Wednesday, August 31, 2016

IT'S HERE !! Cassie's Road Trip

The new book is out! Cassie’s Road Trip is out and looking for readers. Many have compared publishing a book to giving birth and in many ways that true. There is much labor in writing a book and getting it published, but to me it’s more like sending your child to school for the first time. You think your child is wonderful, prefect in every way. But now you’re sending this little one out into a world of people who will judge for themselves. You sit home and worry, will this book be liked? will it be ignored? will people encourage others to read and like your new work or might they say something negative? This nagging worry sticks with you until you get that first review, and if it’s good you feel like a million bucks and say to yourself – someone liked it!!!

Here's the blurb:

There's a girl’s trip in the works. All the girls have planned and plotted for months. Everything must work out just right for them to be able to talk the guys into this trip. All is on track until Allie, of all people, lands in hot water. Cassie and Sue do their best to help her out and keep the hope of the trip alive too.

Behaving is always a struggle for Cassie. She does try but, unfortunately, there are situations–completely beyond her control, at least in her eyes, that keep landing her on the wrong side of Tom’s spanking hand. As Cassie continues to end up in trouble, there are some interesting new friends, maybe a little rougher than Tom would want her associating with, who want to help her too. . .

 Cassie’s Road Trip

I guess it’s no secret that Cassie is very real to me and I consider her one of my best friends. I do like this book so much – I love Cassie’s interaction with her friends, I adore Lily – she is so much fun to write. Just like Cassie and the rest she talks in my head and I sometimes chuckle as I simply record what’s going on. But as usual what I enjoy the most is Cassie and Tom’s love story – one that has lasted decades and will last for many more.

Check out all the Cassie books.

All the Cassie books can be purchased at 

Cassie's Space (book one)   
Cassie's Tale (book two)                       
Cassie on the Move (book three)          
Cassie's River Living (book four)        
 Cassie's Conflict (book five)
 Cassie's Influence (book six)
        Cassie's Ordeal (book seven)
 Cassie Corralled (book eight)
      Cassie's Road Trip (book nine)


  1. Congrats! Will go to Amazon right now :-) Hugs

  2. Anonymous8:21 PM

    I have my copy. Now I wonder if Ella has hers.

    1. I got an email while she was at the airport, she has it! Thanks Meredith.

  3. Clicking! Can't wait! So happy for you and all of us!

  4. Congratulations, PK! So excited to see where Cassie, Sue and crew go with this one. ;)

    Hugs and blessings...Cat

  5. Congratulations PK, I'm so happy for you :) Can't wait to read Cassie's latest adventure. Love the cover and banner :)


    1. They were done by the wonderful Patty Devlin! Thanks for coming by Roz, you are so loyal!

  6. Yeah congrats. Already have my copy. Love the cover.


    1. Thanks Ronnie, I hope you enjoy it on vacation.

  7. Congratulations PK, going over to amazon now to one click. Can't wait to read this latest adventure.
    Hugs Lindy

    1. I appreciate it Lindy. I really hope you enjoy it.

  8. Congrats - I'm over to Amazon now.

  9. This just made my day. I am off work on a long weekend. Now IO have a boo kto read. I love the Cassie books.

    1. KB - you just made mine! Thank-you for being a Cassie fan.

  10. Anonymous10:30 AM

    YAY!!! I have my copy! What kind of mischief will find Cassie this time? LOL! Can't wait!

    Congratulations, PK! Many hugs,

    <3 Katie
