rest of her comments – it did. But when I looked back the next day it showed no comment from me. 

Now here’s where paranoia comes in. Years ago, there was a blogger I got to know well. We emailed back and forth daily and eventually we even met in person.

Then one day, months later, she stopped emailing and stopped commenting. Nothing had happened. We’d certainly had no argument. Nothing had changed in any way. I emailed several times – no response. I went to her blog and left a comment. Something pleasant, no controversy at all. She deleted it and several more that I tried to leave. Realizing she wanted no contact with me I left her alone and I’ve never heard a word from her since. I don’t know if I offended her or if someone spoke against me…I have no earthly idea what happened.

When I saw that both attempts at leaving comments failed I started thinking, “Nora Jean’s new. She can’t dislike me yet. Surely she’d wait until she got to know me before not wanting to talk to me!”

Fear not, it wasn’t me and it wasn’t Nora Jean – it was blogger! Yesterday morning, I got the following email from Ronnie:

I did comment on your post 3 times. The last time I waited to see if it had published and it had, and then this morning going back to read replies, it's not there.  Thought blogger was sorted, seems not for me 

Sometimes I delete my emails knowing (assuming) that the comments will be on the post. Something is obviously happening. My guess is that blogger is being a bitch. Be sure you’re checking your emails closely.

Nora Jean, glad to know you hadn’t blocked me. As we get to know one another, I hope you don’t reconsider!


  1. Hi Pk, She won't I am sure! Blinking blogger....
    love Jan, xx

  2. Hi PK, I can't for the life of me figure why anyone would want to cease contact with you.

    Thank you for letting us know. I haven't noticed any problems so far, but will keep an eye on it.


    1. I found several real comment for the past several weeks in my span folder today.

  3. PK, good post. It doesn't happen all the time and not on all blogs, so not sure why. I'll wait to make sure this comment posts and then come back to see if it's still there. Thank you, PK.


    1. Your's were the main one I found in spam - why in the world?

  4. Hi PK,

    That's good to know. I always delete my comment emails too. I'd better check them carefully from now on.


    1. I did fine several today. Keep checking.

  5. I've had that happy too. You know that. I think it is when I check them on my phone, then they don't show up on the computer.
    Also, I've commented before and not have them appear. Blogger, what a butt.

    1. Blogger is wonderful - when it isn't driving me crazy!

  6. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Hi PK, :) Darn this blogger!! Seems to be an epidemic.

    It has happened to me a couple times. The other day I posted a comment to Sunny. I received the confirmation of the comment in my email, as usual. Only it never posted on Sunny's post. I copied it, and re-did it. It did go on to post the second time.

    A couple of days ago, I noticed via email, that I got a comment from Ronnie. Only I couldn't find it anywhere. Then I had a thought... I went to blogger, and clicked on comments on the left side. When you click on it, there are three folders: published, awaiting moderation, and spam. For some reason, Ronnie's comment had gone to the spam folder. I selected it and clicked the "not spam" button. It went to my post's comment section, where it belonged. This is not the first time that it has happened to me. On more than one occasion in the past, I have found comments in the "awaiting moderation" area, that shouldn't have been there. One of them was a comment from Hermione. I have found another of hers there too in the past. So I would tell everyone to check their comments folders on a regular basis, and see it there are comments in there to be published. I bet that you will find Nora Jean's comment there. Let me know... Blogger has a mind of its own! Annoying!

    I agree with the others- I would not worry about lack of love from this crowd! You are a lovely and special friend around here! ;) Many hugs and lots of love,

    <3 Katie

    PS. should anyone need further help here, please let me know.

    1. Anonymous9:55 AM

      PPS. Sunny, you may find my other comment in your comment section in one of the folders. I'd be curious to know... <3

    2. Katie! Thank you. I checked and I had lots marked as spam when it wasn't - several were Ronnie's from other posts. Why would it suddenly do that now. Ronnie's been commenting for years. Crazy Blogger!

    3. Anonymous10:58 AM

      I agree- it's nuts! Not like Ronnie, Hermione, and others have never commented before. Glad to have been helpful, and that you discovered a whole bunch of lost comments! xoxo

  7. PK! I'm so glad you posted this. I've been having trouble every since some random company started putting comments on some of my really old posts that have nothing to do with anything. I think they are computer generated and now see why so many people have the "I am not a computer" box to check at the end of a comment. Anyway, every since then, I'll go to respond to comments and will get the broken face. I have to refresh the page between each comment I reply to, which is the reason I've taken so long to write back some days. I just get frustrated. Katie?! Help a girl out?

    1. Whoah! I just checked my spam box. Ronnie was lost in there. Ronnie!! I've pulled you back out. Thank you for all of the sweet messages in the past month.

    2. Anonymous12:51 PM

      Hi Amy, :) Go to your Blogger page. Then settings on the left. Click on posts, comment and sharing. Under the comments section:
      Who can comment - Anyone
      Comment Moderation - Sometimes
      Put the number 5 in the box that says for posts older than 5 days. That should stop those kinds of things from happening to you, for the most part. Anything after five days will have to be published by you. Give that a try, okay? xoxo

    3. Take Katie's advice! This woman knows what she's talking about!

  8. Just when we thought it was safe to go back in the water! The Jaws of Blogger are after us. I also delete the comments that show up in my email. Thanks for the tip, PK, and also to Katie for her advice.

    If someone stopped writing you, my friend, then it was their problem, not yours.


    1. Just fished this one out of the span folder too. So annoying that blogger is doing this.

  9. I’ve been having problems too, but only on your blog, Sunny’s and Ronnie’s. I’m a dunce with these things, I didn’t even know I had folders with comments in, thanks Katie, I’ll take a look!
    Oh, and if someone blanks you, that’s their loss, PK.
    Rosie xx

    1. Thanks Roz! There is a lot of stuff like that that I never think to look for. Glad I have some people to help.

  10. Hi PK, I'm sure Nora Jean will like you. Maybe try the friend again who you have lost contact with. I know a few replies to my posts didn't publish and also emails were lost in cyberspace. Don't give up, there must be a good explanation for this happening. You are a lovely lady and I'm sure you haven't upset anyone.
    Hugs Lindy xx

    1. No too much time has passed. She cut off contact with several other bloggers at the same time. She no longer wanted contact and I had to respect her wishes. I just wish she had told us why.

  11. Hello! ... I'm lovin' you all ♥ ♥
    I've used Wordpress in the past ... it was worse!

  12. And yes, PK ... I've just found your missing comments in the Spam folder :) ... mystery solved ... nj

    1. I'm glad I now know where to look.
