Monday, February 09, 2015

I have a favor to ask

At the risk of being beaten to death by my northern friends I have to say we had a beautiful weekend. Driving home Sunday from Nick’s parents the thermometer hit 72 as we cruised around with the sunroof opened.  I’ll never make as much as my northern counterparts, but I’m staying in the south. Now that I’ve annoyed all my friends still trying to dig out from the snow I want to ask you a favor (my timing has never been that great).

Often over at my other site, the Reading Room, the authors host or interview one another as a way to get to know one another and also to promote our writing. I usually don’t say much about it here, but this one interview I did I really, really liked. Katherine Deane was kind enough to ask me to her site and she asked many wonderful questions. They were basically about Cassie – one of my favorite topics.

She admitted to me that she had been hesitant to read any of the Cassie books because she didn’t feel she had anything in common with someone so much older. I wonder how many readers do feel that way? But she really liked the book and that was behind the interview.  Her questions were great and I truly loved answering them.  Especially the ones about what I see as a future for the books and ‘the ending’ of the series.  I would love for you all to go read this interview.  I answered many questions and I’m sure she couldn’t use them all in the post but it’s probably the most in depth interview I’ve done.

Please, if you get the chance go by her site, Katherine Deane - Romance Author, and see what you think. I think she post around 1:00 AM. Katherine is a great writer – look over her books while you’re there.


  1. Hi PK, I love her books! Am off to the reading room now
    love Jan,xx

    1. I think Katherine is a great writer!

  2. Hi PK, I love Katherine's writing and her blog. Fantastic interview. Great questions and loved your answers. I probably initially thought the same as Katherine about Cassie ... boy was I wrong :)


    1. I know many have to feel the same way. I'm so glad you all are helping me get out the word that it's for everyone.

  3. PK, super interview. Great questions for you. I want to read that book when Tom and Cassie are in their nineties.


    1. I'm really glad that you want to, because I want to write it - other wise it will roll around in my head forever.

  4. I did it!! Fantastic interview!!
    I have always loved Cassie!

    1. Thanks Minelle! You have always been behind me.

  5. Very good interview and how interesting that there are secrets to be revealed at the end of the series.


    1. What can I say - Cassie is a deep well of secrets.

  6. It was a great interview, loved it.

  7. I promise not to beat you. :-) I will, however, go check out the interview. :-) Hugs

    1. Thanks Terps - on both counts.
