Sunday, March 08, 2015

Questions and answers

I’ve had some March questions in comment and I thought today would be a good day to begin answering some. 

Ronnie sent the following:

What's our favourite Spring Flower?

I love Hyacinth! Not only are they beautiful, they smell like springtime itself!
Was Math your favourite subject at school, if not, what was?

I loved teaching math, but it wasn’t my strong suit when I was in school. I didn’t really like much about schools back then. I began to get interested in history when we got a young, sexy male teacher in the 8th grade.

What book are you currently reading?

Right now I’m reading “I’ve Got You Under My Skin” by Mary Higgins Clark.

What is one of the sweetest things Nick has ever done for you?

When I came home from the hospital with LJ, Nick had put a blue light bulb in the lamp on my side of the bed where I could see to tend to the baby in a low light – it seemed almost magical. It was a little thing, but I always think back on it as something so sweet.

If you could meet with a famous person, living or dead, who would it be?

This is hard for me. I’m not much of a celebrity hound. I think maybe Edgar Casey. My father studied him all his life and we often vacationed near ARE in VA beach when I was a kid. Casey was a fascinating man.

Did you ever ride horses?

I took riding lessons as a kid and I love it! But I didn’t want to ride in a show and my teacher kept pushing that. That eventually led me to quit.

This next question was from Cat:

What four people (and their spouse/partner), living or dead, would you invite for an evening of drinks and dinner?

My dream dinner party – now that’s easy. Along with Nick and me I’d want to have my parents, I miss them so much. I’d also want one particular aunt and uncle who have been gone for nearly thirty years. To round out the evening I want my children – LJ and his husband Collin and I want Mollie and whoever her husband will be.

I’m miss my parents and my aunt and uncle so much and I’m so proud of my kids I’d love for those who have passed to see how great the kids turned out.

You know I'll answer any questions you might have. I'm pretty much an open book out here. I asked Nick if he was willing to answer some too. I got the 'look'. I told him seriously, severely of the guys out here said they're willing. His answer was, "It depends on the question and whether or not I feel like answering it." Hmmm… sounds like an HOH anyway. 


  1. Loved your answers regarding the dinner party PK...I'm sure your parents would be so proud of how your children have turned out. Thanks for the other fun answers also.

    Hugs and Blessings...

    1. They would be proud - how I want my mother to know my kids now.

  2. Hi PK and Nick, PK, who is your favourite spanking author? Is ther one thing you wish Nick would spank you for?
    Nick, What did you think when PK first brought the spanking thing up?
    love Jan,xx

    1. Favorite spanking author? No way to choose, but I really like Leigh Smith, our own Sunny - I've read all her books and I love them all. Nick's answered your questions and I'll have it up in a day or two.

  3. Let's see, what do I want to know about you? Let me think - I know, how many days left 'til retirement, I know you know, probably down to the exact minute.

    1. Leigh, you think I'd know something like that? LOL, I'll save my answers for a post soon.

  4. Loved reading the answers and thanks for answering mine. That was sweet of NIck.


    1. Nick a doll, always has been.

  5. I love Mary Higgins Clark! I should have guessed you read her too!
    My eyes tested up when you answered about the dinner party!
    Okay I'm going to add to Sunny's question. What is the very First thing you will do on your first full day of retirement?

    1. I remember reading 'Where are the Children' her first book and I was blown away. I've read everyone since. I'll be answering this one soon!

  6. loved reading your answers...had not heard about the blue light before - that was so sweet... :-) Hugs

    1. I see a light like that now and it transports me back in time. Such happy memories.

  7. Anonymous7:05 PM

    Loved your answers

  8. Loved your answers PK, especially your answer to the last one. So lovely and I'm sure your parents would be very proud.

    If you could vacation anywhere, where would it be?

    What was it that you first noticed about Nick?


    1. Thanks Roz, they would be proud. I'll be answering soon.

  9. We use a blue light bulb outside our home to show that we support our police department. Here is my question now that you have the Cassie books are you abandoning her blog?

    1. Scunge you have asked the hardest question. I'll have more answers here Wednesday.

  10. You are a very interesting person, and I mean that in a very good way. There is a lot of variety in what you like, what you do and what you have done. Btw, the blue light was really sweet.

    1. Thanks Blondie, I do like lots of different things. Blogging is a big one of them!
