Sunday, September 23, 2007

One Sweet Weekend

My weekend was very, very nice. I did get what I wanted – and then some! I don’t know what to say about my timing it was either right on or it really sucked!

Nick still wants me to do my assignment on Thursday. He still says he wants to know what I am thinking. I usually am thinking so sometimes I throw caution to the wind and actually tell him! This week I told him that most of the time he just doesn’t spank hard enough. I am always thinking that I want discipline but maybe thats not it. Maybe it just that I really want to feel like I have been spanked! Nick mostly seems to think that a good girl meant not very long or hard. But this good girl wants to be able to feel it the next day!!

I wasn’t too worried about this revelation because I knew he would have a long time to think it over. Mollie seems to have made it her goal in life that we never be left alone again. But like I said timing is everything! I sent Nick the email late Thursday night, I had my weigh in on Friday morning and I had gained! And lastly Mollie reminded me that she was going to the home coming game and dance that night. Gulp!!!

I was thinking maybe Nick wouldn’t read too much into what I had written him when Friday morning I got the following email from my honey –

Thanks for the post, but be careful what you ask for, particularly after gaining the past two weeks. Looks like you have a date with the hairbrush.

Well of course, that gave me nothing to thing about all day!

Evening finally rolled around. Nick had suggested I might want to make a trip to the gym in light of everything. I didn’t argue and by the time I got hope Mollie was gone. We talked awhile and then Nick led me to the bedroom. Half of our toys were already laid out on the bed. He told me I could pick the order but that was all I had to say. I once said on the blog (before I knew Nick was reading) that Nick hit like as girl and he needed to put some muscle in it. I had again asked him to up the intensity in my last email to him. Okay – I got what I asked for!!

This was my evening:

Tawse terrible sting but no after effect.

paddle ball paddle – just fun.

tied to bed – this only happens once in a while and I do love it!

leather paddle – he was going at it hard and heavy by this time and it was feeling delicious, in a scorching kind of way.

big mean wooded paddle – now this one really got my attention! This was the one he made for me and it packs a wallop! I was definitely beginning to rethink my email to him!

Flogger – usually this is used pretty gently but oh… Friday night there was a sting behind it I had not felt before!

vibrating plug – sensations were coming fast and furious but this time and I was doing some soaring!

Crop – I know this is Eva’s favorite. It does feel great but it can reach some tinder spots and Nick reached them all with it!!

belt – and finally my dear friend the belt. Wow! No holding back on that night! Nick gave me exactly what I had asked for.

And I was burnt up!! Oh yes I could tell I would be feeling it not only the next day and probably several days! And after one thing more to specifically address the weight gain (that I will tell more about over at Todd and Suzy Tuesdays) I sighed as Nick began to gentle kiss my bottom. My rear felt tinder and raw and I cannot describe the feeling of these gentle kisses combined with the mild scratching of his beard. Oh want a night!!!

I did what I could to return the wonderful feelings he had given me by doing some kissing and tongue tickling on some sensitive spots on him. It was a long, slow, delicious evening. Making love while feeling that loved and that submissive was the best ever.

There were some bruises and much tenderness for the next day or two. Nick noticed the bruises Sunday morning while doing some early morning rubbing and cuddling. That worried me a little because I know he is not a big fan of bruises but I didn’t have much time to worry as he not only did seem bother, he got up shut the door and went after me again with the back scratcher!! So much for worrying if he was hurting me!! I LOVED it! By George , I think he’s got it! Some more early morning loving followed. Well that was one of the best weekends I have had in a while. I sure hope Nick enjoyed it as much as I did.


  1. Wow PK, that sounds like a wonderful weekend and you sure did get just what you needed.

    Thanks so much for the comment on my blog it truly helped me sort some things out. So next time I take a trip to 'mental land' I will talk to you first! :)

  2. PK, what a great description, yes a good girl should sting a lot.
    Mel's good girls had to last otherwise she wasn't a happy bunny.
    Do you realise that to write up that list would be the story of my life, you'd fall asleep half way through.
    Warm hugs,

  3. Way to go Nick! So glad you got such a wonderful feeling back there Pk.

    *hugs and grins*

  4. That was great! I am so happy for you both! Nick sure came through for you and I know you really appreciate that.
    Big hugs,

  5. Anonymous2:13 PM

    Hi, PK -

    Your weekend sure sounds like a lot of fun. It is an incredible turn-on when you can feel it days later, I agree. Hope you get another one like it soon!


  6. I think Mollie needs to start dating. Yeah she needs a boyfriend, so you can have more evenings like this one. And I know the perfect guy!


  7. Dove it was great!

    Next time you go to mental land give me a call, I'll meet you there!

    Paul, Mel is my hero. A lady who knew what she wanted.

    Paul if you would write that book of your life I know it would be a best seller in blogland.

    I hear you gave Mthc a pretty good feeling too!

    I complain sometimes but Nick always comes through.

    That next day feeling is the best!

    I do NOT want to think of Mollie dating! At least not until Michael moves back to the south!

  8. Wow! WHAT A WEEKEND!!!!!! Sounds fantastic!!



  9. It sounds awesome! I'm so very happy for you!!!

  10. Anonymous4:59 PM

    PK, that's just yummy! Good for you & Nick!

    So many of our good girls are quite long and hard with multiple implements and position changes!

    To me bruises are like spanko badges of honor and love! Sexy visible/physical reminders of love on a deep primal level! Reminders of the trust and intense connection between us.

    I'm glad you got what you needed and wanted - and kudos to Nick for jumping right in there to give it to you!

