Sunday, September 02, 2007


I found this meme over at Snow’s and I thought it was a good one!

1. What was the first blog that you regularly read?

I found Bonnie first. I felt like a kid who had just walked into her first candy shop and was encouraged to take all I could carry and come back for more!

2. Do you remember the first" blogger" that you had an E-Mail Relationship with?

That one is easy to remember! Before I began my blog I left a comment on my twin Eva’s site. Little did I know that one comment would find me the best friend I have ever had! She emailed me that day and with rare exceptions when one of us could not get to a computer we have talked every day since!

3. Why did you create your blog?

Once I found spanking blogs I just could not keep my mouth shut. I realized quickly that commenting would not be enough! I was beginning my first free summer in 20 years so I jumped in with both feet. My blog was a place I could ask questions and explore the ways I had felt all my life. Having a place where I could discuss spanking with others just like me has meant the world to me!

4. When was your first post, and who was your first commenter?

I first posted on Saturday July 22, 2006. My first visitors? As far as I am concerned that post brought out those that I felt were blogger royalty! There was Bonnie, Eva, Cassie, Paul, CeeCi and Theresa! I mean really folks, could I have been given any better start??

5. Are there blogs that you absolutely have to visit daily?

That would be a resounding YES! There are between 15 and 20 that I check daily. Some folks who post infrequently I might check every other day or so. I love that Blogger got its act together and the little heartbeats are back. It sure does make things easier. I also have several friends who read out here but do not have their own blogs. We try to touch base several times a week too.

6. Is your Blog categorized?..(I.E. Comedy, Literary, Personal Angst, Etc.)

Well… it was a spanko/sex blog to begin with and that is something I am proud of. In my mind I like thinking of myself as a spanko/sex blogger. I feel that most of the people I see and talk to in real life couldn’t say that. So in my mind I am keeping the label. But just because there is no spanking or sex going on at a given time does not mean I am going to shut up!! In addition to spanking and sex I talk about my kids, my job, my pets, my friends, trying to lose weight, being happy, being depressed, and being confused. I write about anything that interests me. And I love reading about the same things when my friends here write about their lives.

7. Do you see an end to your blogging some day?

Well sure, nothing lasts forever. But I do not anticipate it for quite some time. I enjoy it, it relaxes me, it keeps me in touch with my friends, it provided the catalyst to vastly improve my marriage and continues to bring me closer to Nick. And even when the blog ends the friendships I have made here won’t!

8. What are you wearing right this very minute?

I have to say this question seemed random but okay. I am wearing jean shorts and a tank top. So what were you expecting a black corset with red lace and fishnet? Haven’t been reading my blog very long have you?


  1. You do need to go lingerie shopping. But you better call me before you go. I might try this one soon.


  2. Well, crap... no black corset and fishnets, I'm so very disappointed... you have the house all to yourself this weekend, take a walk on the wild side!

    This was really good stuff. I was really one of your first commenters? Wow, royalty? The sparkl-y reading glasses that are always perched on my head must have looked like a tiara there for a minute.

    You know this one will make the rounds. I can hardly wait to read more answers to these questions.

    ciao bella~

  3. I just love a good meme! And I really like this one! I will try it soon. I am so happy that I was there in the beginning! I figured you were wearing the black corset. I mean I have been looking everywhere for mine, I thought maybe you had borrowed it!


  4. Thanks for the lovely comment on my story about Joe and Corinne. Can you tell me what Fantasy Friday is? I would be happy to contribute.

    Take care and Hugs,
    Purple Angel

  5. Anonymous2:42 AM

    Oh, I like this one! Great answers, too. I wonder how many spanking bloggers got their start reading Bonnie's blog.

    That last question reminds me of smarmy guys on IM who's first question is always "what are you wearing". EWWWW

    *hugs* Suzy

  6. PK, and here was I, hoping for hot pants and a tattooed butt, *G*.
    This is a nice meme, thanks for sharing.
    I've never really wanted to be royalty, but for you PK, anything, was I really one of your first.
    Warm hugs,

  7. I loved reading your answers to this meme!
    Big hugs,

  8. Theresa,
    I liked your answers. I have never really been lingerie shopping maybe after another 20 pounds or so.

    Sorry not a black corset to my name! Yep you guy were the first and I am still very happy whenever I see a comment from any of you!

    You keep looking for that corset, I am sure Tom will be happy when you find it!

    I hope you will do this one. I want to see your answers!

    I left a comment on your site about FF. I hope to be hearing from you!

    I would imaging Bonnie would have quite a few blog offsprings running around out here!

    For me you are really way above royality! No kidding having you comment that day was so exciting! To tell the truth it still is!

    This one was fun bcause I knew all the answers! Give it a try I want to read your answers.

  9. Anonymous8:04 PM

    I really enjoyed your answers to the meme. It looks like a good one...I'll have to give it a try sometime. :)
    padme amidala

  10. Loved your answers and it is great to see some of the reasons behind the blogging. I can certainly identify with many of them.


  11. You did my Meme very proud young lady..
    I give you 10 Whacks!!!

  12. Padme,
    It was fun to do wasn't it. I wanted to tell you I miss you in the diet group at Todd and Suzy's.

    I think a lot of us blog for the same reasons!

    Thanks!! That was a geat meme. Nice of you to drop by.
