Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Cold weather - cold butt

Some of my very good friends live the Arctic now. We used to just call it the north, but I think Arctic is more accurate. Because of this I hesitate to complain about our weather, that being said – I’M COLD! We live in the south (where you’re supposed to). We are NOT used to temperatures below zero for goodness sakes.

No school Tuesday and school is still closed today, although it’s a teacher work day so I’m going in for a while. Cross your fingers we have heat. Perks like heat aren’t something teachers can always count on.

If you read my “I SHOULD get a spanking today” post, you might be wondering if I did. Well, I didn’t. The next day was Friday. As that post said, I hadn’t really been impressed with the way the Friday spankings were going. So Friday I came home tired and my back was hurting. We were taking dinner up to Nick’s parents so we headed there to eat and visit and when we got back home I was dead. I was hanging up my coat and hoping to make it to my chair before I fell asleep when I saw Nick coming down the hall with the paddle. He opened the door to our spanking room and I just shook my head no. Not a very good spanko, huh?

I thought he had probably forgotten, I had completely gotten myself out of the mood, I was tired and my back hurt, excuse, excuse, excuse… Nick's a good fellow. I got a few swats, but he didn’t push it. Did I want him to? Would I have been happier if he had insisted … been more forceful, dominate…

Come on – I’m seriously asking you because I really don’t know.  I had said maybe we could put it off for a day. But he didn’t bring it up again. 

I was just going to forget it, but I decided to send him an email. I thanked him for remembering and apologized for not going along. This was part of it –

I would like to continue with our once a week. But if that it to be our maintenance / stress relief / focus / reconnecting time, I don’t want it to be come haphazard with a few random swats as we pass on a busy day. If we don’t have a little time to give it, it’s okay to put it off for a day or even skip a week. Your roll is to spank whenever you want to for any reason you want to. My roll is to come/go where you tell me to when you decide to spank, I didn’t do my part the other night and I’m sorry. (It’s also my job to protest any and all spankings at the time and tell you why I really don’t deserve it – your job is to ignore me).

I guess we’ll find out Friday what his thoughts are. As usual, I’ll let you know.

* There is a very special twist to Fantasy Friday this week. Be sure to come by!


  1. Hi PK, I hope the weather is kinder to you soon. Stay warm!

    Even a spanko doesn't always want a spanking. It's not always the right thing.

    Great email to Nick, I'm glad you shared this with him and will be curious to know how he responds. Good suggestion too, your Friday's don't always have to be on Friday :) I really hope things start to head in the direction you want them to go.


    1. I think the weather has forgotten how to be kind! Mother Nature has become a hateful bitch!

      I got a response from Nick today. And again the thought, "Be careful what you ask for…"

  2. Hi PK, oh dear I am not sure what to say about Friday. Part of me thinks he was sweet tl let you off and part of me thinks he should have gone and done it anyway. I think really only he can decide but you wanted it and maybe ,just maybe he should have taken the choice away. Sorry if that's not want you want to hear though. I think on the whole I would be happier looking back if John had carried on regardless. Good luck this week
    love Jan,xx

    1. No Jan, that's pretty much what I do want to hear. I think it's true too. I do often wish the choice was taken for me. I think that's what I've wanted to happen all my life.

  3. Spanking is just like sex. When we want it, we haven't the opportunity, when we need it, we're not in the mood. Being a spanko isn't something to switch on and off as and when, it is like any activity, it comes with a desire. Hope the email gets you both want you want and need.

    1. You're right DF. Sometimes I long for it and when it doesn't happen I make myself stop and pretend it doesn't matter. Then it will pop up out of nowhere and I'm not ready.

  4. I did the same thing to Ray last week. I reminded him it had been a while and that night, I come into the bedroom and he has the doggin bat - I said sorry not tonight. I'm just happy to have that option, I think?

    1. "I'm just happy to have that option, I think?" I understand the questioning in that. Of course we're happy to have that option - even though sometimes I wish I didn't.

  5. I think you said it all very well!!
    Sometimes the timing is off..... But then maybe they should do it anyway!
    No complaining about the weather! You can come here for a visit and join us for a ----25 or 35 below wind chill!!

    1. Minelle,
      I know I have no right to complain about the weather. I can't imagine what it's like up there - I think its horrible here.

      I think my time to get ready may have just run out.

  6. Can't always be on the same page as each other though personally I think Nick should have pushed a little. Could have been a lovely OTK connection spanking.


    1. I didn't feel like it, but I like the idea of him pushing a little too.

  7. It is all so confusing at times and timing is everything. I think you stated your thoughts very well and I love your email. I hope you get what you need soon, even if it may not be what you want at the time. I hope he chooses for you. Hugs

  8. He shouldn't have gone easy. Unless you're sick that's never the option. You needed it. Maybe especially because you didn't think you wanted it. And too little is always disappointing. You pretend it's okay way too often. Well, that's how I see it anyway.
    Rosie Dee
