Monday, March 09, 2015

More thoughts on Fantasy Friday

We need to talk about Fantasy Friday.  I’ve hosted FF since the summer of 2007 and it really does hold a special place in my heart.  That’s well over 300 stories. I really want it to continue, but I don’t want it to become a feature with just re-runs.

I feel like Fantasy Friday belongs to blogland – certainly not to me, I’m just the host.  This is part of what I posted back in 2007 when I took it over –

I’m hoping to reach some new writers. I want everyone to participate. Yes, I am talking to you. I know there are silent readers who have no intentions of starting a blog. Maybe you have never even left a comment. Maybe you are just out here looking to read some spanking stories. That’s fine, but we also want to know YOUR fantasy? What scenario plays around in your mind? Come on, you know you have a spanking story in you. Write it down and send it to me. I will publish it with as much or as little information about you as you are comfortable with. You can remain completely anonymous while reading all the comments others will leave you. And trust me this is an encouraging bunch out here. Worried about remaining anonymous? Go to yahoo or somewhere and get an alternate email address to use. Most of us did. Other than that I can only give you my word that no one will know who you are.

I still feel this way; this is a place where you can try your hand at writing with no expectations. When I wrote my first Cassie story nine years ago it was the first story I’d written since high school. But I really enjoyed it and it’s really taken me places.

I'm not trying to pressure everyone into writing.  I know not everyone can write. Some just don't have the time - some don't want to write, just come by to read and support those who are writing. But for anyone who wants to give it a try, Fantasy Friday is your place. Over the year we have had people write for us who are fantastic writers, and my readers have been very supportive. We’ve also had some stories that weren’t all that well written – and you know what, we were just as happy and supportive to read those folks too. I don’t think anyone come here on Fridays looking for great literature. We just want to read stories.

People have asked what is a good length for a FF story. There is no rule, but most are between 1,000 and 3,000 words. If you have a longer story you can break it up into multiple parts – but please, you tell me how it should be divided, that’s hard for me. And don’t forget to include a title.  If there are pictures you’d like to be included in your story, send them along. I quit adding picture for the most part because it became very time consuming.

I’m no editor; if I see a mistake like you put ‘went’ for ‘want’ I’ll change it. If my word spell checker finds something I’ll hit correct. But please don’t worry about those things. Trust me if people come here to read they are experts at over looking those mistakes because I make them all the time!

Like I said, Fantasy Friday’s not mine – it’s ours. What do you want to do? Should we go to once a month rather than once a week?  Should I just post when I have a new story? How do you feel about re-runs? Let me know your thoughts and if you have a story send it to


  1. Anonymous9:24 AM

    did you know I would write first? I have a hundred great stories, but they are still in my head. I will let at least one out soon. I like them in my head and then I think I want to share....... advise please.

    1. Just sit down and start typing. Then send it to PK. :) Yes, please share!

    2. You just have to start Meredith. Once you do the story will develop. This is a great place to share a first story, it is what I did. The readers are amazing and PK is great support!

    3. I know you have stories that I want to read - now shake them out of your head and onto the computer! And trust me, after you write them they will still be in your head. It's like a book you can read with your eyes closed. Very handy!

      For me I usually have an idea where the story is going and often as I write I'm correct - but not always. Don't be shocked if a story takes off on it's own and adds something you weren't expecting. I'm looking forward to hearing from you.

  2. Hi PK, I really want it to continue in some form, I am not very good at the writing bit though :(. I wasn't around in the early days so I am happy to read old stories for the time being till you get some new ones
    love Jan,xx

    1. I know not everyone is a writer - but if you are a blogger, then you ARE a writer. But seriously don't worry about writing if it's not something you want to do, I appreciate you being so supportive of the others who write.

      But you might try a story, you don't even have to sent it to me. Just write it for yourself and if you really like it. Send it in.

  3. Years ago I found FF and it was the first thing I did every Friday morning. This was long before I thought about writing or blogging myself.
    I urge all of you folks to give it a try - this is a tradition and we can't let it go by the wayside. Sharpen that pencil, pick up the pen, turn on the keyboard and put some words together. We'll read them, I promise.

    1. I agree! Just write a story - then you can decide whether to send it in or not later. But you might be like Leigh and me and get hooked.

  4. Keep it going. Even if you miss a Friday or 2 because you don't have anything new and don't want to post a re-run, keep FF going. :)

    1. Thanks for saying that Sarah. I love it, but I really don't know how everyone feels about reruns. I'm glad you don't mind a few.

  5. I love FF, PK. I have not been around very long so all of the stories are new to me and I love them. Is there anything we can do to help recruit new writers?

    1. I wish we could threat everyone with a spanking if they write a story. I bet that would get us some.

    2. Lol! You are probably right :-)

  6. Anonymous2:27 PM

    I look forward to Fantasy Friday and I'd love to have it continue. Maybe I'd even get brave enough to send you a story sometime, lol. Hope you keep it PK and thanks for posting it for all of us!


    1. Try it Clara, like I've told others - just try writing a story. Play with it polish it up and send it on. What do you have to lose?

  7. PK,

    I've always loved FF and hope you continue with it. I urge everyone to have a go at writing at least one story and send it to PK.

    Meredith and Clara, I hope you will try your hand and write one.


    1. I hope I get some new stories. I don't mind re-runs sometimes, but I just don't want them every week. We need new stories.

  8. Thanks for the encouraging words PK...I really hope more of your readers share their stories with us. I will be here cheering everyone.

    I agree Meredith and Clara...please take a chance!

    Hugs and Blessings...

    1. Thanks Cat - cheerleaders are defiantly welcomed!

  9. PK,

    I would suggest you go with FF every other Friday or once a month just for a bit of variety and to build anticipation.

    If you are interested in my style of writing I would consider contributing a story or two. Let me know.


    1. I might go with an abbreviated schedule. I'd say my readers and I are opened to most any style of writing. I don't post student/teacher even if everyone is of legal age because as a teacher myself it's 'icky' to me. But we love to have you contribute.
