Wednesday, August 03, 2016

What happened?

I usually come here to have my questions answered - so I'm seeing what you all think of my strange day yesterday.

I had an appointment to give blood yesterday around 10:00 AM. I age a good breakfast, gave blood and then went to Wal-Mart and shopped for just a short time.

After that I went to lunch with my friend Mary. We sat and talking for about a half hour after lunch. I suddenly felt very tired. I told Mary I was heading home. I made it to a chair outside  the restaurant and had to sit. 

Didn't really pass out, but was nearly there. I threw up. It was rough. I felt better after I threw up and after Mary sat with me in the car, A/C on full I was able to drive home. Didn't feel great the rest of the day. I could understand it this had happened shortly after giving the blood, but after a quiet lunch? 

I took my blood sugar when I got home and it was 154. High, but not ridiculous for an hour after lunch. If this had been shortly after I gave blood I'd understand it. But after a sandwich and water and a quiet visit at lunch it surprised me. So, do you have any ideas? What was going on?


  1. Betcha your doctor could tell you!!

    1. Why ask a doctor when I have all of you?

  2. Anonymous5:07 PM

    Food poisoning? Delayed reaction to the vampire? The WallyWorld virus?

    1. It seemed awfully fast for food poisoning. You can find anything at Wally World. But I'm guessing it was a delayed reaction.

  3. Were ya dehydrated? That can really throw you, especially followed by a blood draw. Weak and thirsty, your body might reject a meal if it would take too much strength to digest it. More water! Of course, I'm no doctor and could be completely out of my mind with this suggestion. Hey, why don't you call a real doctor? :) Amy

    1. I intentionally ate a good breakfast and drank more water than I normally do and the lunch was light - egg salad. But it still could have been dehydration. What's the use of a real doctor when I have all of you?

  4. Hi PK, no idea, hope you feel okay today
    love Jan, xx

    1. I've felt fine ever sense. Thanks Jan.

  5. Hi PK, you poor thing, that would have been awful. I'm thinking along the same lines as Amy.


    1. It was awful, but thankfully short-lived.

  6. PK, I do think it has to do with your blood sugar. Next time, be sure to have a big breakfast with some protein and drink lots of water or even Gatorade. Also plan it so you can go home for a bit before you tackle any errands.

    Take care of yourself, my friend.

    1. I didn't have much protein for breakfast. I think the next time I give blood the only other thing I'll have scheduled for the day is a nap!

  7. Pk, hope you are feeling better now. No real idea what it could have been but I know you can get food poisoning from contaminated food within an hour of eating.


    1. I love feeling good! It's one of my favorite restaurants. Never heard of them having any problems, but there is always the chance.

  8. How hot and humid was it?

    1. It wasn't particularly bad that day.

  9. I have had experiences that are similar. Not sure what they were/are. Somehow I also believe it's a combo of the heat, sugars and dehydration. A call to the docs may help.... Although when it happened with me they could never figure it out--after the fact.
    Hope you feel okay now.

    1. Since I haven't had this before and the fact that I did give blood that morning I'm going to have to contribute it to that. If it happens again I'll talk to a doctor.

  10. Hope you're feeling better now PK. A few of my friends have salmonella at the moment after eating eggs from a restaurant. So it could have been your egg salad,food reactions do happen quickly. Or maybe that combined with dehydration due to donating blood.
    As long as your on the mend.
    Hugs Lindy

  11. I am sorry you had this experience. Hope you are feeling all better now... Hugs

  12. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Hope things have settled down health wise.

  13. Anonymous11:56 PM

    You said you had a sandwich. Bread is a starch that turns to sugar quickly. If you are tap dancing with diabetes I'm thinking you had a sugar rush. You should consult a doctor and a nutritionist.
