Saturday, July 27, 2013

Saturday Spanking

If you missed Fantasy Friday yesterday go back here and read it.  It's a great story.

I appreciate everyone giving me such a warm welcome last Saturday. I enjoyed going around meeting everyone and getting to read a little of their work. I won't be near a computer next Saturday but I hope to join you again the week after.

This excerpt is from Cassie’s Space, coming in December. Cassie is visiting with her two oldest friends. All three ladies have been married to their loving husbands for over thirty-five years. Do to a highly embarrassing spanking decades before, her friends are well aware that Tom spanks. Although they have only discussed this occasionally over the years it’s come up during this visit. Sue has to give voice to her anger that this is still a part of Cassie’s marriage. She is outraged when Cassie mentions that Tom has some rules that he does enforces with spanking when necessary. Cassie knows how this has helped her marriage over the years (despite trying every argument in the book to get out of any serious spanking as it's getting ready to happen) turns the tables and ask what Sue and Annie’s husbands would do it either of these two friends did something stupid or put themselves in danger. Here’s their exchange.

“Do? Steve damn well better not do anything unless he wanted to draw back a nub.” Sue stated stoutly. “He’d bitch and gripe for a while I suppose, give me the silent treatment for a few days, but eventually he’d get over it.”
Annie chimed in, “I suppose Andy would just be disappointed in me and I might feel terrible. But I don’t think he’d actually do anything. I guess, like Steve, he would just be mad and ill-tempered and pretty quiet for a while.”
I stared, dumbfounded. “I can’t believe you two are using this as an argument in your favor. Tom would never treat me so cruelly. Are you telling me that you would rather have your husbands mad and not speaking to you or being ill tempered for days, rather than getting a spanking and having great make-up sex within the hour? You’re saying our life style's crazy, I think you two are nuts.

Please go by and check out everyone else participating in Saturday Spanking this week.


  1. Yup, I'm definitely on Cassie's side on this one. How is having your husband rude and ill-tempered an improvement? Great snippet, PK. I look forward to reading more.

    1. It took Cassie a while to realize that this works best for them. But now she embraces the life style - unless she's in trouble.

  2. Anonymous3:03 AM

    Both ways are equally bad.
    What about the normal adult human way to communicate, say sorry and move on? It might take a day but better, than to be humiliated and have pain in the butt for days .. and pain in the soul for life.

    1. I agree with you completely for the vanilla world, but I'm a spanko. The ideas of spanking, dominance, punishment and power exchange appeal to me. For Cassie spanking, even punishment, doesn't give her pain in the soul for life - it makes her feel loved and protected.

  3. So pleased to see you continuing to join Saturday Spankings, PK! It's such fun to watch you spread your author wings. Many people have fallen in love with Cassie, and now you can take her out to meet so many more new people. Wishing you the best.

    1. Ana,
      I'm enjoying this very much. Cassie is grinning in my head as she anticipates meeting others.

  4. I know that we used to say sorry and move on - until I discovered spanking and we discussed the alternatives it provided for. Whilst we are not like Cassie and Tom, I have to say it was a shock to discover that underneath all his "It's okays" Dan had felt seriously wounded in the past by my words and actions. Now I find the spanking lowers my stress levels and we communicate much better, especially when I am staring at the floor boards and wondering when I last vaccuumed under the bed!

    I like your little Saturday snippets PK! Thank you.



    1. We know this lifestyle works for us and many of our friends here. I'd not ever try to suggest this lifestyle for those who don't want it. But for those of us who love it, it great.

  5. Great snippet. You did a good job of showing Cassie's embrace of her lifestyle choice.

    1. Thanks, Cassie has had her ups and downs with this lifestyle, but in the final analysis she knows it works beautiful for them.

  6. Love this, PK. Thanks. On an ethical level, I agree with Mona Lisa, but on an erotic one I have the very same yearning for a different, more intimate way of dealing with the petty things that pop up in relationships and really don't merit the negative emotions they evoke in us.

    1. You can't argue with success. For some it would be a disaster, for others it's a life (well, at least marriage) saver.

  7. PK,
    for me it makes perfect sense.
    Love and warm hugs,

    1. Paul,
      Are you saying your little sister is making sense? Is that a first? Makes sense to me too.

  8. Anonymous7:55 AM

    I love the way Cassie thinks. Practical and to the point. Especially the great make-up sex. :D

    1. Cassie is quite a woman - she understands herself and knows what works and yes, especially the great make-up sex!

  9. Great snippet, PK! And a great way, in just a few words to describe how liberating a spanking can be. So much better than playing games.:)

    1. Thianna,
      That's what I love so much about Cassie and Tom - they truly live this ways and they don't need to play games.

  10. Such a realistic exchange. I can't wait to read the whole thing in December.

    1. Thanks Celeste,
      Realism is what I feel with Cassie. I love fantasy, history, even science fiction, but with Cassie it's really how this could work day to day.

  11. I really like the reality that comes through in Cassie's thinking about her choices and covet of this lifestyle and now I'm looking forward to December too...

    1. Thank you so much, I getting really excited. Cassie seems to have so very much to say.

  12. Super snippet PK. You know how much I love Cassie and so looking forward to December. I'm thrilled to bits for you.


    1. Ronnie,
      You've been with us nearly from the beginning. I'm glad you still love her.

  13. Interesting conversation and I agree with Kathryn, I'm with Cassie. That would be a very tough conversation to have though. Well done PK>

    1. Natasha,
      I think it helped that the women all ready knew and they had been close for nearly forty years.

  14. This is the conversation I wish I could have with some of my friends. Great excerpt...loved it! :)

    1. Sue,
      Wouldn't it be great if we really could.

  15. I loved your snippet PK and I love Cassie’s thinking :)

    1. Constance,
      Cassie's a hoot. She and I agree on many thing (but not all).

  16. Gosh I love Cassie! She says it like it is, and embraces it with her heart! She may not always like the actual event...but the clearing and afters...well yep!

    Loved the snippet!

    1. Thanks Minelle,
      She's always fine with it in theory. And as you say, afterwards ...

  17. Hey PK...Love the snippet...of course, I really enjoy Cassie, Tom, Sue and the gang. Looking forward to the book release.

