Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Writing and Cooking - two problems

Writing and cooking are very different for me – one I love and one I hate. But they are both giving me trouble occasionally. I haven’t been able to write a decent sentence since December twentieth and Mollie came home for Christmas.

I really loved her being here, especially since LJ and Collin couldn’t come. But there is one big problem – I cannot write sex or
spanking with my child in the house! My couple will be all hot and steamy, they’re rubbing against one another, their hands are straying, he tosses her on the bed… and Mollie pops in the room, “Do we have any bologna?”  It just somehow breaks my train of thought. But finally, everyone is where they belong during the day and I’m getting some writing done.

Now the cooking problems – I’m trying to get healthier things in my diet. I bought spinach, cauliflower, zucchini and yellow squash. Basically, yuck, but I’m trying. I decided to add cauliflower and spinach chopped fine into my rice hoping I wouldn’t taste them. It
worked. We had the rice, salmon and I also made a spinach sauce to go over it all – no receipt for the sauce I just threw in things I didn’t hate, butter, garlic, a tiny bit of flour, milk, red pepper flakes and spinach. It was good! I was stunned. But, it took so long to get it all ready and cooked, the kitchen was a wreck and it took a long time to get it straight again.

Nick was there, he helped both with the cooking and the cleaning. But to me it just wasn’t worth the time and effort. Yes, dinner tasted fine but I would have been just as happy with a bag of chips and a few cookies. I keep waiting to mature out of this way of thinking, but I’m beginning to doubt that it’s going to happen.

Those are my problems these days – I hope all yours are as minor. 

I’d love to have you drop by the Reading Room today – Cassie is answering a few questions.


  1. Hi PK, I can certainly understand not being able to write sex or spanking with LJ or Mollie in the house. Glad you are now able to write once again :)

    Good on you with the healthier cooking. I'm definitely not a spinach fan. I hope you keep persevering, especially with Nick's help, and no, I don't mean spanking...but then again ...:)


    1. Strangely spinach (mixed it other things) is one of the few non-starch veggies I like. But Nick doesn't like it at all. Oh well.

  2. hi Pk, I am not a big fan of cooking either. I try and find healthy recipes that have no sugar in them and consist of as few ingredients as possible and that cook in one pan! I would much rather bake a cake than cook dinner. I do do it though, can't live on junk food I suppose. Glad you are able to get back to the writing as reading is the thing I do best....
    love Jan, xx

    1. I'd sure rather eat your cake than cook dinner. I know I can't live on junk food either, so I'm trying.

  3. Salmon sounds yummy,,,,but I get it, a lot of effort,,and clean-up just for 2 people to eat. Do you have a crock throw everything in and let it cook..not much clean up and usually one recipe yields enough for 2 more meals...I freeze the leftovers in meal sized portions...Yeah for the writing muse to resurrect. hugs abby

    1. I do have a crock pot and I do that some. Sadly things that disappear into our freezer rarely appear again. I need to do better.

  4. Salmon is one of my favourite fish to eat and I love spinach, We eat it lightly steamed as a veg and raw in salads. Your sauce sounds lovely. I'm a little lazy as far as cooking is concerned. P is a far better cook than me. He cooks the weekend and when we have friends/family round.

    You need to get writing as we are all ready for your next book, just saying.


  5. yay for being back to writing. i cook for one so it's impossible to make anything fancy. i don't mind bland food (i eat to live, not live to eat) so these days i just pop some frozen broccoli or spinach in the microwave with a bunch of quorn nuggets or quorn fillet. yucks for some, i know, but it works for me.

    1. I'm afraid that would be a yuck for me, but I do understand. Sadly I tend to do turn to easy junk food.

  6. Oh, Jan's comment cracked me up. Of course, we want you to keep writing. That way we get to keep reading. She is so funny.

    We do not cook every night. Usually Sam grills several meats over the weekend, and then we add a salad or vegetable each night. My hardest time is after dinner.

    Hugs From Ella

    1. I'm just glad you all love reading because I sure do love the writing. I have a hard time in the evening too.

  7. I wish I were Fondles - eat to live instead of live to eat. I applaud your efforts in the kitchen. I understand about the writing - with me it's life keeping me busy - my choice but oh well. I'm off to lunch and the movies today to see The Post.

    1. Nick and LJ are like Fondles - but not me! You have the key! Enjoy life, however you want to do it.

  8. Harry and I both cook so neither one of us has to do it all the time. He loves to make vats of meat or chicken in sauces so we always have something in the freezer for days when we don’t feel like cooking. I’m like Abby, using the crock pot, making several meals in one go for the freezer. Cauliflower is having a ‘moment’ over here, being blitzed as a substitute for rice or baked in the oven, whole or sliced. Your meal sounds lovely, you’ll get quicker at the prep if you persevere!
    Great to know you’re writing again, I’ve read all the Cassie books and am looking forward to the new adventures of Cal and Jenny.
    Rosie xx

    1. I guess I have to dust off my crock pot. I don't want the cauliflower where I can taste it.

      I think you'll like the new Cal and Jenny book, but it will be a while before I can get it all out.

  9. I love spinach. Steamed as a veg, cold in salads, yummy. Your sauce I'd like. Try the crock pot method, does save time and you can freeze stuff and Rosie is right, you do get quicker.

    It;s good to know your writing as we are all waiting for your new book.


    I thought I'd left a comment yesterday. Blogger:(

  10. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Hi PK, :) Your description of Mollie's search for bologna in the midst of writing a hot Hot HOT scene, totally cracked me up! I can see that! We sure do love having them around. We love our alone time too.

    I'm with Jan- wonder what Cal and Jenny are up to now??? No pressure, of course. LOL!

    Good for you on the cooking project! Seemed as though I cooked for years when the four kids were little. Somehow that transitioned into Rob doing most of the cooking these days- which I LOVE! I'd much rather bake a thing or two. On second thought, I'd much rather just weave, or pick up my camera, or read, or, or, or...! ;) Sunny is on to something there- Enjoy! Many hugs,

    <3 Katie

    1. It's really hard to get in the zone for writing sex anyway and when anyone is around it's nearly impossible. Guess how Jenny and Cal like spending their time! LOL

      I hate cooking and I always have. I cooked when the kids were little but now I'd much rather snack than eat a meal. But I'm sure trying to do better.

  11. Hey PK, I'm having the same problem; with cooking. I don't write, though I wish I would. I'm ready for a big change in my life but I don't know what it is and as a result, I seem to be half doing everything. Health issues aren't helping. Amy

    1. Have you given writing an honest try. I'd never written a word until I jumped in. Write your fantasy, you've done a little - keep trying. But the cooking thing I understand giving that up!

  12. My doctor suggested a more vegan diet for me to help me lose some weight but every recipe is so complicated for a simple meal that I haven't really done so. I don't like cooking much either. Your Molly story made me laugh, I could just picture it. Sorry that your boys didn't make it. Sending good thoughts your way.

    1. I think my boys are coming in March. My SIL is a vegetarian and it's hard enough for me to cook for him. I told him if he goes vegan, he's on his own.

  13. Maybe try Hello Fresh or something? I've heard good things about them from friends that don't like to cook and it often ends up being less money than buying everything yourself.

    1. We tried Blue Apron for a while and while it had everything included, it was still a lot of work to prepare. And sadly I am such a picky eater, much of it didn't appeal to me.

  14. I enjoy cooking but it is a lot of work to plan and prepare and clean and sometimes I just don't feel like cooking. Plus, I love to bake and I like sugar and sweets way too much. Throw food sensitivities into the mix, busy schedules, and other day to day life and it becomes complicated to eat healthy. Wish it was simple. Glad you have enjoyed writing. I always love reading your books. Hugs
