Sunday, December 14, 2014

Great implement - the dogging bat

I want to thank everyone who said a prayer or gave a good thought for Mollie. That test is behind her, though we don’t know if she passed or not. She has another one Monday, but at least it’s in town and I don’t feel so stressed about it. I’ll let you know when we hear.

When I wrote about my intense spanking from Nick last weekend I mentioned it was hard to believe that “my sweet, fun little dogging bat” could feel like that. I had several friends inquire about the dogging bat, they didn’t know exactly what it was and it seemed much more menacing that way.

This is a dogging bat –

and I love it!

It’s vanilla use is in the equestrian world.  It’s used in barrel racing and such and the advertisements says, Just what you need to get your horse around those barrels first! Top grade doggin bat with a spring steel insert. So a horse rider is using it for the sound. The sound is also important for us spankos, but it’s also a versatile implement. It can be used for a really fun light to moderate spanking and as I found out it can really go for the hard stuff too!

I like it so much I even sent one to Ronnie across the pond, and in return she sent me a cane - a mean, hateful, stinging, don't get that thing near me, cane! She actually sent me two! Of course, I wanted to share the love, so I in turn gave one to Sunny. Personally I think Ronnie got the better end of the deal (but then again, she's a cane lover.)

I think it's not only a wonderful implement to keep in your toy box, it’s very inexpensive. You can usually order one for around $10 if you actually order it from a horse supply site. I truly recommend it. One more thing, it’s sometimes called a pig slapper – but not in MY house!

Here is the link where we ordered ours.


  1. Anonymous12:21 AM

    Hi PK,
    I really love reading about your experiences. I feel like we have a lot in common, except I'm a total newbie. I have fantasized about spankings for years, but only have a few real ones under my belt. Is this a good toy for a beginner to use?
    Pittsburgh Pam

    1. Hey Pam, glad to hear from you. Yes I think this is great for beginners. it's easy to use lightly, but it can still produce a good sting with little effect. If you ever want to talk, email me

  2. Hey PK...sending prayers and positive energy for Mollie's Monday test. Thanks for sharing the information about the dogging bat but think I'll pass. :D

    Hugs and Blessings...

    1. Thanks Cat, for Mollie. You don't know what you're missing.

  3. good luck to Molly.
    Whenever I see the word bat I think of cricket bat, so thank you for the picture.

    1. DF, it's leather and just great. You should give it a try.

  4. I always wondered what one of those looks like..thanks for the pic and the explanation. I already have Master's Christmas gift....but maybe for his birthday...
    hugs abby

    1. I really think you'd like it Abby. I found out it can be used hard, but for fun, it really is!

  5. HI PK, good luck to Mollie for Monday. We don't have one of these but I am not keen on noisy implements for some reason!! You can keep it
    love Jan,xx

    1. Thanks Jan, Mollie seems much calmer tonight than she did last Thursday. I know I am. Having our empty nest and no neighbors right on top of us I like this one.

  6. Hi PK, sending best wishes to Mollie for her exam on Monday. Thanks for sharing the pic and info. Hmm, I'll think about it lol


    1. You'd LIKE it, I'm serious! Thanks for thinking of Mollie.

  7. thanks for the review...I will keep it mind as a possibility to add to my little collection...if the others ever get taken out to explore... :-) hugs

    1. It's really a nice one to have around when exploration time eventually rolls around.

  8. Oh, and please wish Molly good luck on her test...I hope it goes well... :-)

    1. Thanks Terps, I'll tell her.

  9. I have to agree about the doggin bat - it is lovely and can be whatever you want.I'm still not a fan of the cane, but the ONE time we used it, it wasn't as bad as I thought. Of course, it was for fun.

    Keeping good thoughts for Molly on Monday.

    1. Leigh, I'd say dust that think off and leave it on his pillow. The doggin bat is way better, but the cane needs more exploration.

  10. Anonymous11:19 AM

    One down and one to go for Mollie!
    The thing looks most painful, PK

    1. Can't wait until it's over tomorrow! I promise you can play with it fairly hard and it still feels wonderful.

  11. I love the dogging bat you sent though I think its bark is worse than its bite. I think you have to admit you are glad you have tried the cane, right:)

    Keeping Mollie in my thoughts for Monday.


    1. I think that a good way to put it - it's bark is worse than it's bite. Yes, I'm glad we have the cane, as long as used very infrequently.

      Thanks for thinking of Mollie.

  12. I will cross my fingers and toes for Mollie!
    That dogging bat looks mighty painful! However, not sure the cane wouldn't be worse.

    1. It's the difference between barbed wire and a pillow!
