Saturday, May 23, 2009

I knew it was coming

Not the best news here folks, my dear friend and constant companion – that would be my lap top is gone. Actually the computer is working but the hinges are shot and it has to be fixed. I’ve know it was coming for a while but today is got much worse. When I realized this evening that I could no longer use it, Nick and I leaped into the car and rushed it to the Geek Squad. They said it would take about 2 weeks to get it back. So what does an addict do without her computer for two weeks? I’m thinking about rehab.

Seriously I know that there are worse things in the world. I’m gonna survive. I have Nick’s computer for checking email and such but he needs it occasionally too so if I am not around as much I just wanted you to know the reason why.

I am very lucky that a good friend sent a FF story and that I have it ready for next week so please come by for that in case I don’t get to post this week.

And it’s a real shame that it happened now because Nick and I had one of the sexiest, hottest afternoons we’ve had in a while!!! I’ll have to tell you about that some other time!


  1. PK, I know what that feels like, you will survive, probably catch up on your reading. :-)
    Love and warm hugs,

  2. I know just how you feel PK, what a bummer.

    Hope you get it back sooner than 2 weeks as I want to read about your afternoon :)

    Hope your having a wonderful weekend.


  3. Sorry to hear about the bad computer news, but...... it's not fair to hint about hot, sexy afternoons and then say some other time! Grinning, Meow

  4. Damn, I want to hear all about the hot, sexy sex!! Come back soon.


  5. Anonymous11:19 PM

    PK, I recommend a hot water bottle on your lap. Tap your fingers like your playing piano, then augh out loud indiscriminately. I know this is hard on you - but I'm equally concerned for Nick and the kids! This is too much change too quickly for all of you!!

  6. Paul,
    I think I will but I can grab Nick laptop for a quickie since he goes to bed before me most night.

    I know you have been through this yourself. How can I miss something so much when only three years ago I barely touched one.

    Meow, Branbleberry,
    Don't worry the afternoon was really nice and I don't think I'm going to forget!

  7. Kaylynn,
    LOL! Sounds like a good idea. I guess if I didn't have another one to borrow I might be pulling my hair out by now. But it's still going to be a long two weeks.

  8. Pk, I feel your pain. It'll go by quick. As you know, my poor laptop joe, his hinges broke too but he is back and as good as ever. Hang in.

  9. Hope you get it back soon :-)
