Tuesday, August 02, 2016

And this month will go WOOSH...

This may not be very interesting, but I need to write it just so I can sort it all out. Last weekend I wanted to go see my elderly cousins. They are in their eighties and I don’t like to miss a year. They live about six hours away. Mollie wanted to go with me but she needed to be back Sunday morning to hear a friend speak about a mission she went on. So we went down Friday and came back Saturday.

This is her last week teaching summer school. This coming weekend we host our annual family reunion. So I’m cleaning like crazy this week and I do the cooking for Sunday. After, everyone leaves on Sunday afternoon we clean up everything and then Nick and I will head to the lake where the reunion continues. Mollie leaves Saturday or Sunday (they haven’t decided) to drive cross country with her friend. She’ll fly home on Saturday, have time to wash her clothes before flying to NYC to visit with her cousin and brother.

I’m not thrilled to have Mollie and her friend driving cross country by themselves. I know they’re grown and all, but still two young women alone… but it’s their decision. That doesn’t mean I’m going to feel relaxed while she’s gone.

The Wednesday after she flies to NYC, Nick and I fly to Cancun for my nephews wedding. That Friday, Mollie and her cousin fly to join us in Cancun in time for the wedding on Saturday. Mollie, Nick and I fly back on Sunday and Monday is the first day for teachers – both Mollie and me.

Writing all that tired me out. I’m not complaining. I get to see my family – we are all very close and everyone gets along, I get a visit to the lovely home at the lake that is the inspiration for Cassie’s lovely home and a trip to Cancun… no I’m not complaining, but the comings and going are getting hard to keep up with.

And with all this going on, since I don’t have anything else to do, a brand new Cassie book is coming out!! I’m very excited about this. It should be out in just about a month. Stay tuned, I’ll tell you more soon. Meanwhile, I’m going to take a deep breath and head into August!


  1. Wow PK! You bring the summer to a close in style. Can't wait for the new book and to hear all about your adventures. School back in session? Well, routine can be a good thing. Ah, who am I kidding?! Take a moment each day to watch a minute tick by on the clock. Maybe the summer will last a little longer. Amy

    1. It should be a lot of fun but jam packed. I don't mind starting back to school this year, but I'm looking forward to it being over too.

  2. August already I can't believe it. You really have a busy month ahead but lovely to be with family. Enjoy and have fun.

    Excited about your new book. Look forward to it.


    1. The only concern is about Mollie diving cross country. I don't feel comfortable about that. I'm excited about the book too!

  3. Phew PK, I'm exhausted reading this lol. Sounds like a very busy but wonderful month coming up. Have a wonderful time with the family.

    Congratulations on your upcoming release, looking forward to it!


    1. I'm glad so much time is with family.

  4. Enjoy the rest of your summer, PK. It will be busy but with all the people you love. Soon it will be your LAST First Day of School. Hooray!

    Ella's countdown clock is set for the release of the latest Cassie book. Keep us posted on any changes to the publication date, my friend.

    Ella Can't Wait

    1. I'll let you know as soon as I hear anything. Yep that last day is coming!

  5. Wow PK you are a very busy lady with all these family functions planned. Hope everything goes smoothly for you some warmth down under (double meaning).
    Hugs Lindy

    1. LOL! Both good meanings. I hope you all aren't as cold as we are HOT here.

  6. It keeps you busy with not much time to think that summer break is almost over. lol

    1. I know, I know and it's going to fly.

  7. Anonymous9:41 AM

    All Jack and I need are the directions to your house. Your cooking sounds like a good meal for sure.

    1. I only really cook once a year for a crowd and I do have that meal down pat.

  8. Three things...

    1) You're cleaning like crazy? What about this text I got from you? "About then my cleaning ladies coming at 8:30 I'll talk to her for a few minutes then I'm leaving"

    2) Just a question... how well does Meredith really know you? I spewed coffee for the first time in years ... had to clean my screen and everything.


    3) Boy do I get it. Whoosh..... summer goes by WAY too fast.... But dang, you've got a very bright light shining at the end of your tunnel!!


    1. 1) Do you realize how hard I have to clean and put away stuff before it's ready for her to clean? And I still have the outside to do.

      2) Meredith knows me extremely well! She knows I don't do it very often.

      3) The brightest ever!

  9. Hi PK, I hope Nick spanks you for some of those lies! Cooking and cleaning my eye!! Holiday making and making whoopee more like it. Hope you have a fun August
    love Jan, xx

    1. I am cooking and cleaning, honest. I only do it once a year - but I do it!

  10. Oh boy you are lucky! Sounds like fun to me!
    I'd be worried if my daughter was driving cross country too. However I don't make her decisions! Lol! Although my daughter just informed me that I was not allowed to travel all by myself to visit her dad. Too long of a drive for me!!
    I'm wanting that Cassie book! Hurry up!
    If I could have cleaning ladies..... I would! I get worn out these days -just waking up!
    Look toward the happy light of retirement!

    1. Yeah, how fair is that? We can't tell them anything, but suddenly they can boss us around. I don't think so!

      This is only the second time the lady has come, but I do like it.

  11. you are certainly keeping busy glad it is doing fun things with people you love.

    I love the saying though somehow knowing that doesn't mean you will worry any less.

