Monday, December 04, 2017

A question for me

I’m doing my questions and answers for my characters every Wednesday over at the Reading Room, because I’m trying to get more people to read there. But I may move it here eventually if it keeps going, because I guess it’s mostly just some of you guys coming by there – and I do appreciate it.

However, Baker ask a question that I felt more comfortable answering here. I didn’t really know if I was going to answer it or not, though I did send the answer to Baker. She was very sweet and told me not to worry about posting the answer if I didn’t want to. I’ve thought about it for several weeks and I decided I did want to post the answer. Is there a specific place I should send you all your fees for being my group therapists?

Questions for PK:

How close is Cassie's personality to yours, PK? What attributes are similar and which are different? If Cassie is not based on yourself, who is she most closely modeled after? Same question about Tom.

I’ve know the answer to this questions a long time, but over the years it has required much soul searching to explain it, even to myself. Simply put, Cassie is who I always wanted to be. Smart, funny, lovely, brave, reckless, confident and surrounded by fiercely loyal friends. She goes places, she does things, she has a temper, and she will say what needs to be said, politely and graciously, if possible. More forcefully if necessary.

I have a few of these traits, but only a few. I spend my waking hours in front of one screen or another. I’ve rarely let my temper show, probably no more than a few times in my adult life. I’m not brave or reckless, I don’t do things, I don’t like to go places. I could easily be a hermit as long as I have an internet connection.

So, for all those early years when I had no voice, when I was always meek and timid, when I viewed myself as dull as dishwater – I poured myself into Cassie, perhaps too much. Instead of trying to do more, be more, improve myself, I simply gave all that to Cassie. I lived inside my head and let her have all the fun and excitement.

Perhaps through my writing, I’ve taken on more of Cassie’s traits – or should I say I’ve claimed more for myself. I’m braver. I drove five hundred miles by myself once to see Eva after we met through the blogs. I flew by myself for the first time to meet Sunny years ago, something I’d never thought I’d do. Sometimes when I’ve needed to be brave and to speak out, I often feel as if I’m channeling Cassie. I spoke to a therapist about all this once. She said it was fine to pull on Cassie since I was her, no matter I divided it in my head. I wish she came out more often.

One thing Cassie and I do have in common is that we found the one man for us who will love us unflinchingly for the rest of our lives. Tom came from the mind of an unfilled young spanko and he is perfect as a fantasy and perfect for Cassie. Nick comes from real life and is perfect for me.

Same question about Tom.

As I said, Tom came into my head as a young woman, really just a girl, who was totally fascinated by the idea of spanking and dominance. I hadn’t met Nick at that time and my fantasy for Cassie was a strong man who love this woman more than any woman had been loved before. His love and protection was all consuming and spanking was his way to achieve this protection. Since I was a spanko for nearly fifty years with no outlet for it other than fantasies, you better believe Tom spanked a lot!

And you will remember she came out the other day to lecture me. So maybe she lend a hand more often. Or maybe she will just take over, or someday we’ll blend. You see I’m nuts, but you all come here to read – so which of us is the craziest?

LOL, I still hope you’ll come back.


  1. Hi Pk, We are all crazy out here, who cares? Nice answers. I think deep down we all knew the answer to this question and isn't there someone we would all like to be able to channel? At least with your writing skills you have found a way to do it, the rest of us just wish.....
    love Jan, xx

    1. That's Jan. Your comment made me feel better. Thank you.

  2. PK,
    I'm happy you decide to share your answer and in my opinion it's not crazy at all. Jan hit the nail on the head, we'd all like to channel someone. Cassie is the vehicle you use and it does come out beautifully in your writing.

    1. I'm so happy that she is coming out more often these days.

  3. You know I'll be back. You have just one voice in your head, I have many more, so no, I don't think your crazy.
    Well maybe just a little.

    1. Or more likely we both are.

  4. Anonymous10:08 AM

    I know you and after spending time with you, I find that you are a person generous, funny and loved. I have seen you do some bold things and I love calling you friend. Are you like Cassie to me? Cassie does more dangerous things. So no, not like her really and that is fine with me. I like what I see in you.

    1. Thank you Meredith. I hope you enjoy the books and Cassie, but I'm very grateful that you and I are friends.

  5. Your post today is a very thoughtful one, PK. It took courage to reveal so much of yourself. But haven't all of us done that in a way? We finally found the courage to admit who we really were. We found other women like us, and we didn't feel so alone.

    Cassie is free to do all those crazy things because she has you to protect her. You won't let her go off the deep end. You are her safety net. It's like having an imaginary friend when you were young. The only difference is that you have the gift of writing, and so you can share her with others.

    I do pray that your Nick will learn to give you more of what you need. It is so good that you are communicating more to him about it. Many of our men were very reluctant about ttwd, but once they felt the passion and the closeness, they say they would never go back. Work for what you want, and don't ever try to be something you are not. I love my Cassie stories, but I love you more.


    1. Thanks so much Ella. I guess Cassie and I do try to protect one another. I'm so glad you are in the mix with us.

  6. I don’t think you’re nuts, PK, many people have an alter ego. Cassie is part of you but I don’t think of her when I think of you.
    I’ll be back!
    Rosie xx

    1. I think that's a good thing. I'm glad that we have you in the mix too.

  7. I think a lot of us have an alter ego. The things we daren't do or be get to come out thru that other self. The one we aren't in our daily lives. Thank you for sharing.

    1. I'm glad I'm not alone in this. Thanks for coming by, Fondles.

  8. Rosie Dee7:17 PM

    PK, I've told you more than once, I think, that you and Eva sound like Cassie and Sue. So many of us see that you are Cassie. She can be more outrageous because she's the fictional you. You've made her do things that you would do if real life let you (not the early part of her life). It's really you that people love when they love Cassie you know. Has Nick read all the Cassie books? I bet he sees you in all of them. You're not crazy. You are a wonderful and creative woman. Rosie Dee

    1. I think Eva would be tickled at the comparison. I know I am. Nick reads and edits all my books. Not sure exactly what he thinks thought.

  9. This is not surprising at all. I think that those of us who have lived a life tucking these needs away realize just how valuable fantasy can be. These are very important characters/people in your life and the wonderful part is that you’ve chosen and been able to share them with the rest of us. Thank you.

    1. When I did let Cassie out in the open through her stories it was a wonderful day for me. I always felt she was too good to hide away, but I had no choice for a long time.

  10. I think we're all a little crazy and that's great. Jan hit it right, we'd all like to channel someone. I love Cassie but I love you more.

    I'll certainly be back.


    1. Thanks Ronnie, it really does me good to hear that.

  11. Anonymous12:40 PM

    You know, PK, as Mr. Rogers used to say around the neighborhood, "I love you just the way you are." :) I'm pretty sure that that is what the friends above are saying. That is what I am saying to you.

    Life would be boring if we didn't all have a bit of "crazy" in us. We'd all be the same.

    As for Cassie- she is a part of you. She's your wild side imagined at times, but she is also a part of you that you can draw from when you need to... A part of you that you can call on when you need to figure things out, and so much more. I'm glad that you have Cassie. We are all more than happy that you sat down, and wrote about her/shared her with us.

    I've gotten to know you over the years. I've mentioned before that when we get together, and I hear you talk about your life, and life's work, your writing, family, friendships- all of it- I am always in awe. Sometimes your words bring tears to my eyes because you are such a kind and loving woman. You are a woman that I am glad to know, and especially glad to have as a friend. You know that I will be back! Many hugs! Love you!

    <3 Katie xoxo

    1. I like that we're all crazy together. I guess it's all right that I have Cassie as an outlet, it's probably kept me safe. You're a friend and I appreciate you very much.

  12. I wish that I had your writing ability. I totally get your making up Cassie and Tom. I am impressed that you were able to be a spanko all those years without letting anyone know and to also be happy in your marriage. You did good and you have the best husband. You are someone I would want as a friend.

    1. I guess I never thought I had a choice but to keep it secret and my husband and I always got along well if not passionately.

      Blondie, you and I are friends!

  13. Hey PK...I'm late to the party and agree with the ladies above...can' think of anything to add. I love Cassie and think she's given you some good advice so if you want to channel her or she's channeling you...all is good. We are all weird and kinky in our own ways and I have to say...I really enjoy my level of craziness. ;)

    Hugs and blessings...Cat

  14. Not crazy at all...and if you were you are in good company. I love hearing about how you relate to the characters in your stories - they are a part of you just like you are a part of them. Very thoughtfully written. Big hugs to you
