Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Gradituesday Q

Nick is being nice about letting me use his computer. I'm trying to save time so no pictures at the moment. I went back and got some of this from when we last did Gratitude Tuesday but they are all still things that I am grateful for.

- I know we all love the long, slow-paced, loving, passionate afternoon into evenings, but lets not for get the joy of an unexpected quickie!

Quilt – I do so love quilts. I love the color, the texture and the history of a quilt. When it gets colder and colder I love them more and more.

Qualm - If we didn’t have qualms about some of the things we like all this spanking would lose some of its mystery.

Questions – I love to ask questions of other, it’s what I do for a living. Its fun when people as me questions, especially if I don’t have to answer if I don’t want to.

Quote - I have a book where I write quotes I like. My sister (who writes fan fiction on for the X-Files on the internet) has the following quote from Robert Heinlein on all her emails to me

“Writing is not necessarily something to be ashamed of, but do it in private and wash your hands afterwards.”

I think of that more and more as I write!

Quiver- That delicious feeling you get when your lovers tongue touches you anywhere.

Quintuplet- I am so grateful that I didn’t have them!

Quirt- This is a special leather riding whip of braided leather with a short handle. See the things you learn blogging.

Quietude – I love the feeling of peace and tranquility this can bring on. ‘Quiet’ is not a normal in my life and when I get it I treasure it.

Quirk- We all have our own quirks and we have all made each other feel comfortable about at least one of them.

My diet update isn't much. I was down a whole 2 tenths of a pound. But really I have no problem with that. I have gone up 3 pounds in the last few weeks so I was just thrilled not to have gained more. So I am trying to hold my own for the moment. I am off the steroids now so maybe that will help.

If Nick will let me hang on to the computer tonight I'll try to write about our weekend to post tomorrow.


  1. Morning PK,

    Lovely list, I like your sister's quote.

    Now make sure your nice to Nick today so he will let you use his computer.

    Have a good day.

  2. PK, great list and any loss is a good loss.
    Love and warm hugs,

  3. Ronnie,
    I liked that quote too! And I am trying to be very nice to Nick. He is being very sweet about the computer so far.

    Yes I'll take any loss! I hope you are doing well.
