Sunday, May 18, 2014

No sexy spanking story - just life

First a quick weight note – I did lose a pound this week. I did go to the gym as promised and I have come up with a plan that I began last Wednesday. Let me try it a while to see how it goes and then I’ll tell you all about it.

We’ve had an interesting weekend – nothing wild and crazy, but a couple of things have happened.  The not so wonderful news first, I finally got around to going back to the ear doctor. Although my students swear I have super sonic hearing, it only in one ear. My left ear’s hearing is practically gone. Since everyone on my mom’s side of the family has the same problem it didn’t shock me as this ear got worse. I assumed when I got good and ready I’d get a hearing aid. Nick has one, I don’t see it as a stigma, but I really don’t like something in my ear – it makes me feel claustrophobic.

The doctor, however, did not like the fairly rapid loss and wants to be sure I don’t have a tumor pressing on anything. He want’s an MRI done and if it does come back clear he thinks I’d be a good candidate for an implanted hearing device. Good candidate – does that mean I look like I can afford it? Not sure exactly when the MRI will be, but I’ll keep you informed.

Now a little story that should be titled, The Daughter’s Curse. She didn’t get me it was her dad. Mollie keeps pestering Nick to get an iphone. She told him his old flip phone was hopelessly out of date and that if anyone saw him with it they would assume he was at least in his eighties (my apologies to my friends with flip phoned. I’m speaking from the twenty-one year old’s view point.) Nick told her that iphones were fine, but that his flip phone worked perfectly well and he didn’t have to pay another thirty dollars for the service package. She kept pestering and Nick kept ignoring her. Until Friday.

Friday Nick headed to the golf course. He put his phone in a little zipper compartment on the golf bag and took off. He says he remembers hearing a clunk as he drove over a bridge. He even got off and checked things to make sure the bag wasn’t falling. When he got though, however, there was no phone. He and Mollie went back and searched for it, even in the water, but no phone. Since he’s going off soon he realized he was going to need a phone and let Mollie happily take him to get an iphone.  He does seem to like it and Mollie is enjoying teaching him all the features. Nick’s a sharp guy, he’ll pick it up. But I still don’t know how he missed Mollie stalking him on the golf course and stealing his phone.


  1. Hey PK...sending prayers and positive energy that your MRI turns out clear. Please do keep us informed.

    If a hearing aid would make you feel claustrophobic, your insurance might cover the implant as a medical necessity. My mom's insurance covered an eye lift because her lids were drooping to the point they were interfering with her vision.

    If you continue to lose weight, would love to hear how you are accomplishing it!

    Hope Nick enjoys his iphone. ;)

    Hugs and Blessings...

    1. Cat,
      I'll be glad when they get it scheduled so I can have it over and done. If this works, I'll tell you all about it.

  2. Hi PK, sending positive thoughts and prayers too that the MRImis clear. Please do keep us informed. Guess Mollie won out huh lol. Hop Nick enjoys the new phone.


    1. Roz, Mollie usually wins with her Dad - eventually.

  3. PK,
    hope that the MRI proves clear.
    I had an Ultra scan last week, they make me nervous also.
    Keeping my fingers crossed for you.
    Love and warm hugs,

    1. Paul, I'm sure it will be. But yeah, it does make me nervous.

  4. Praying MRI comes back fine and I hope Nick enjoys his new phone. :-)

    1. I really think both will happen. Thanks!

  5. Good luck on the MRI. Hope things are OK. Won't be surprised if Nick misses the simplicity of the old flip phone.


    1. He's a gadget guy so it might go all right. But I wish Mollie was still around as tech support.

  6. Good luck with the MRI. Let us know please.
    My guy is very hard of hearing it makes me think he should get checked!
    It's a good thing we have older adult kids helping us embrace technology! We'd be laughed at all day long!

    1. Yes go get checked! Nick's hearing aid has really helped. LJ said something that made me regret we hadn't gone that route sooner. I told LJ that Nick was really hard of hearing and his statement was "Really, I thought he'd just been mad at me for the last couple of years." Evidently he would say something to Nick and felt he was just ignoring him when actually he never heard him.

  7. I understand Nick's reluctance. I kept putting off getting a new phone too until I washed my old one. Yesterday, I took a class on how to use all of the features that I will never use.

    Sorry about the ear thing. Getting older is not for the weak, that's for sure. Keep us posted.

    1. Sunny,
      Wish I could take a class. I wouldn't use everything, but I'm sure I could use a few. We'll get the ear thing settled.

  8. PK,

    Keep us posted on the MRI.

    I've just had to have a new phone and can't get used to it.


    1. I do love my iPhone now - at least most of the time.

  9. HI PK, Hope the MRI goes okay, Poor Nick I hated my new phone for ages. This week though I got a case that matched my bag and now I love it! Small things please small minds so they say. I can't help it, it's just so
    love Jan,xx

    1. Jan, the back of my case opens and I have enough room for a credit card, my license, and a $20. Now I don't have to carry a purse.

  10. Please keep us in loop re. MRI. Kids got me new phone about 2 years ago, thank The Lord that teens living close enough to help me figure out how most of it works.

    1. Patty, teens and early 20's are wonderful with this stuff. I love it when Mollie is here for questions.

  11. I hope the MRI goes well. Please do let us know. I do not own an I-phone - I don't even think my cell phone flips :-) Maybe someday and by then my kids can teach me how to use it. That is great about the weight loss - would love hear your plan when you are ready to share. I sure could use some help and inspiration. Hugs
