Sunday, September 23, 2007


We are off today to see our baby boy! He asked us down to see the play ‘Little Foxes’. He is not in it but he loves any performance and I love to see him so everyone will be happy. My sister Dee lives in his town. She actually works at his college which is very nice. Although she doesn’t see him much more than I do. She will occasionally email me with this subject line - ‘LJ sighting’. She and her husband and daughter will be joining us for lunch and the play.

I miss Dee. When mom and dad were sick she was here nearly every weekend. Honest she didn’t miss more than 4 or 5 in two years. I had all the day to day things to deal with for their care but she gave me as many breaks as she could. But now she comes very little as we are getting everything ready to sell. We talk but I do miss seeing her. Today will be good.

I am being observed at by the principal Monday morning at 8:30. So I need to make sure I am ready tonight. However, I have had a wonderful, fantastic, amazing weekend that I hope to be able to share with you as soon as I have some time to write. But don’t worry, I won’t forget! I remember every time I sit down!!


  1. I hope you have a fun filled day!!!

  2. PK, I hope that you are not worried about the observation day tomorrow, I'm sure that you will sail through, you could probably teach the Principal a thing or two.
    I'm glad that you and Nick had some fun time.
    I hope that you enjoyed your day with LJ and your sister and family.
    Warm hugs and a warm butt, *G*

  3. Sounds like you got that warm butt you wanted and needed! Have a great weekend, and I am sure tomorrow's observation time will go just fine!

  4. Enjoy your day and your family time. I'm sure you will do fine with your observation. Glad you had that much needed time with Nick.. SMILES..Take care..

  5. oh you tease you tease!!!! Shame on you!!!!


  6. Going to visit your boy! I have always thought you were a lucky girl, now I know for sure.

    Have wonderful time, and enjoy your visit with your sister also!

    I think somebody got spanked!


  7. Anonymous7:35 PM

    Hope your day was GREAT!!!

  8. David,
    The day was great!

    I'm fine about tomorrow. I am not worried but I will still be glad when it is over. Loved seeing everyone today.

    Yes! I did get what I needed this weekend.

    'Smiles' yep that describes my weekend.

    Alright, alright I posted!!

    I am the luckiest! Between Nick, LJ and Mollie I can't ask for much more.

