Thursday, January 25, 2018

Nothing important

I decided for sure that I wanted to put up a post today. Okay, decision made – now what? There is not much on topic and to be honest what little there has been I haven’t exactly encouraged. When it comes to TTWD I am in a very blah state of mind.

So, this post will be totally random.

I lost my deer. In the winter, outside my writing room window, high up in a tree a bunch of branches came together to form a deer complete with antlers and front legs.  The branch broke and now my deer is gone. He kept me company for several years and I miss him.

For those of you who remember Eva, my twin, she has a beautiful new grandson! I’m falling behind. So very many of my friends are grandparents. This is the closest I have. This is Mollie’s baby, she is pretty, but she doesn’t like me. We don’t know why.

I’ve made a couple of new friends out here lately. These two delightful ladies are going back and reading New Beginnings from the beginning. I am humbled by their desire and willingness to do this. One began reading several months ago and will often mention a certain post as being funny or useful in her TTWD journey. I smile when I go back and read the ones she points out. I sometimes wish we could go back in time or at least feel we were still heading toward something. I wish Nick would go back and read from the beginning.

Maybe something will jell in my mind for a better post soon.


  1. Hi PK, I always enjoy your updates, ttwd or not. I'm sorry you are feeling blah ttwd wise. Maybe you could ask Nick to read the blog? As you know, there hasn't been anything going on here ttwd wise for a looong time either.

    What a shame about your deer. What a wonderful view you have from your writing room. Mollie's baby is pretty. Thank you for sharing her with us.

    So happy to hear you have made some new friends. That is wonderful :)


    1. I'm probably not going to bug Nick about it. I do like my view, but I do miss that deer. I've been very excited to meet these new friends. They like Cassie, the true way to my heart.

  2. Hi PK, I know how you feel, I can never think of anyhting to post about either! You say ttwd is blah, well ours must be too. I have just read a ttwd post somewhere out here and to be honest I am happy for it to be blah after that. All that comes accross is that the writer is unhappy. I assume this person is young and in the throes of family life. For us ttwd is a jolly nice, make us happy state. Made me realise that while you and I might not have much to shout about, we are very happily married and have learnt the art of compromise! On the grandchildren thing, I waited ten years, but now have three! Just saying..... love Jan, xx
    P.S. Bribe the cat with treats and toysxxx

    1. You're right, I'm very happy with my marriage and don't miss the drama of youth - that being 30's and 40's.

      I do try the treats and she will tolerate me then, but not later.

  3. Hi PK sorry to hear you are blah or have the winter blues. That's sad about your deer. Maybe you could have saved the branches and made one out of it to stick outside your window. Lovely grandcat.
    Hugs Lindy xx

    1. It was actually the neighbor's tree and the branch is gone. I do think she's a pretty cat.

  4. PK,
    To me, this time of year is what is "blah." Hate these months before spring starts to show. Whenever I feel that, I know I need sunshine. If there is any sun where you live, take a long walk and then just stand and let the sunshine hit your face.

    Also like Annie's advice! Do something kind for someone. Especially for a stranger.

    You also need hugs from friends, so Ella is sending a BIG hug to you.

    1. I appreciate the big hug! I can always use one of those.

  5. Part of the blahs is this time of year, at least for me...this is one of those winters where the cold and snow seem relentless. I recently had a blogger comment on two of my earlier really was a pick me up and reminded me of one of the reasons we are here...for each other. Hang in there...HUGS abby

    1. I've been especially happy about my new friends. In the beginning of blogging new friends popped up often. Now they are few and far between - making them all the more precious.

  6. glad to hear from you; whatever you write about. Hope the blahs go away soon. Some more big hugs being sent your way.

    1. Thanks Terps. I love knowing you're out there.

  7. Anonymous9:51 AM

    We are all right there with you. We have a lot going on and I am reminded of why we started this thing we do. It helps in situation like this. I am writing a post about it. Our grands are far away and that gets me down. Hey, a little kitten might be the answer! No!

    1. Not a kitty person are you. I've always loved cats and that's why it hurts that this one really doesn't like me!

  8. A very nice post, PK. Maybe some of the posts that make you smile could be printed for Nick to read. Especially ones where you were thrilled by things HE did.

    Don't ever feel bad about sharing your thoughts when you're feeling up or
    down. Isn't that what blogging is about? Your openness and honesty about your feelings helps us to understand our own. I think we all appreciate that about you.
    Rosie Dee

    1. I appreciate this Rosie. I do love writing and being out here, I just don't want to bore people when I'm always off topic.

  9. The post is fine, at least you posted. Whole weeks go by and I realize I haven't posted a thing.
    Sorry you lost your deer and that Mollie's kitten is your only grandchild. You'll have more one of these days. Happy for Eva - Now let me see have I covered all the basis. I think so. Is today 1/26 oh no, it's only the 25th January almost gone.

    1. I do have two more grand cats, but they live in New York!

  10. PK,

    Sorry you're feeling this way and no grandchildren yet but you will. I hope I do too. That's so sad about your deer. Happy for Eva.


    1. Eve is very lucky. We'll get outs when the time is right.

  11. It doesn’t matter what you write about, I always find myself interested and enjoying it. It’s a tough time of year for many. Look for the signs that let us know spring is around the corner. I realized the other day that it is beginning to stay lighter longer and that’s a good thing. The right things will make their way to you in good time. Stay positive.

    1. I'm trying, Laurel. I do love that it's staying light longer!

  12. January blues have hit us all! I'm ready to just SCREAM. Sigh. It was still nice reading your post, even if you don't think it was very exciting. It's just nice catching up with you.

    1. LOL, if you all enjoy reading about me when it's boring, then I can definitely keep you entertained.

  13. Sorry to hear about the bleugh feelings. The cat - beautiful but aloof as cats are wont to be. So dont feel badly. Some of them just CANNOT be won over.

    Sorry about the deer too. I hope next Christmas you'll get another "visitor" in your trees!

    1. I was a vet tech for eight years - I've made friends with hundreds of cats. But she's tough.

  14. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Hi PK, :) I too love to read your posts, any time!

    Sorry about your deer. Nature sure presents us with cool things to look at. I hope that you find something else out there to enjoy moving forward.

    Oh that little sweetie of a grand kitten! They do have a mind of their own, don't they? You might try a clicker and some treats? We have a tiny grand kitten too, as of just after Christmas. I'm in love, though he is far away now. I spoiled him while he was here for the holidays. A bunch of us will have to wait for the real thing. Think of all of the spanky business that we might be able to drum up for ourselves when we finally get a grand and can start spoiling them!

    We are almost out of January! Hang in there! Love ya! Many hugs,

    <3 Katie xoxo

    1. Actually she likes me all right over at Molly's house, but when Mollie brings her here, she does not like me.

  15. Amy Lynn once told me I should blog even when there’s nothing much going on, so that other people wouldn’t think we all had life taped - or something like that, I don’t remember her exact words. I didn’t take her advice but I was happy to read your update today so I think she had a point! Please do carry on posting random thoughts!
    Rosie xx

    1. I like to blog when I have something to say, and when I don't. It's my way of staying in touch with my friends. And it's a way to keep my mind clear. You guys are my therapist, you all always have been.

  16. I'm still reading January again and liked this. I know it's not fun when the cat is uninterested in you. Let me tell you what's worse. My grandson, Nathan, had nothing to do with me until about a year ago. He's sick! My son one day said, "Don't feel bad, Mom. He doesn't like me very much either." He is a Mommy's boy for sure and she, of course, loves it. Rick told me just yesterday that he (Nathan) ran to Rick when he was hurt for the first time ever a few days ago. He's getting better with me. She thinks I should force him to hug me, but my mother did that and my kids hated it. He's great when she's not around. He chats with me and let's me kiss and hug. Not TOO much! So, we will be fine.
    Rosie Dee
