Sunday, April 28, 2013

Now if everyone would stop talking at once!

Have you ever felt like you had so much to do you simply sit down and do nothing?  That’s been what my weekend's been like.  Now don’t think I’m talking about cleaning, or washing the car or planting flowers or anything constructive like that, oh no – it’s just that I have so many things in my head I want to write, they all seems to be crashing together and nothing it being accomplished. Help! I need someone to help me organize my thoughts and then help me set priorities.

I have several ideas for post I want to write here.  I have a fiction story I’ve been meaning to write for Fantasy Friday.  Cassie is telling me what’s going on in her life and I’d like to get that written up for her while at the same time I’m trying to edit a book about what she was doing six years ago.  I try mindblogging about one thought and suddenly it blends with another until I confuse myself.  I know, I know – first world problem, as Mollie would tell me, but it’s still a problem to me.

I am enjoying the peace and quiet of an empty house – Nick, LJ and Mollie are all off doing the things they enjoy the most, I have all the time in the world to write, yet all I can do it think of what I’m not writing. Quiet hours, not really – Badass and Wimpy are chattering, I’m thinking of the emails I’d like to send and the blogs I want to read and comment on, Cal and Megan are fussing because I haven’t continued their fictional story and of course there’s dear Cassie, my constant companion.  What am I supposed to do? I could get mad and walk out except for the fact they'd all come with me.

Ah well, I suppose my thoughts will sort themselves out in time. Let me bring you up on a couple of work related issues.  As the school year began I told you I was now teaching social studies, and that the curriculum for my grade had been changed to ancient civilizations.  And that was all we were told.  No new books, no curriculum guide, no further suggestions.  Next week we are having a statewide end of course test on this material, what material is that exactly you might ask?  Well if you do ask I hope you get a better answer than any of us did, which for the most part was simply a shrug. But they’ve written a test for the course.  So we asked, could we see a sample of the test so we’ll know what it was you wanted us to cover.  At least we got an answer – the answer was no.  Can you say frustration?

And one last thing, do you remember Miss T, one of my new partners?   A few weeks ago she just didn’t show up one day. Teachers just can’t do that and after calling and calling her apartment the principal and the custodian drove out to see if she was all right.  She was, it seemed that after a late night partying she was just overly tired and slept through her alarms and the subsequent phone calls.  Hmm… but, that’s not the strange part. Last Thursday she came up to Megan and me outraged that the perfect attendance list for teachers had come out and she wasn’t on it!  After all, she told us, she had only missed that one-day when she had over slept and she didn’t understand. Again, hmm… earlier this year we had to explain to this college graduate, this teacher with 6 years teaching experience, the difference between ‘fiction’ and ‘non-fiction’ (she honestly did not know). I suppose now we’ll try to explain the definition of ‘perfect attendance.’  Some of this stuff you just can’t make up folks.


  1. PK,
    I have faith that you will get yourself sorted, eventually.
    Teachers are human, though some children might not agree, and thus fallible.
    Love and warm hugs,

    1. Paul,
      It seems to me these days that anyone intelligent enough to teach should know better.

  2. Hey PK, Yep, I know this feeling. I haven't written a story but I get ideas swarming around my head about blog posts, and other blogs I want to comment on and it all gets jumbled. I too have faith that you will get yourself sorted.

    As for the happenings at school, life is stranger than fiction sometimes isn't it?

    Glad you are enjoying the peace and quiet.


    1. Roz,
      Happily I did end up doing a little more after I wrote that post - maybe that helped me sort.

  3. Anonymous7:39 AM

    Hi there PK, :)

    I've had some of those days that you described! I am sure that you will figure it out. :). I'd say pick the thing that you want to start with first and ask yourself "What is the next step that I need to take in getting this done?" Don't look at all the steps because that is when it gets overwhelming. Then when the first is done, ask yourself the same question again. If you can't decide which thing to start on then write all projects on paper, drop them in a hat and reach for one. Hope that helps. Having all of those stories in your mind is a good thing. What if you had no ideas, right? You can do it!!! Hugs!

    <3 Katie

    1. Katie,
      It seems like a good plan - much better that having everything running around bumping into each other. And you're right, too many ideas are better than none at all.

  4. OMG, that last statement about fiction vs. non fiction is positively scary.

    Well, you have the post written, now take a pad and jot down the items you want to post in the future so you don't forget the topics ( like me) and then take are of whoever is yelling the loudest.

    Oh and by the way, relax and enjoy your time.

    1. Sunny,
      I thought it was pretty scary too! The one that's yelling the loudest, huh? That might just work.

  5. Thanks for the morning chuckle, and I am still shaking my head at your colleague. Summer is coming, so just take notes, and you will have lots of time then!
    hugs abby

    1. Abby,
      I'm not the smartest teacher in the world, but she makes me feel like I am. Yes, beautiful summer is on it's way.

  6. People never cease to amaze me, in both good and bad ways.....
    Good luck with writing. Everyone else's comments are better than what I can say on the subject. Can't wait to see what you come up with!

    1. Sarah,
      I love hearing from you. I'm sure I'll come up with something, I always do.

  7. Sounds like your new teacher comes from the world of everyone gets a prize regardless of performance. Sorry about the curriculum change, I have a few teacher friends and they say what they are supposed to teach is a moving target and it the papework they have to fill out on every student changes from year to year. I do not envy you the hassles you have to deal with!

    1. Cygnet,
      You may be right about that teacher, wow, what we have to look forward to. If I thought the paper work did one tiny bit of good for any student I wouldn't mind doing it - but it doesn't.

  8. Well the young scratching my head more at her outrage at not being on the perfect attendance list.

    The test information highlights all the idiotic people in charge of 'we' insignificant teachers! But the sad part is the kids are the ones who lose!

    Write anything darlin and then filter later!

    1. Minelle,
      As I saw on Facebook - those that can teach, those that can't make law about teaching.

  9. Anonymous7:30 PM

    When the people we work with drop the ball it is a stark reminder that not everyone is willing to take one for the team.
    Hope the chatter quietens down and you can get back to entertaining us with your posts and stories.

    1. Lil,
      I'm sure I'll be back to writing. As for being entraining, I often think everyone is kindly putting up with me. But I do enjoy it.

  10. Hi PK! I am sure you will get the ideas and thoughts untangled...probably when you least expect it...enjoy the creative process even though it can sometimes be dizzying...As for school, summer is on its way... :-) Hugs

    1. This last month of school is sure to spin my thought more dizzy than before - but it is almost over.

  11. PK, you have got to be kidding re the fiction vs non-fiction episode! No wonder the USA is getting further and further behind in the student education world rankings. Both my daughters are teachers so I understand your frustrations! To help focus on your writing, perhaps you should try to think like a guy and things would become clearer....after all we are simple minded creatures! LOL... Have a blessed day...George

    1. I thought what Miss T said was ridiculous, but what my boss said today was even worse. Sooooo stupid and not a darn thing I can say. My head may explode.

  12. Oh my! That's a worrty that a teacher is that lacking in basic general knowledge. You sound just a wee bit stressed. I hope you get your thoughts together soon. I'm sure you will.

    1. Stress goes hand and hand with the last month of school. But I'll survive, I hope.

  13. OMG PK...Someone who is responsible for teaching a future generation...parties on a school night so hard that she sleeps not only through alarms but phone, doesn't know the difference between fiction and non-fiction, and doesn't understand the definition of perfect attendance? That is downright scary! Hope you survive her!


  14. Cat,
    I admit she scares me. And truly I've tried to stay away and more to myself this year. But she has begun coming to me with questions - I don't mind that. She brought me a letter she had written to a parent today to see if I thought it was okay - it would have gotten her FIRED! I told her what I thought was wrong and how I would have said it and she made the changes i suggested. I really don't know what to think sometime.
