Saturday, August 10, 2013

Saturday Spanking

If you missed Fantasy Friday this week, you missed a wonderful story by Del Fonte. You can check it out here.

I missed being able to participate in Saturday Spankings last week. I'm very happy to be back for this one. My stories are about a wonderful couple, Cassie and Tom, who have live a domestic discipline life style for nearly forty years. This snippet is from Cassie's Space, my first book coming out in December.

In this snippet, despite some serious misgivings on his part, Cassie has been able to convince Tom to let her and go off on a ‘girl’s trip’ with Sue and Annie.  Cassie has planned one excursion for this trip that she knows will not meet with Tom’s approval. She wants to go to a sex shop, or an ‘adult toy store’ as her blogging friends call it. Tom has for years refused to accompany her to such a store and has been clear he doesn’t want her there either, “It’s no place for a lady.” is his final word. A few days before the girls will be taking off Tom begins his predictable pre-trip series of spanking/lectures to try to assure Cassie will behave herself on the trip.

“Yes Tom, I know, I know…No smoking, no drinking, no drugs, no cussing, no running with scissors, no drag racing, no trips to Mexico, no gambling, no sky diving, no snacks between meals. Don’t forget to floss, early to bed, early to rise…”
That old devil laughed as he pulled me over his lap, “I hadn’t planned to be quite so inclusive,” he told me,  “but now that you’ve brought them up, lets go over each item you mentioned.”
He spanked for quite a while assuring himself I’d remember each thing I’d mentioned as well as throwing in a few more ideas of his own. The spanking was a mixture of yelps of pain and laughter, my favorite type. But to hear his lecture, you would think that my husband didn’t trust me to behave myself. I do wish to point out, however, that neither on my list nor his was there a mention of not visiting a good toy store.

Thanks for coming by and please visit the rest of those participating in Saturday Spanking.


  1. Oh, Tom! Let her go to an adult store. It's fun! And maybe she can buy you something to spank her with...just an idea. And if nothing else? You have a new excuse to spank her.

    I'm thinking it is a win-win for them both.

    1. Thianna,
      I agree, I love to look through these stores. But Tom has a certain image of how a lady acts and he want's Cassie to conform to that image.

  2. Since she's enjoying the trip over his knee, I suspect if she comes back with a new toy, he'll be all too willing to use it on her. Whatever it is. Welcome back, PK.

    1. Thanks Kathryn, I like being back. Cassie usually does whatever she wants to.

  3. I'm with Thianna - win-win for both! Cute excerpt PK.

    1. Natasha,
      With Cassie and Tom it's usually win-win.

  4. Anonymous5:29 AM

    I've read all the Cassie and Tom stories but love hearing them again. I'm looking forward to your new book being released. Amyee

    1. Amyee,
      Thank you so much for reading their stories - the book adds to each story well I think.

  5. Cute snippet PK! I can’t wait to read more about her trip and the after effects when she gets home :)

    1. Constance,
      Maybe someday Cassie will learn to listen to Tom, but it won't be in my life time I hope.

  6. Folk,
    I'm quite sure Cassie is happy that Tom has only one toy apart from his hand, and that isn't too popular with her.
    I must admit that December seems a very long time away, and I've read all her stories.
    Love and warm hugs,

    1. Paul,
      December usually get here faster than I expect. I hope that's true this year.

  7. Oh the silly girl, giving him all those pointers! I love this, I like that it's fun even though it's a warning to behave.

    1. Tara,
      Tom loves Cassie to death, he just wants to make sure she behaves, at least a little.

  8. LOL, I love the 'no running with scissors' part. Tom is very thorough but I think Cassie's going to be naughty anyway;)

    1. Mary,
      Tom is so picky Cassie has to be can't listen to everything he says, not that she tries too hard.

  9. Running with scissors made me laugh out loud! What happened to where clean underwear? Oh, maybe she's not allowed to wear any at all. Very cute snippet.

    1. Maddie,
      Clean underwear was probably on Tom's list. He doesn't need to lecture by this time, Cassie probably all ready heard it.

  10. Wait! Hold the phone here. I'm confused. Before the snippet you said Cassie's Space was going to be your first book.
    How come Paul and Amyee have read all of Tom and Cassie's stories?
    I love a good errant wife story. And I know from experience a girl CANNOT go into an 'adult toy store' and just 'look around' She's going to buy something, I just know it.
    And I'll need to wait to find out what it is, darn!
    Cassie's Space will be one to look forward to for sure.

    1. LA,
      Many of Cassie's stories have appeared on her blog - at one time I believed I could take the posts and dump them together and suddenly a book would appear. I quickly found out that wasn't true! Now the stories are filled out (not the bare bones) and I've added new one as I've worked and re worked it. I'm convinced even those who read years ago will enjoy the book.

      If you love a good errant wife you'll really love Cassie, LOL! They find one fine store.

  11. lol...that's where an attitude gets her! Serves her right. :)

    1. Ana,
      Attitude is Cassie's middle name. Servers her right? There are many a time she would say the same to you.

  12. Love it and look forward to your book coming out in December my friend.

    1. Angel,
      Thanks, I'm really looking forward to it too.

  13. Maybe the title of your next book will be "Running With Scissors". :)

    This is very sweet and I can't wait to read the book in its entirety.

    1. Celeste,
      I LOVE that title! Yes, perhaps in the future. That's a great idea.

  14. Oh man that Cassie! I love this snippet. I read it all as well, but revisiting is sooooo much fun. I cannot wait for the broadened version of Cassie mischief!

    1. Minelle,
      I promise you a much broader view of our lovely friends. And I'm enjoying the heck our of working my way through her stories.

  15. heheh I love the lists and the quality of the spanking, but yes, I too wanted to argue with Tom about the toy store, especially him not wanting to go with her- I can understand by herself. Most local BDSM events, if my Master can't go, then I don't either. I very much enjoyed the snippet :)

    1. Joelle,
      Tom is so terribly old fashion. In his mind there are just certain places ladies should not go.

  16. yelps and laughter, my favorite kind-- I love that!!!

    1. Renee,
      Cassie and Tom are so real to me, if a relationship like this was to last for decades it would have to be mostly like this.

  17. pk, i have never read these stories--until now! omg. what fun! i am going to go back and read them all. love love! :)

    you're the best,

    1. Maryanne,
      I'm so glad you like them, I promise you if you wait for the books you'll have a better read.

  18. "The old devil"! This snippet put a huge smile on my face!

  19. You know- that Tom is a a lot like my guy! and I love Tom and sassy- Cassie, I can't wait to hear more.
