Sunday, March 31, 2013

Surprise Present and emails

So glad none of you minded me writing about anything – or nothing, however you want to think of it.  Mollie is home until Tuesday, doing want any wild college student does on their time off – kitting a scarf.  Some how the allure of drinking and partying as a college kid has alluded her (thank God).  She conned me into buying her yarn with the promise that we’d share the scarf.  I imagine I’ll get to have it in the summer.

Meanwhile I woke this morning to a wonderful gift from my husband.  I was planning on writing about it and showing you pictures, but he insist it’s not finished and I have to wait until he has it all done before I can post a picture.  No, it is not a paddle or anything spanking related.  On the contrary, I’m sure he sees it as something I can use to keep from getting spanked.  It is something I’d asked for, but I had no idea he’d really make me one and quite quickly too. Mollie found it somewhat ridiculous and simple rolled her eyes.  Hopefully I'll be able to show it to you soon.

On to weightier matters, pun intended, I didn’t lose last week.  I was up .2, which is nothing since our scales are so screwy.  But I know I didn’t lose and I was pretty much trying this week.  I exercised several time.  Sorta watched what I ate.  I suppose I wasn’t exactly perfect.  Nick and I had discussed the post I put up last week about him not emailing or saying anything to me Friday.   Can you believe he try to put the blame on ME!  He mentioned that I had not bothered to send him an email during the week as he’s asked/told me to.  Well that wasn’t my fault – I forgot!   Oh well, you know how men are (okay, maybe it was a little my fault.)

He did send an email this week after he saw I’d gone up ever so slightly. It began:

You just can't stay out of trouble!  Where's the cane?

For what ever reason that made me smile.  Not the cane part – wherever that darn thing is now.  But it made me smile anyway.  He made several suggestions and made a couple of rules for the week – which I will follow.  And then I thought of an excellent incentive for losing and I send Nick the following email.

I'll be home all next week. Harder or easier to lose?  If I lose at home this week can I retire? School might me making me fat, you never know.

Unfortunately he didn’t go for it writing back:

Sounds like a set-up, you wouldn't eat all week.

Oh well, it was worth a try. 

I hope everyone is having a lovely Easter.  I love having my girl home.  I am feeling relaxed and happy about the coming week.  Nick is off and we’ll have our empty nest back after Tuesday.  I’m looking forward to getting some writing done.  I feel like if I could ever get the first chapter of the book ‘right’ the rest would flow – who knows, but I’m giving it a try!


  1. Hi PK, I'm glad you are having a great time with Mollie and that you have Nick will have some alone time together this week.

    How wonderful of Nick to make the gift for you. Can't wait to see it!

    Happy Easter to you, Nick and Mollie!


    1. Thanks Roz,
      It's great to have her home for a bit. The gift is a hoot. Hope your Easter was great too.

  2. Hey PK...Really enjoyed 'hearing' the happiness in your post! Really looking forward to seeing what Nick has made for you. BTW...just where did Miss Mollie learn that eye roll? LOL

    Wishing you all a wonderful Easter.


    1. Thanks Cat,
      I am happy - and still have a whole week off! As for that eye roll, I assumed it was taught in high school.

  3. Happy Easter PK! I am curious to know about your special present!

    1. Viola,
      I hope your Easter was good too. I'll show you soon.

  4. PK did you know scarfs are cool in the summer?
    You have peaked mycuriosityy of what he is making you
    We hope you and your family a great Easter and a wonderful week writing, spending time with Mollie anmaybe someme time with youfavoritete spankinimplementnt.

    Bob & Bobbie

    1. Bob,
      Maybe the dogging bat will make an appearance this week. Nick is great at making stuff but I was really impressed with this.

  5. H i PK, Hope you have a lovely Easter, after reading your post about the weight gain, I talked to my husband and we too are trying a bit if his motivation. I have lost this week, but chocolate is my downfall. Easter is bad:(.Maybe we can help each other, so come on my friend lets lose this week:)
    love Jan.xx

    1. Jan,
      When we first started DD back in 2006 it was for weight issues, or at least that was what I asked him to do. I lost 40 pounds in 2 years. Unfortunately Nick let up and I did too. We're trying again, but I know it works.

  6. So glad you are having a wonderful week-end. Can't wait to see the gift. Sometimes, the first and last chapters are the most difficult...I'll read your first chapter if you will read my last (of course my book is not as fun as it is not a spanking story) :-) Have a great day! I am routing for far my children are not sharing any candy - which is ok because I ate the rest of what was in the bags... :-( Hugs

    1. Terps,
      I'd be glad to share chapters and see what we think. I have some left over candy too, all hidden away. Why do i do that?

  7. PK,
    I'm glad Mollie is home, and sharing a scarf can be very friendly.
    Have a great day.
    Love and warm hugs,

    1. Paul,
      She's made two scarfs all ready - guess we can pass them back and forth.

  8. That Nick is like an angelic HoH!
    He knows you cannot stay out of trouble and still allows you to hide the cane. He even makes presents for you.
    And you make abuse of his goodness by claiming that he cannot blame you for "simple forgetting" his important orders.
    You try to set him up by claiming unreasonable awards for simply losing a bit, which you were doing anyway.
    I have this nasty premonition about what will happen when he finds the cane!
    That might be around Wednesday.
    Happy Easter with Nick and Mollie.


    1. Now Bas I never actually said I hid the cane did I? I know I do abuse his good nature - but, I snuggle up to him so well at night he usually forgives me!

      No telling what he might find by Wed!

  9. I am hoping the cane stays away! Now if you want a little fun....
    Isn't it nice to have Mollie home? She is a gem for sure!
    Write some of that book dear. We are all waiting with baited breath! Remember it is all have it, just start writing and see what happens.

    1. Minelle,
      The book get's dusted off in the morning. And I'm using much advice I got from Bas.

  10. Happy that's Mollie's home and knitting you a scarf. Nick is such a gem, hope you enjoy your empty nest time this week and wish you luck on your diet plan. Happy Easter to you all.

    1. Sunny,
      I do love being around my family, and I enjoy my empty nest. I'm expecting a good week.

  11. Happy Easter PK!I'm glad you'll have the girl home this week. Enjoy Nick too! :)


    1. Maryanne,
      It will be great - Mollie home for half a week, empty nest for half a week.
