Friday, May 16, 2014

Fantasy Friday - A Summer Miracle - episode 3

* I really like the snippet I have over at the Reading Room today. Hope you get the chance to come by today.

Happy Friday to everyone. We’ve had a hot week here, but this weekend should be just right.  I’m happy to bring you more of Paul’s story today, and don’t think that they stop here. We have several more to go. I hope you all are enjoying these as much as I am.

A Summer Miracle.

Episode 3

The incident with the horse and the spanking taught me that I needed to be much more careful. It became more and more difficult to avoid being alone with Mel, it started to feel like a rather macabre dance. Mel’s parents certainly noticed; I overheard Mel’s mum telling her to give me a little space.

University kept me busy and out of reach of Mel, I told her that I would move if she continues to come into the garage, she ceased doing that, she wasn’t a bad girl; it was a difficult time for both of us.

It wasn’t all hard, we went to the pictures and on bike rides and as the other children got bigger, a little pony trekking.

Her brother and sister acted all unconsciously as wonderful chaperones, Mel knew exactly what I was doing and didn’t like it.

Mel was nearly sixteen and hot to trot, her body was making demands that her mind and emotions couldn’t really cope with.

When I looked at Mel, my body was also making demands, by this time Mel was fully physically developed as a female and she had all the wiles of Eve. There were times when it was necessary to do the necessary four or five times a day.

A troubling habit she developed when swimming with me and the family, and no-one was looking she would let a breast pop out of the top of her suit, she was often rewarded with a couple of hard swats on her suit bottom, I soon realise that it was indeed a reward and ignored her. I spotted her coming out of her mums sowing room, she looked upset, she disappeared upstairs, and she never flashed me again. She told me after we were married that she had flashed me, and I hadn’t noticed, but her mum had, mum never spanked but the telling off she received was worse than a spanking for a nearly sixteen year old.

It was coming up to Mel’s sixteenth birthday, by this time it was obvious to both parents that Mel and I were in love. I asked their consent to marry Mel on her eighteenth birthday; I said if I knew that I would marry her, I would have the strength to take her to our marriage bed Virgo intacta.
I knew that I was taking a big risk, the Brigadier really loved his daughter, but did he love her enough to accept the emotional blackmail I was using, it seems that he did, or at least he trusted me.

On Mel’s sixteenth birthday she had a big party, I gave her a new pair of jodhpurs and stuff for school. As the party guests arrived, both boys and girls from school, they offered small gifts. I noticed that several of the boys were very interested in Mel, a few of the bolder ones tried to cut Mel out of the party and take her to a quieter place, strangely enough either mum or I were in the hall or blocking the door, if looks could kill!!!

After the party was over and the debris cleared, in the presence of mum and dad, I asked Mel to marry me, she almost swooned. I’d borrowed one of her rings so was able to slip her engagement ring on; it was a gold band with four small diamonds in, not more than one Carat.

Her dad said no one must know until she left school, so I had bought her a strong silver necklace so she could put the ring round her neck.

So Mel started her seventeenth year one very happy girl. As we were now engaged we could date without a chaperone, what Mel didn’t quite cotton on to was the fact that her parents trust was a far better chaperone than any third pair of eyes.

Before anyone thinks I’m a saint, believe me I wasn’t, so many time I was a fraction of an inch from screwing the arse off of  Mel, only the thought of a ruined wedding night restrained me. Mel was a natural tease, only the flick of her hips had me hot and rearing to go, so often I ached, so often only the necessary saved me and kept me sane, and sometimes I wondered.

So the year went by, my birthday, Mel gave me suggestive presents and was quite ready to give me herself, had I let her. Why is it that girls are so keen to lose their virginity.

Christmas 1959, an excited Mel started buying her trousseau; I mustn’t go with her, a big secret. Mel and her mum used to return loaded down with bags, I thought that they were buying a whole house worth of stuff.

The main present that I bought Mel an electric automatic gramophone and two dozen LP’s. Mel bought me some Pj’s some socks and a Pj case in the shape of a Bearded Collie, which I still have.

That Christmas Mel and I really grew together, she took pity on me and didn’t tease, she realised that I would spank if she did.

Spring term started and it was my last year in university, I had to work hard if I was to earn my degree. The cold war was getting colder and the radical movement among the students was getting stronger. The Students Union at the London School of Economics was extremely radical. I refused to join the Student Union most of those who belonged were either immature, or frankly childish I could stomach neither, the leaders, mainly demagogic rabble rousers, several had their own axe to grind, some were fellow travellers and the top organizers were frankly Marxist.

I avoided them like the plague, I’ve been a radical all my life, but my radicalism has always been constructive and never a religion. They sent their thugs to persuade me, a mistake, I was a fully trained soldier, trained in unarmed combat, I didn’t hurt them too much, I’m a peace loving man, and they then tried to discredit me with the university authorities, but I’d come better recommended than they knew.

I was finally fed up, it was costing me time that I really couldn’t afford, I had a word with the Brigadier. I don’t really know, but I suspect that M I 5 or 6 intervened, a few of the worst disappeared and campus was much quieter for a while.

Easter came, I had done well enough to take a break, a week spent with my beloved, fending off her hot little hands, was just what I needed to replenish my spiritual batteries.

At that time Good Friday was totally dead, nothing was open and the weather was usually grey, we listened to music and talked with mum and dad. I also spent time reading technical journals to see how commercial the new fangled computers were becoming, the one we had at uni was not a commercial modal.

Saturday we went pony trekking, just the children and I, we took a picnic basket and had a wonderful time. Sunday was FAMILY day, the senior branch of the family came, rather formal, I was introduced as a friend, Lord A knew about the engagement but no one else, technically as head of the family, we needed his consent.

Easter Monday, as usual we went to Brighton, the 18th April, chilly but bright. We all wore duffles or trench coats Mel was enchanting in her light blue trench coat, I of course wore my army great coat. Mel and I went for a long walk on Brighton’s pebbly beach; we found a sheltered spot out of the wind and enjoyed a lovely long snog. We also had a nice long talk discussing plans, our wedding only fifteen months away, where we would live. She wanted to be a psychologist, she could study at London uni and there were more than enough teaching hospitals in London.
When we returned to the family, they were keeping warm in the café.

They were waiting for us to return before ordering tea. After the meal we caught the train back to London, the children including Mel were in high spirits. On Wednesday the children would return to school, Mel to her last year.

I returned to my studies, this last term was crucial, if I didn’t get my degree I’d be in trouble, I didn’t have the funds to retake the year, I really had to get my head down and work.

April, May, June 21st a Saturday, Mel was so excited. She threw herself into my arms, “kiss me I’m sweet seventeen,” and I ended up with lipstick all over my face.

As this day ended, I thought to myself, this time next year Melody will by my wife, hopefully I will have my degree and my trust fund will be available.

                                     To be continued

© Paul 2008

Thanks Paul. I do love the build up – I’m nearly read to sleep with Mel myself! What will power this story portrays. No new stories are coming in. I see Fantasy Friday drifting away. Thanks Paul for helping me out. I hope some lurkers out her will do the same. Send any stories to


  1. Thank you really have a way of building the suspense...definitely looking forward to the next chapter.

    Thanks for sharing PK...I'm hoping that some of the lurkers who don't want the responsibility of a blog will be willing to share a story or two.

    Hugs and blessings...

  2. This is such s great story Paul, I love your writing style. Looking forward to reading more:)

    Thank you PK for bringing us another Fabulous Fantasy Friday :)


  3. Paul,

    Really enjoying your story. Looking forward to more. Thank you.

    PK, Thanks.


  4. Can't wait for the next one :-)

  5. Thanks you Paul and PK. I love this and hating that I'm wishing my life away by wishing for the next installment, a week away.

  6. I am really looking forward to this story continuing! Paul it is so good!
    PK thanks as always!
