Saturday, November 10, 2007

Meeting Lilly

I know most of you read Cassie (and if you don’t you don’t know what you are missing) so some of you have been introduced to Lilly. She was the mastermind behind the sprayer incident! She is married to a wonderful man, who is of course a spanker, and the mother of a beautiful and intelligent little boy. Her two ‘men’ keep her too busy to blog but she emails and comments when she can. She sent me her four item meme and is letting me post it for her.

So everyone meet Lilly…

Four jobs I have had in my life:
1. teacher
2. private practice w/ children w/ autism
3. slp
4. respite care

Four movies I have seen more than once:
1. All that Jazz
2. Fiddler on the Roof
3. Shrek
4. Au Revior, Les Enfants

Four places I have lived:
1. Montreal
2. The Northeast
3. Southwest
4. Where I fell in love

Four Shows that I watch (not necessarily regularly)
1. House
2. Medical Channel - anything on
3. Don't laugh! Judge Judy (drives Paul nuts!)
4. King of the Hill (for Paul)

Four places I have been:
1. Montreal
2. Top of Mt Mansfield
3. Azores
4. Barbados

Four People who e-mail me (regularly):
1. Cassie
2. PK
3. IM with Katy
4. that's it...

Four of my favorite foods:
1. Spinach & Artichoke Dip
2. Palak Paneer
3. Almond Butter
4. Coffee & Starbucks Coffee Ice cream

Four places I would rather be right now.
1. I'm perfectly happy at home with Paul and the baby
2. Alone with Paul
3. Anywhere Paul wanted to take us
4. OTK (did I really say that???)

Four things I am looking forward to this year
1. Settling into our new home
2. A trip to Montreal
3. Showing baby his first real snow!
4. Being able to see my longtime friend regularly again

Happy times
1. Every minute alone with Paul (rare these days!)
2. Hiking, laughing and playing with both my guys
3. Talking/emailing and a bit of plotting with friends
4. Singing with Paul

Thanks Lilly! And keep commenting when you have time. Don’t forget to go here to vote for the secret Fantasy Friday author! I will reveal tomorrow.


  1. PK, thanks for posting this.
    Hi Lilly, nice to meet you.
    Thanks for sharing this meme.
    Love and warm hugs,

  2. Thanks for posting PK.

    I love you answers Lily! I also love memes. They are a great way to get to know someone!


  3. Nice to learn a little more about you!..

  4. Thanks PK,
    My sweet Lilly - I and glad you sent your meme to be posted. I feel so lucky that I get to communicate with you. I wish everyone could have the same chance!


  5. Anonymous9:20 AM

    PK- Thank you so much for posting my meme. Being a curious sort, I love the snapshot a meme gives and always love to read everyone elses!

    Paul - nice to meet you, too. It's always nice to see your comments! Hopefully you can see that I do more with my time than look for mischief (smile - LOL!).

    Thanks, Theresa! They really are fun to read! Besides getting to know people better, you can find new books to read, movies to watch and stuff like that!

    Thanks, Mthc!

    Cassie, our friendship is special and treasured!

    Thanks again, PK!!!! Lilly

  6. Anonymous10:53 AM

    That was a neat meme to do. I enjoyed reading your answers.
    padme amidala
