Monday, October 02, 2017

The Writing Conference

Look, I’m a pro – it says so right here on my name card! The headdress if from the Mardi Gras party the last night. You’ll notice it does not say what kind of professional I am.

I’ve been and come home. I enjoyed myself, I really did. I’m not sure that going to writing conferences will ever be my thing, but there were very nice people there and I found the lectures interesting. There were a few who asked what I wrote and I told them. Everyone was very nice. Some were puzzled and asked a few questions, several laughed – but not in a mean way. And many asked for my card.

I found the easiest ways to describe what I write to vanillas was to say it was about a lovely older couple, deeply in love, combined with FSOG. Then they seemed to grasp it. The lectures I feel I got the most from was one on time management – I needed that one. Often my morning writing sessions turn into Facebook time. I need to do better.

Another lecture I needed was about having a presence on social media. You can’t sell books if no one knows they’re out there. I got some good practical advice, a little of it I even understood. Obviously, there’s Facebook and I do have a PK Corey page. Then she discussed twitter and Instagram. I have these too, wish I could remember how to use the darn things. She insisted we all needed out own web page. I agree wholeheartedly. Haven’t a clue what the woman was talking about.

Okay I vaguely know what a web page is but not how to get one or what to put on it. The good news is that when there was a question and answer period I politely asked the presenter if she could come live in my home for a couple of weeks and truly explain what the hell she was talking about. Enough of us volunteered to host her to keep her from having to pay rent for the next six months at least. Bad news, she’s not coming – the good news she gave me one of her books which, hopefully, will help me with all this.  

There was, however, a problem I hadn’t anticipated. I should have realized it was going to happen. One of you could have warned me and then I could have made up something and I wouldn’t have seemed like such a fool each time the question came up. And what was this difficult to answer question?

What does PK stand for?

All I could do was stand and stare. I sure as hell wasn’t telling them the whole story, which even when you hear it’s still a ridiculous name! I blame Eve for all this. I mostly stammered and said it’s just initials. If anyone has a better response, please share with me. And for those of you who don’t know how Eva saddled me with this strange name can read the whole sorry tale here.

In spite of my worrying, I had a good weekend. But I am so very glad to be home! And to have the week stretching out before me with time to write. The new Cassie book should be out just before Thanksgiving and I got to see the new cover Saturday. It’s the most beautiful, perfect cover I’ve ever seen. I nearly cried. It’s going to be a while before I can show you, but any Cassie fans will love it.

I’ve also finished the rough, very rough, draft on the third Cal’s Law book. And I’ll be working on that for the next little bit. I hope you all will like these next two books as much as I do.


  1. Glad you enjoyed the conference after all, PK - or should I say Pissed Kitty?
    Looking forward to reading your next two books.
    Rosie xx

    1. How on earth did I get stuck with that - I would have liked a lovely, elegant name to write under. But by the time I was publishing I was already know by that name.

  2. Hi PK, I'm so glad you enjoyed the conference and that you did find it useful. I remember the story behind PK.

    Another two books in the works...such fantastic news. Looking forward to seeing the new Cassie cover :)


    1. I can't wait to show it to everyone. I've never been more pleased with a cover.

  3. Hi Pk, well I just read the PK tale, oh dear no way of telling that really! I am glad you had a fun time, maybe a spanking writers conference next time. I am looking forward to the new books, especially Cal's.
    love Jan, xx

    1. I would love a spanking writing conference! One of these days.

  4. Pk hello, so pleased you enjoyed the conference. I remember the story behind PK. Let me know if you do Twitter and I'll add it to one of my 'In with the New' spots.


    1. I'll be in touch about Twitter. Thanks Ronnie.

  5. I am glad that you enjoyed the conference. I refuse to use Twitter but I wouldn't mind catching up and understanding other types of social media. I remembered the story behind your name and it is very funny. You have a great sense of humor. Congratulations on your new books!

    1. Thanks, Blondie. I do need to do more social media to promote the books.

  6. Welcome back PK. I think it's quite telling that the other writers were polite about your genre... and asked for your card. I don't know how all of that tech stuff works but Katie t seems to have a handle on it. I'd ask her! Amy

    1. I will be talking to Katie. She needs to start a business and get all us dead beats off her back and turn us into paying customers!

    2. Anonymous10:26 AM

      Great idea, PK! :) I am happy to help, when I can! No cash exchanges need to happen, though because I love ya! <3

  7. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Thanksgiving is a long, long , long time away. Glad the conference worked out well, I think!

    1. I agree! I wish it was coming out tomorrow!

  8. Happy you enjoyed the conference, PK. I think you could shorten the story...just say a friend was teasing you with the 'Pissed Kitty' name, several other friends joined in and it was eventually shortened to PK. You could always approach an instructor teaching marketing at your local college and ask if they could recommend a student you could hire to set up and teach you how to use a web page, twitter and other social media.

    Hugs and blessings...Cat

    1. That might be an idea. I could check at the college. We have high school students help the 'old folks' at church. But that's not exactly who I need, LOL!

  9. I'm glad to hear it all went so well. I love the fact that people asked for your card, interested and potential readers no doubt! It's great to have new ideas going forward, I hope you get it all figured out, more exposure means more readers and that's a very good thing.

    1. I sure don't expect to get rich - but where are all the people who read FSOG? And how do I get in touch with them?

  10. Sounds like you had a blast and learned alot. Or maybe were confused a lot! I would be. Hate tech stuff with a passion.

    Personally, I cannot wait for the new Cassie book to come out. That will make my Thanksgiving wonderful!!! Looking forward to it.


    1. Thanks Baker, you make me feel great. I really think you'll like this one.

  11. PK, you always head off to these weekends thinking it will be a waste and not realizing what a worthy writer you are.

    As soon as you know a publication date, please let me know. I always put a little countdown clock on my desktop. "Only 17 days 'til Cassie! Only 16 days...Only 15.... It has become a "Tell Me About the Rabbits" event for Ella!!!

    Ella Counting Down

    1. I do have the 'date', Amazon doesn't always get it up on that date. Sometimes it's the next day or even two days after. It's enough to give me hives in anticipation. So in my mind I add two days to what I'm told, but have my post ready to go the moment I see it's live!

  12. Hmph. I refuse to take the blame/credit for PK. I mean You embraced it back then. You were proud of it. You adopted it with vim and vigor so don't blame me for saddling you. I mean it's not like your a horse or anything.

    Glad the conference was a decent time!!!

    1. I don't care if you take the blame or not, I'm still blaming you. My story and I'm sticking to it.

  13. Glad you enjoyed the conference PK and picked up some hints.
    So looking forward to your new books.
    Hugs Lindy xx

    1. Thanks, Lindy! I'm so excited about the new Cassie book.

  14. Anonymous10:34 AM

    I too am glad that you enjoyed the conference, PK!:) I just cannot for the life of me, imagine you "pissed"! LOL! I'll stick to PK. Fun story to read about.

    I think that the time management class sounded like a great way to spend your time. I can only imagine the self discipline that it takes to sit down and write each day. As for the social media thing- it is the way of the world these days, it seems. I will sound old, but kids today do so much multitasking. They handle it all so easily. I find it hard to be everywhere, all at once. I'm happy to help where I can, as I said above. I have some other ideas for you too.

    I'm excited to see your new Cassie Cover, as well as read the book. I am also looking forward to reading the newest Cal and Jenny book! You've been busy. Lucky us! Many hugs,

    <3 Katie

    1. I have to admit the conference got me excited about the promoting side of things. I'm starting a new feature at The Reading Room. I'll be telling you all about it here tomorrow.

      I will be picking your brain soon, thanks!

  15. glad you enjoyed the conference and got some media is a mystery to me...I have a website which my husband helps me with and a facebook business page but have no desire to tweet and instagram is too hard for me because it all comes from your cell phone of which I hardly ever use...but I know in terms of advertising it is important to embrace all this technology. :-) I may not be able to help you with the technical stuff...but I am a faithful reader and supporter of your books :-) Hugs

    1. That's definitely all I can really ask and I appreciate it. I'm on my phone a lot so I should be able to figure all this out.
