Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Donna Steele and the Melting Series

I promised to let you know when Donna Steele’s next book came out. It’s out! This is the third in her Melting Series. Donna doesn’t writing spanking, but she does write wonderful stories. I really, really liked this series. I hope you’ll give it a try. Donna can tell you more about it than I can and you can go by her site today to find out more. They are all out now, so it's a great time to get started.

When a pandemic caused by the global warming that David Morrow has spent his life studying strikes, he and the rest of the world are caught off guard. His new relationship with Amanda Sutton, pathologist, becomes interwoven with the crisis and their relationship is nearly swept away in the chaos. Can they remain together against all of the odds?

Civilization is gone and Meg Adams is in charge, whether she wants to be or not. It’s no longer desirable or even safe to stay at the CDC that Amanda and David are gone, so getting her people away is her top priority. At least getting away from the Powers-That-Be might give them a chance. But what about Jim, is he one of Us or Them?

Jim Stephens has forced his way in. Yes, he’s attracted to Meg but he also values his own life enough to want to get away from the new regime that seems to be forming. And this rag-tag group that’s decided to make their escape could use him.

It began in the north, in the ancient cold before the birth of man. Whether from the actions of man or the cycles of the planet, the primordial ice is melting and bringing back to the atmosphere a virus. One with no known cure for modern day humans. Rachel Gerhart has been a survivor her whole life, now she’s been changed by the virus that destroyed civilization. She trying to keep her differences under wraps, but Sid Saylor knows her secret. He’s been changed as well. Can their new abilities help with the rebuilding of a human civilization?


  1. Hi PK, thank you for letting us know about Donna's new release. Will check it out :)


    1. Thanks Roz. I love her writing.

  2. Thanks so much PK! It's a fun day...

    1. Anytime, as long as you keep 'em coming.

  3. Thanks for letting us know Donna has a new release. I have a long long list of books TBR.


    1. I think we all need to stop working (and still receive our salary, of course) and just spend our days reading.

  4. Just like Ronnie, it's on my TBR list. I need more time.

    1. Yes you do because you need to spend most of your time writing!

  5. Anonymous8:52 PM

    Hi PK, :) I am SO behind in reading anything these days. I am glad to know about Donna's books. I too will add to my long TBR. Many hugs,

    <3 Katie

    1. You won't be disappointed Katie!

  6. I'm behind in my reading as well, but I love Donna's books!

    1. Me too - retirement here I come!

  7. Darn you PK...now I have more books to add to my super huge and growing TBR pile! Thanks. ;)

    Hugs and Blessings...

    1. I usually only push my books, Leigh Smith's and Donna's. Imagine if I didn't restrain myself!

  8. I can't find the Melting Trilogy at Amazon. Is it no longer available?
    Rosie Dee
