Friday, August 26, 2016

Fantasy Friday - an excerpt from Cassie's Road Trip

This may not qualify as a Fantasy Friday. But I'm going to give you a little sample of the newest Cassie book, Cassie's Road Trip. I'm hoping this book could be out by next Tuesday and believe me I'll be letting you know as soon as I see it go live! 
Here's the blurb and then an excerpt.

There's a girl’s trip in the works. All the girls have planned and plotted for months. Everything must work out just right for them to be able to talk the guys into this trip. All is on track until Allie, of all people, lands in hot water. Cassie and Sue do their best to help her out and keep the hope of the trip alive too.

Behaving is always a struggle for Cassie. She does try but, unfortunately, there are situations–completely beyond her control, at least in her eyes, that keep landing her on the wrong side of Tom’s spanking hand. As Cassie continues to end up in trouble, there are some interesting new friends, maybe a little rougher than Tom would want her associating with, who want to help her too. . .

Ryan sounded so young as he asked, “What happened? Why won’t she talk to me?”
I hesitated, I certainly wasn’t going to give him the ins and outs, “Son she made some unwise choices and she’s embarrassed. And I’m sure she’s worried you’re going to be too hard on her.”
“I just want to talk to her. But you’re saying she thinks I’m going to spank her–right? What do you think, does she deserve a spanking?”
Good grief! That wasn’t a question for me to answer. I hesitated and then began stammering until Ryan finally said, “Okay Mom, that tells me what I need to know.”
“It does not!” I told him firmly. “You just talk to Allie and leave me out of it.”
“That’s what I’m trying to do,” he said frustrated, “but she won’t talk to me. You tell her I’m calling as soon as we get home and she better get on the phone. Sit on her if you have to Mom, but I’m talking to her.”
He gave the phone back to Tom and we said our goodnights. Allie came out as soon as I hung up, making me think she had been listening at the door. “He’s calling back in an hour and you are talking to him, do I make myself clear?” I told her sternly.
“I will. But should I tell him everything now or can it wait ‘till we get home?”
“I don’t know what to tell you, honey, I’ve often wondered if telling them before you see them gives them time to calm down or to stew about it and get madder. I don’t know, but I think I’d just go ahead and tell him everything tonight.”
“But Cassie it wasn’t really my fault.”
I sat staring at her quietly, amazed that she could say such a thing. Sue chuckled softly, “You sure she’s not your daughter?” she asked me.
I ignored Sue and asked Allie, “How was this not your fault?”


I'll let you know as soon as it comes out. Meanwhile, I need some of you all to try writing some Fantasy Friday stories. If you do send them to


  1. Hi PK, thank you so much for sharing a snippet from your new book, can't wait! Congratulations on the upcoming release :)

    Oh dear,I think Cassie gave Ryan her answer. Poor Allie, love Sue's comment lol


  2. I've been waiting and waiting for this! I'm so excited!
    Oh dear me! Allie needs to just get it over with hard as it is!
    Sue cracks me up, however that woman is no angel either! Snort!

  3. OMG, this was such a small snippet, PK! Calling it cruel and unusual punishment. I am with Minelle. I have been waiting for this all summer. I simply must download this story by 6:00 pm Tuesday night. Cassie is going with me Across the Pond!

    Hugs From Ella

  4. Looking forward to taking Cassie on holiday with me. I love love Sue.


  5. LOL PK...Sue's line has to be one of my all-time favorites! Looking forward to more. Thanks so much for sharing. ;)

    Hugs and blessings...Cat

  6. Loved reading this snippet and can't wait to buy the latest Cassie book. Uh oh what has sweet, little Allie been up to, must be very serious!

    good luck with your launch PK.
    Hugs Lindy
