Friday, October 06, 2017

If you're curious, you can help me

I guess you all know this is my online diary. Occasionally it’s exciting, most of the time it’s, at best, ordinary. It’s where I come with great excitement when Nick spanks me for one reason or another. It’s where I come to complain that Nick doesn’t spank enough. I’ve talked here about spanking, marriage, kids, retirement, sex, friendships, spanking implements, butt plugs, sex toys, writing, desires… I could go on and on. I past my eleventh-year blog anniversary back in the summer. I’ve put up more than 2,100 posts and I’ve had over a million hits.

This isn’t, however, where I do my ‘advertising’ for the books. When I put up about my books here or the two or three other writers whose books I’ve told you about, I don’t think that’s advertising. Talking about it here is simply telling my friends about them. Even if you are not one of the friends I’ve met in person, the community here feels like friends. Whether you comment anonymously or even if you never comment at all, you are taking time out of your day to read here. I think that makes us friends.

I do have a ‘professional’ site, PK Corey’s Reading Room. Now that site feels much more like a business. Sadly, I’m not very business minded. I only post there twice a week. On Saturday’s I usually post a snippet from one of my books for the blog hop, Saturday Spankings. I’ll soon be posting snippets from the newest book, but right now I’m in the earlier ones. Then on Tuesdays I post for the Never-Ending Blog Tour, hosting another author and other’s host me.

I’d like to try something new there and this is where you all could help. On Wednesdays, I’d like to put up questions to my characters. I’ve already emailed some friends asking for questions, but now I’m asking everyone. All my characters are opened for questions – Cassie, Tom, Sue, Steve, Annie, Andy, Allie, Ryan, Lily and Drew as well as, Cal, Jenny and any other characters that have appeared in any of the books. Is there anything you would like to ask any of them? I’ll be hosting this over at the Reading Room and I’d love to have you come by.

If you do think of any questions you can leave them in comments or you can email them to me a  I have other ideas, but I just don’t know what all might work. I’ve thought of having a Pinterest page for Cassie. I am going to try to use twitter and Instagram more, I have accounts but haven’t really used them. If I get the hang of it, I’ll let you know.

My life is wonderfully busy at the moment. I’m reading a real, hold in my hand, book, listening to another on my phone, reading one on my kindle, and beta reading one for a friend on the computer. I’m writing for two blogs, finishing the edits on this last book and heavy into the third Cal and Jenny book. And I’m loving every minute of it. I hope you’ll help with questions and I hope you’ll come by the Reading Room on Wednesdays. I can use all the support over there I can get.


  1. PK- You sound like an author who just came from a writing conference where you attended a class on the benefits of social media for book promotion. :) I will gladly visit your reading room on Wednesdays with a whole list of questions! Amy

    1. Thanks Amy, I guess the conference was good for something. I appreciate you coming by there on Wednesdays.

  2. Hi PK, congratulations on eleven years! What a wonderful idea, I will gladly visit too :)


    1. You're always so good about visiting and I appreciate it. Eleven years seems like a long time, but I still enjoy it.

  3. Anonymous7:22 AM

    WOW PK!:) Eleven years! That's fabulous! Congratulations! Thank you for your friendship, and for what you share with us. <3

    Love the idea about your Wednesday questions. I've given you a few to get you started. If you would like more from me, I can put my thinking cap on again. Looking forward to reading there. Many hugs,

    <3 Katie

    1. I'll take any and all questions you might come up with, serious or silly - it doesn't matter. It's been a great eleven years.

  4. I forgot about the questions, like Katie I'll put my thinking cap back on and come up with some more questions.

    1. You sent some and I thank you much! But I'll take more.

  5. Hi Pk, why is it when someone asks me to think of a question I am like a deer in the headlights and can't think of a single thing. I am hopeless :(. Eleven years blogging is amazing, I am running out of things to write after a few! have a nice weekend,
    love Jan, xx

    1. LOL, I'm the same way! But if you should come up with one, please send it on. It's not exciting, but I can't stop writing it.

  6. PK, congratulations on 11 years. I'll put my thinking cap on and see if I can come up with any questions.


    1. Thanks for thinking for me. It's been a great run.

  7. PK, eleven years! that's great! I have always loved your blog and have found it interesting. I loved reading about your spanking relationship and all about you. I haven't read your other blog yet. I should go do that. I will try and see if I can come up with anything new too.

    1. The other blog is very different - mostly just promoting books, but on Saturdays I usually have a snipped up from one of the books.

  8. As everyone else took care of the congratulations, I think I will just say how proud of you I am and how lucky I am to count you as a friend.

    It seems retirement has you doing what you love best, PK. I enjoy stopping by The Reading Room anyway and will look forward to snippets of the new book. This is such a great idea, and I will work to come up with a few more questions. Perhaps I will try a Cal or Jenny question. That will be a challenge for me.

    Much Love,

    1. Thank you Ella! Yes, I'd love some questions for Cal and Jenny. Answering them might give me more of a challenge too.

  9. So wonderful :-) I am so glad I came across your blog all those years ago and became friends. So happy for you in all your accomplishments. Like Jan, when asked to think of a question (or asked a question) I tend to freeze, but I will certainly try to think of a question for you. :-) hugs to you

    1. Thanks Terps, no pressure. But if you think of anything I'd love to hear it.

  10. Wow, PK, 11 years is wonderful! Happy for you. I will try to think on a few questions for Cal and Jenny. Btw, I love this idea and cannot wait to read the answers.

    1. It doesn't seem that long, but it has been. I'd love some for Cal and Jenny!

  11. Wow, 11 years is a wonderful accomplishment! Thank goodness for bloggers like you who enjoy writing and continue to keep things interesting.
    Thank you for always sharing and coming up with new ways to write. The question idea is a good one!

    1. Thanks Laurel. I hope you'll visit over at the reading room and maybe have some questions.

  12. I’ll be sure to visit your Reading Room, PK. I’d like to ask Cassie how, with all the house moves she’s had, that horrid ivory brush hasn’t gone missing.
    Rosie xx

  13. Congratulations on your 11 years of blogging PK, that's wonderful. I've only known you for a few years but really loved reading here.
    Hugs Lindy xx
